Franklin and FSU

No it probably isn't today unless he signed something one way or the other. They have been working on an extension for him for a while now, hopefully they finish it up and get it done. If not, just realize he either wanted out or the school wasn't willing to step up to the plate and meet his demands. I understand people get impatient, but he has said time and time again he is happy here, he is from PA, and doesn't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. Maybe that is BS, but it has been 8 years I think he may like it.
Hope you're right. Wasn't this his 6th year, not 8th?
Almost exactly one month ago this article was written. Perhaps he doesn't feel the need to talk about it every week when he's all about THE TEAM.,1481505/

It is possible that there is really nothing PSU can do because Franklin and his wife have decided they want to raise their daughters somewhere else instead of State College, PA. So, there is nothing to do except wait until the USC situation resolves itself and Franklin decides to take that job if available, or he takes the FSU job if the USC job falls through.

Being the wife of a big-time college football coach can be challenging, with the long hours and heavy commitments, but Fumi says they have found their sweet spot in Happy Valley.

“I went to school at Washington State and this reminds me of Pullman, so this is a good speed for us. I like that we can get to James pretty quickly and pretty conveniently,” she says. “Because sometimes he’ll have free time and call and say, ‘What are you guys doing, can you come up for dinner?’ And we have lived places where that is a 45-minute drive, versus a 10-minute drive. So for our family, it works really well.

“It is nice; it is a small community, it is easy to get around, parents and kids know each other,” she adds. “Sports teams, you kind of know the coaches. It works for us. Especially with where our kids are right now, it is a good fit.”

Fumi says she probably has a thicker skin than most others when it comes to dealing with some of the negative talk that comes with the territory.

“I’m a big believer in sort of living in our own world where the things that define James to us are different than the job that he does,” she says. “I always say that being a football coach is what he does, but being a father and a person is who he is.”

She adds later, “I think of the conversations that we have with our kids. One’s in middle school, the other one’s going to be starting middle school, and so they are kind of at an age where they hear the positive and the negative. So we have a lot of conversations about leading the right way and that their dad’s commitment is to the person and the young man that they’re mentoring and that he will never sacrifice their well-being off the field or on the field for the game.

“Our fear with our kids was always the amount of time that James would have to spend away from home because of his career. And I think being somewhere that has been so accepting of our family and that is a community that is so supportive of the university in general and of the football program, sort of validates what he does for our girls. And I think that that makes them feel very much like they’re a part of the program. It is not just what happens here, but out in the community when people have nice things to say and they get to hear that or they see that football poster on the wall in places around town, it makes them feel like they are part of something special.”

And while James might be perceived as the tough-minded football coach, Fumi says he is the more sensitive parent.

“He is pretty similar (as a parent) to the kind of coach he is,” she says. “He cares a lot. He is in the details. He’s paying attention. He is ambitious in his career, but I think he’s equally ambitious to provide a happy home for me and for our girls and a stable home for us. So I think with James, what you see is what you get. I mean, he’s the nicer, the more sensitive one of us, the warmer, the less sarcastic one of us. So, I would probably say the more patient one of us.”

“It is funny though,” James says, “because I don’t know that people would think that when they think of the football coach. People will come up to Fumi all the time and say, ‘Is he yelling and screaming and running around?’ because that is how they view me or view a coach, and it’s very different than that.”

“Yeah. I mean, James at home is pretty easygoing. I mean, he still has some OCD tendencies, but I just ignore them and at home he just has to let it go,” Fumi says with a laugh.
Ridiculous. And I personally dont give a shit what you are sick of hearing. It's a fu*king message board moron, if you dont like it, I'd advise you either dont read posts that upset your sensibilities or you put me on ignore. Tying to be an internet tough guy isnt going to do damn thing.
Ignore DONE!!!!

Being the wife of a big-time college football coach can be challenging, with the long hours and heavy commitments, but Fumi says they have found their sweet spot in Happy Valley.

“I went to school at Washington State and this reminds me of Pullman, so this is a good speed for us. I like that we can get to James pretty quickly and pretty conveniently,” she says. “Because sometimes he’ll have free time and call and say, ‘What are you guys doing, can you come up for dinner?’ And we have lived places where that is a 45-minute drive, versus a 10-minute drive. So for our family, it works really well.

“It is nice; it is a small community, it is easy to get around, parents and kids know each other,” she adds. “Sports teams, you kind of know the coaches. It works for us. Especially with where our kids are right now, it is a good fit.”

