Game Thread, PSU - Minnesota

Where are all the little whiny bitches? They are such football experts how come we haven't been treated to their constant commentary as to how PSU has looked in the 3rd Quarter? Is outscoring a team 17-0 in the Quarter good or bad? Is it possible to win a game when your ahead by a TD with more than a Quarter to go?
I agree. But of whiney birches when things are going bad, but no where to be found when things improve. Where is the loser that said "game over" two hours ago?
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Don't like 41 and 54 at DT at all and 33 at OLB, put the athletes in and let'em rest tomorrow!
41 and 54 had great moments this year. They are nothing like we are used to, but there isn't enough "athletes" to put in there that are much better.
I know he's been a whipping boy on here, but Marcus Allen is having one hell of a game.
Awe, what a cute little whiny bitch - yea, that 3rd Quarter really sucked and there was a whole lot of poor tackling as Minny punted 3 times in 3rd Quarter and scored 0 points....
What's comical is that nobody whines more incessantly about the Big Ten in general and the referees in particular. The anger and the whining and the name-calling are virtually nonstop. Only the targets change.
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Why didn't the replay official use his ability to call the penalty on 35 the first time he attacked Julius earlier in the game? If the goal is to protect players, then he failed to do that by an act of omission. Another screwup by the big ten officials. Last week's replay official learned he did not know how to interpret the rule, apparently this guy has the same problem.
I don't have the numbers but it seems like our punts are not very good today. I hope we don'y have a "fair weather" punter who will struggle when the weather changes.
Why don't we focus on Rodney Smith the way Minnesota focuses on Barkley?