Super original. Credit to Auburn for the creativity.
Auburn road unis are mostly white anyway so.....
But the whiteout is a fan participation event. It's nice to hear Auburn may want to support our fans.
Auburn road unis are mostly white anyway so.....
But the whiteout is a fan participation event. It's nice to hear Auburn may want to support our fans.
True, but all white face mask would be new - as would subduing other blue/orange accents…
Regular road uni…
Wrong thread. This thread is about the white Auburn road uniforms.
Wrong thread. This thread is about the white Auburn road uniforms.
As far as the tweet in question is concerned, “Auburn Stuff You Not Might Want to See” does the trick nicely.I took some artistic liberty since I started the thread. Maybe I should change the title to ‘Auburn Stuff’…?
Storm Trooper unis. It’s what we wear on the road. Every. Single. Away. Game.
Very Pitt/ Rutgres like.
All white so they blend in and are harder to see. DuhIf they play in so many intimating SEC stadiums that they wouldn’t be intimidated by Beaver Stadium then what is the motivation to make some special changes to their uniform.l?
Damn. Y’all are looking for dumb shit to worry about.
I have no idea what the Auburn numbers will be like but......Auburn joining in the Whiteout ... white jerseys, white numbers, ... will be hard for the refs to spot illegal receivers.
I have no idea what the Auburn numbers will be like but......
c. Numerals.
1. The jersey must have clearly visible, permanent Arabic numerals measuring at least 8 and 10 inches in height front and back, respectively. The number must be of a color that itself is clearly in distinct contrast with the color of the jersey, irrespective of any border around the number.
2. Teams wearing jerseys/numerals that do not conform to this rule will be asked to change into legal jerseys before the game and before the start of each quarter until the jerseys are changed. Officials shall charge a team timeout at the start of each quarter the illegal jerseys are worn. (A. R. 1-4-5-I)
3. All players of a team shall have the same color and style numbers front and back. The individual bars must be approximately 1-1/2 inches wide. Numbers on any part of the uniform shall correspond with the mandatory front and back jersey numbers.
Yes, but these are not their normal uniforms; they have less color and are much more similar to PSU's normal/only away uniforms.Aren't visiting team uniforms white by rule?
White numbers on white jerseys are illegal. I hope they try that...LOLI didn't actually see the uniform on that clip. Is there an implementation of white numbers on white jerseys for Auburn? If so, beware the ol "center sneak" which hasn't been used since we played back yard football as kids and the backwoods kids did not actually know it was illegal for a center to just keep the ball and run with it...
Exactly. They've played in Tuscaloosa, Death Valley, the Swamp, Athens, and all of those places are more intimidating than some old Erector set up North by a bunch of Yankees...I heard the white out isn’t anything special. Why would Auburn do anything different?
Isnt there a dude that was an Auburb PSU guy that went to CD Prinklestown road but had cheeseburgers stolen by John Redhorn