Fumi says she probably has a thicker skin than most others when it comes to dealing with some of the negative talk that comes with the territory.

“I’m a big believer in sort of living in our own world where the things that define James to us are different than the job that he does,” she says. “I always say that being a football coach is what he does, but being a father and a person is who he is.”

She adds later, “I think of the conversations that we have with our kids. One’s in middle school, the other one’s going to be starting middle school, and so they are kind of at an age where they hear the positive and the negative. So we have a lot of conversations about leading the right way and that their dad’s commitment is to the person and the young man that they’re mentoring and that he will never sacrifice their well-being off the field or on the field for the game.

“Our fear with our kids was always the amount of time that James would have to spend away from home because of his career. And I think being somewhere that has been so accepting of our family and that is a community that is so supportive of the university in general and of the football program, sort of validates what he does for our girls. And I think that that makes them feel very much like they’re a part of the program. It is not just what happens here, but out in the community when people have nice things to say and they get to hear that or they see that football poster on the wall in places around town, it makes them feel like they are part of something special.”

And while James might be perceived as the tough-minded football coach, Fumi says he is the more sensitive parent.

“He is pretty similar (as a parent) to the kind of coach he is,” she says. “He cares a lot. He is in the details. He’s paying attention. He is ambitious in his career, but I think he’s equally ambitious to provide a happy home for me and for our girls and a stable home for us. So I think with James, what you see is what you get. I mean, he’s the nicer, the more sensitive one of us, the warmer, the less sarcastic one of us. So, I would probably say the more patient one of us.”

“It is funny though,” James says, “because I don’t know that people would think that when they think of the football coach. People will come up to Fumi all the time and say, ‘Is he yelling and screaming and running around?’ because that is how they view me or view a coach, and it’s very different than that.”

“Yeah. I mean, James at home is pretty easygoing. I mean, he still has some OCD tendencies, but I just ignore them and at home he just has to let it go,” Fumi says with a laugh.

First of all, let me say that I hope like hell that CJF stays at Penn State for many years. I honestly don't think we can find a coach who will represent himself, the university, and the football program better than him when you consider all aspects of the job - recruiting, on the field success, academically, and in the community.

Do you know the context in which that article was written?

CJF was designated as the award winner of some type of "Renaissance Man" of the year and was going to be recognized at some highbrow dinner In State College this past October. So, the local town magazine requested an interview with the Franklin family as a result of this recognition. Under those circumstances, would you expect her to say anything other than glowing accolades about the community?

I have no reason to not take her at her word.

Likewise, I am completely open to the idea that people say all sorts of things publicly that serve their best interests at the time. It's called "political correctness".

I have said it before on this board, nobody on this board really knows how she and CJF feel about raising their daughters in State College PA as compared to the opportunity to raise their daughters in a different area of the country. We could each come up with a dozen reasons to raise your kids in State College or raise them in LA. There is no right or wrong answer - it is a subjective decision that CJF and his wife will make IF they are given options.

I always say "look at what someone does, not what they say". On that premise, I point out there was a reason CJF negotiated a ridiculously low buyout of only $1 million if he decided to leave PSU under his own decision as opposed to being fired. It was to leave the door open to a potentially better situation (in his mind). We are going to find out soon if he considers USC or FSU a potentially better situation for his career and personal life.
Hate to agree with a Nole fan, but I do agree. FSU wants big boy football and will stop at nothing now. Penn State should take notes, or be thrilled to win 9-10 games a year, either is acceptable.
FSU realizes we are not in the Bowden years anymore.

We need to pony up the money to compete with those SE schools like Clemson, UGa, Bama, etc. The Admin is going all out at this point asking for increased donations to pay for coaches salaries, facilities, support staff etc.

Like someone else posted, our facilities are not trash. I would say they are certainly Top 20, but need to be Top 10. We have an Indoor practice facility that is super nice and are building a FOF very soon.

Jimbo needed a fresh start after his divorce and his personality did not jive with the Boosters, Fans or Admin. He left the program in shambles (putting it mildly). Taggart was a disaster that brought the program down even further.

Now, we are trying to get the program back to the glory days and lots of money will be needed.
I have said it before on this board, nobody on this board really knows how she and CJF feel about raising their daughters in State College PA as compared to the opportunity to raise their daughters in a different area of the country. We could each come up with a dozen reasons to raise your kids in State College or raise them in LA. There is no right or wrong answer - it is a subjective decision that CJF and his wife will make IF they are given options.
So you are calling her a liar? She CLEARLY states what she thinks in the article. She didn't have to do the interview, yet she did and said what she said. Too bad you don't like her answers. Now STFU about it.
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So you are calling her a liar? She CLEARLY states what she thinks in the article. She didn't have to do the interview, yet she did and said what she said. Too bad you don't like her answers. Now STFU about it.

What part of this statement did you not understand?

"I have no reason to not take her at her word."

Where did I say I didn't like her answers?

Let me put this another way ... my guess is that the vast majority of posters on this board are white males - probably middle-aged or older. We see State College and Penn State through our own eyes and experiences.

I am not arrogant enough to think that a young, black, mother of two young girls (who is very much in the minority in State College) will have the same views that I have developed towards the people and the area. I am open to the idea that her viewpoints may very well be different than mine and it would be career suicide for her and her husband if she were to say anything other than positive thoughts in an interview like the one above.

Look, I hope that she loves State College and she and CJF want to stay forever. I hope she has nothing but great experiences. I hope her daughters love their schools and friends and have nothing but joy in their lives.

But, I am not going to be ignorant of the fact that people make decisions all the time that they believe is in the best interest of their careers and family life. And sometimes ... those decisions don't match up with wishes of rabid fans of sports teams.

So, time for you to STFU.
So you're hanging your argument on the intelligence and big picture thinking of Florida State Football fans - the same ones who drove Jimbo Fisher to leave for the #4 school in the SEC West. About par for the course with you.

If Franklin wants to go he should just go. Starting to become obvious he doesn't view himself as a fit for Penn State. We'll survive.

FSU fan here. I need to correct something re: Jimbo Fisher. It is very inaccurate to say he was driven from FSU. Every year he or his agent did leak rumors of moving (to LSU usually) and he would get some concessions or some bumps to his contract. That did build some resentment but he was not run out. He flirted with and apparently took the aTm job early in his last season, maybe before. He denied the rumors all year but meanwhile he and his staff quit recruiting in early October. He figuratively and later literally quit on his team. His players quit on him at some point. It was a sleazy way to conduct himself to the point where, when he finally left, it was good riddance. We actually could not have fired him with his contract, so, aTm may have done us a favor. Things were going south under his watch in many ways too long to report here, some of it involving his family life to the point that it was better for him and for us that he left.
Problem was we hired a guy on the rebound (in 4 days) who loved FSU but was not really up for the job. A bad hire led by our former AD. It happens. I do credit our admin for recognizing the mistake and rectifying it sooner than later. We'll see who the next hire is but they are at least being more thorough.
As for Franklin, most FSU fans think he would be a great hire but most of us don't know why he would leave a good situation at PSU for what seems like a lateral move. We can argue that maybe he has more chance of a Natty at FSU but our program is currently in worse shape. Most of us don't think he's realistic to get unless there is something going on behind the scenes that makes him less than happy at PSU. Y'all would know that better than us. The low buyout is a thing though. That should get changed if you want to keep him.
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Question to our Nole visitor friends......

Did you all consider Mario Cristobal before hiring Taggart? I realize he's a Miami grad, but still.....

What the hell was going through the collective minds when you hired Taggart? Every Oregon fan I knew was joyous when FSU poached him. Clearly they knew something that apparently FSU didn't.
I am not arrogant enough to think that a young, black, mother of two young girls (who is very much in the minority in State College) will have the same views that I have developed towards the people and the area.
Really? Maybe her life isn't defined by race. In fact, she said the area reminds her of Pullman. An area she absolutley loves. Quit while you're behind.

"The population of Pullman, WA is 73.1% White Alone, 11.4% Asian Alone, and 6.72% Hispanic or Latino. N/A% of the people in Pullman, WA speak a non-English language, and 89.3% are U.S. citizens."
Franklin's name trending away from being the next FSU coach per Vegas; names in front of him include Matt Campbell and Mark Stoops.
First of all, let me say that I hope like hell that CJF stays at Penn State for many years. I honestly don't think we can find a coach who will represent himself, the university, and the football program better than him when you consider all aspects of the job - recruiting, on the field success, academically, and in the community.

Do you know the context in which that article was written?

CJF was designated as the award winner of some type of "Renaissance Man" of the year and was going to be recognized at some highbrow dinner In State College this past October. So, the local town magazine requested an interview with the Franklin family as a result of this recognition. Under those circumstances, would you expect her to say anything other than glowing accolades about the community?

I have no reason to not take her at her word.

Likewise, I am completely open to the idea that people say all sorts of things publicly that serve their best interests at the time. It's called "political correctness".

I have said it before on this board, nobody on this board really knows how she and CJF feel about raising their daughters in State College PA as compared to the opportunity to raise their daughters in a different area of the country. We could each come up with a dozen reasons to raise your kids in State College or raise them in LA. There is no right or wrong answer - it is a subjective decision that CJF and his wife will make IF they are given options.

I always say "look at what someone does, not what they say". On that premise, I point out there was a reason CJF negotiated a ridiculously low buyout of only $1 million if he decided to leave PSU under his own decision as opposed to being fired. It was to leave the door open to a potentially better situation (in his mind). We are going to find out soon if he considers USC or FSU a potentially better situation for his career and personal life.

in the middle of recruiting season, I am not sure whey Franklin does not immediately get in front of the cameras and in a very specific detailed way deny he is going anywhere = no qualifications or weasel words. he could have Sandy and his agent straddle him - then take questions and confirm again.

if he considers PSU his dream job, why would he delay. Jimbah did this very quickly a few months ago when rumors were around his departure. JH also called all the recruits and talked to the families. this is simple and would not take long to do.

so WHY is he not doing this? how does he treat recruits who verballed to PSU but look around?
First of all, let me say that I hope like hell that CJF stays at Penn State for many years. I honestly don't think we can find a coach who will represent himself, the university, and the football program better than him when you consider all aspects of the job - recruiting, on the field success, academically, and in the community.

Do you know the context in which that article was written?

CJF was designated as the award winner of some type of "Renaissance Man" of the year and was going to be recognized at some highbrow dinner In State College this past October. So, the local town magazine requested an interview with the Franklin family as a result of this recognition. Under those circumstances, would you expect her to say anything other than glowing accolades about the community?

I have no reason to not take her at her word.

Likewise, I am completely open to the idea that people say all sorts of things publicly that serve their best interests at the time. It's called "political correctness".

I have said it before on this board, nobody on this board really knows how she and CJF feel about raising their daughters in State College PA as compared to the opportunity to raise their daughters in a different area of the country. We could each come up with a dozen reasons to raise your kids in State College or raise them in LA. There is no right or wrong answer - it is a subjective decision that CJF and his wife will make IF they are given options.

I always say "look at what someone does, not what they say". On that premise, I point out there was a reason CJF negotiated a ridiculously low buyout of only $1 million if he decided to leave PSU under his own decision as opposed to being fired. It was to leave the door open to a potentially better situation (in his mind). We are going to find out soon if he considers USC or FSU a potentially better situation for his career and personal life.

in the middle of recruiting season, I am not sure whey Franklin does not immediately get in front of the cameras and in a very specific detailed way deny he is going anywhere = no qualifications or weasel words. he could have Sandy and his agent straddle him - then take questions and confirm again.

if he considers PSU his dream job, why would he delay. Jimbah did this very quickly a few months ago when rumors were around his departure. JH also called all the recruits and talked to the families. this is simple and would not take long to do.

so WHY is he not doing this? how does he treat recruits who verballed to PSU but look around?
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First of all, let me say that I hope like hell that CJF stays at Penn State for many years. I honestly don't think we can find a coach who will represent himself, the university, and the football program better than him when you consider all aspects of the job - recruiting, on the field success, academically, and in the community.

Do you know the context in which that article was written?

CJF was designated as the award winner of some type of "Renaissance Man" of the year and was going to be recognized at some highbrow dinner In State College this past October. So, the local town magazine requested an interview with the Franklin family as a result of this recognition. Under those circumstances, would you expect her to say anything other than glowing accolades about the community?

I have no reason to not take her at her word.

Likewise, I am completely open to the idea that people say all sorts of things publicly that serve their best interests at the time. It's called "political correctness".

I have said it before on this board, nobody on this board really knows how she and CJF feel about raising their daughters in State College PA as compared to the opportunity to raise their daughters in a different area of the country. We could each come up with a dozen reasons to raise your kids in State College or raise them in LA. There is no right or wrong answer - it is a subjective decision that CJF and his wife will make IF they are given options.

I always say "look at what someone does, not what they say". On that premise, I point out there was a reason CJF negotiated a ridiculously low buyout of only $1 million if he decided to leave PSU under his own decision as opposed to being fired. It was to leave the door open to a potentially better situation (in his mind). We are going to find out soon if he considers USC or FSU a potentially better situation for his career and personal life.

in the middle of recruiting season, I am not sure whey Franklin does not immediately get in front of the cameras and in a very specific detailed way deny he is going anywhere = no qualifications or weasel words. he could have Sandy and his agent straddle him - then take questions and confirm again.

if he considers PSU his dream job, why would he delay. Jimbah did this very quickly a few months ago when rumors were around his departure. JH also called all the recruits and talked to the families. this is simple and would not take long to do.

so WHY is he not doing this? how does he treat recruits who verballed to PSU but look around?
in the middle of recruiting season, I am not sure whey Franklin does not immediately get in front of the cameras and in a very specific detailed way deny he is going anywhere = no qualifications or weasel words. he could have Sandy and his agent straddle him - then take questions and confirm again.

if he considers PSU his dream job, why would he delay. Jimbah did this very quickly a few months ago when rumors were around his departure. JH also called all the recruits and talked to the families. this is simple and would not take long to do.

so WHY is he not doing this? how does he treat recruits who verballed to PSU but look around?

If and when there is an offer we'll know about it (probably). Nothing for CJF to respond to right now - no need to make a big deal about it. As for Harbaugh, I can't imagine any legit big time program would pay or do more than Michigan is already doing for him. He's the most overpaid coach with the most job security in the history of college football.
in the middle of recruiting season, I am not sure whey Franklin does not immediately get in front of the cameras and in a very specific detailed way deny he is going anywhere = no qualifications or weasel words. he could have Sandy and his agent straddle him - then take questions and confirm again.

if he considers PSU his dream job, why would he delay. Jimbah did this very quickly a few months ago when rumors were around his departure. JH also called all the recruits and talked to the families. this is simple and would not take long to do.

so WHY is he not doing this? how does he treat recruits who verballed to PSU but look around?
They have been working on this extension for a little while apparently. You don’t know what is going on so you’re freaking out. The recruits and staff can talk to them. Relax and stop working yourself up. If he leaves, nobody here can do sh!t about it.
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in the middle of recruiting season, I am not sure whey Franklin does not immediately get in front of the cameras and in a very specific detailed way deny he is going anywhere = no qualifications or weasel words. he could have Sandy and his agent straddle him - then take questions and confirm again.

if he considers PSU his dream job, why would he delay. Jimbah did this very quickly a few months ago when rumors were around his departure. JH also called all the recruits and talked to the families. this is simple and would not take long to do.

so WHY is he not doing this? how does he treat recruits who verballed to PSU but look around?

Think he's doing it just to piss you off, blion.
Haven't read the entire stream but being in FL can offer comments from FL newspapers. Franklin is FSU's #1 target. FSU is soliciting high profile donors to increase pledges by 20% for a new coach and upgraded facilities. Further the article mentions Franklin's low buy out, but also the 17M due ousted coach Taggart. FSU feels Franklin has created excellent FL recruiting ties and mentioned the two verbally committed RB's from FL. Went on to add FSU feels Franklin can flip a number of his recruits.
But why would he go there?

When PSU and FSU are both at their best, they are equal programs.

PSU is currently a top 10 program. FSU is a major rebuild.

FSU's pockets are not significantly larger (if at all) than PSU's.

He's from PA. He seems happy at PSU.

Not crapping on FSU, but seriously, why would he consider that?
But why would he go there?

When PSU and FSU are both at their best, they are equal programs.

PSU is currently a top 10 program. FSU is a major rebuild.

FSU's pockets are not significantly larger (if at all) than PSU's.

He's from PA. He seems happy at PSU.

Not crapping on FSU, but seriously, why would he consider that?
Franklin has never said he is interested in going there....there is no reason whatsoever for anyone to think he wants to go there...but that won’t stop posters on this board from letting their imaginations run wild. By reading this board Franklin should have been gone 20 times over the last few years, yet he’s still here.
Franklin has never said he is interested in going there....there is no reason whatsoever for anyone to think he wants to go there...but that won’t stop posters on this board from letting their imaginations run wild. By reading this board Franklin should have been gone 20 times over the last few years, yet he’s still here.

So we can start to speculate when he says, "I am interested in going elsewhere"

He is clearly not satisfied with the situation at Penn State on a number of fronts and will be gone sooner rather than later.

Welcome home Coach Rhule!!
So we can start to speculate when he says, "I am interested in going elsewhere"

He is clearly not satisfied with the situation at Penn State on a number of fronts and will be gone sooner rather than later.

Welcome home Coach Rhule!!
He’s not going anywhere, but you keep dreaming. “A number of fronts”...that’s funny.

Being the wife of a big-time college football coach can be challenging, with the long hours and heavy commitments, but Fumi says they have found their sweet spot in Happy Valley.

“I went to school at Washington State and this reminds me of Pullman, so this is a good speed for us. I like that we can get to James pretty quickly and pretty conveniently,” she says. “Because sometimes he’ll have free time and call and say, ‘What are you guys doing, can you come up for dinner?’ And we have lived places where that is a 45-minute drive, versus a 10-minute drive. So for our family, it works really well.

“It is nice; it is a small community, it is easy to get around, parents and kids know each other,” she adds. “Sports teams, you kind of know the coaches. It works for us. Especially with where our kids are right now, it is a good fit.”

Fumi says she probably has a thicker skin than most others when it comes to dealing with some of the negative talk that comes with the territory.

“I’m a big believer in sort of living in our own world where the things that define James to us are different than the job that he does,” she says. “I always say that being a football coach is what he does, but being a father and a person is who he is.”

She adds later, “I think of the conversations that we have with our kids. One’s in middle school, the other one’s going to be starting middle school, and so they are kind of at an age where they hear the positive and the negative. So we have a lot of conversations about leading the right way and that their dad’s commitment is to the person and the young man that they’re mentoring and that he will never sacrifice their well-being off the field or on the field for the game.

“Our fear with our kids was always the amount of time that James would have to spend away from home because of his career. And I think being somewhere that has been so accepting of our family and that is a community that is so supportive of the university in general and of the football program, sort of validates what he does for our girls. And I think that that makes them feel very much like they’re a part of the program. It is not just what happens here, but out in the community when people have nice things to say and they get to hear that or they see that football poster on the wall in places around town, it makes them feel like they are part of something special.”

And while James might be perceived as the tough-minded football coach, Fumi says he is the more sensitive parent.

“He is pretty similar (as a parent) to the kind of coach he is,” she says. “He cares a lot. He is in the details. He’s paying attention. He is ambitious in his career, but I think he’s equally ambitious to provide a happy home for me and for our girls and a stable home for us. So I think with James, what you see is what you get. I mean, he’s the nicer, the more sensitive one of us, the warmer, the less sarcastic one of us. So, I would probably say the more patient one of us.”

“It is funny though,” James says, “because I don’t know that people would think that when they think of the football coach. People will come up to Fumi all the time and say, ‘Is he yelling and screaming and running around?’ because that is how they view me or view a coach, and it’s very different than that.”

“Yeah. I mean, James at home is pretty easygoing. I mean, he still has some OCD tendencies, but I just ignore them and at home he just has to let it go,” Fumi says with a laugh.
Special coach, special family. Glad he is @ PSU
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They have been working on this extension for a little while apparently. You don’t know what is going on so you’re freaking out. The recruits and staff can talk to them. Relax and stop working yourself up. If he leaves, nobody here can do sh!t about it.
Admittedly, good points. And not the end of the world if he leaves. This is supposed to be entertainment, not real critical to our everyday lives.
Makes sense now if that is who he is. I've had PPB on ignore for a good while and it's time to rid the lawn of this trash too. As his name would suggest, he's about as dumb a poster as I've seen here.

Cover your ears and block out dissent. How weak you must consider your position.
"I don't see things changing anytime soon"

And you take that at face value. Now THAT'S funny!!
And what in his tenure at PSU makes you think we can’t take it at face value? There are usually hints that a coach is going to leave....Franklin’s not going anywhere. How many of these rumors are you going to swallow hook, line and sinker?
Work with a FSU alum. FWIW his take is why would JF go there. He’s very in tune being alumni and die hard and says it’s an absolute mess there and they are running out of options. Said it makes no sense. Gave them getting Franklin from all he understands about a 1% chance.
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