Game Thread, PSU - Minnesota

I love the way Franklin fights for his players... By standing silent chewing his gum with his arms crossed. Loser.
Gee, no b1g shizhole flag to extend Minny's drive? Minny's only first down this half courtesy of more bull$hit officiating. Amazing how they call a flag that extends Minny's drive, but Minny OL are tackling PSU defenders on a dominant rushing PSU team this half and not a single holding flag. Awesome......
Very good job of stepping up by the defense. They look much better and much more fired up this half.
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That was certainly much more of a targeting potential than Smith's last week. The point in favor of PSU was that initial contact was with the shoulder...the point against PSU is that 52 lowered his head to make the hit, and that's really dumb out of 52.
Didn't even touch the helmet

Yep. Helmet hit shoulder pads. While the announcers were bending over backward to confirm the call, they never noticed that the Minny players head/ helmet never moved. Kind of hard to have a head to head hit where the stationary players helmet never moves.
Complain all you want, undisciplined play by Cothran. Maybe that's why he's been in the doghouse.
I don't get that play. Why stop your momentum and turn around?
It's a stick route. The TE has the option to either turn and sit in the zone or turn it onto a quick out based on the linebacker. In that case, I think 88 was supposed to turn it into an out because the LB bit up inside.
Impressive effort this half. Would love to see the defense step up again this next drive.
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Impressed by the players attitude here ---- they had all the opportunity to quit in the early 3rd Quarter and they kept on fighting. Players do seem to like each other, that's a good sign.
PSU takes the lead 20-13 with 17 minutes and 27 seconds, but they clearly have no chance of winning this game and we haven't heard a word from the bitchers as PSU has outscored Minny 17-0 in 3rd and Minny has one ref-aided 1st down in the period....but again, no incenssant posting from the little troll bitches??? Go figure!!!
I hope that was a run pass option because otherwise that was a weak attempt at a block by Giesecki.
McSorley really took a shot on that TD. So far quarter 3 has been pretty good. - with exception of Cothren's play.
Gee, aren't the b1g shizhole refs awesome, see what they've created with all their bull$hit and failure to control Minny (including their every play holding by their OL)??? Now we have another player hurt.....awesome.
Dirty hit of course, but will give credit to how Minny coaches / sideline handled it. Before refs even made call, coach came right over and took his helmet right off his head.
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Where are all the little whiny bitches? They are such football experts how come we haven't been treated to their constant commentary as to how PSU has looked in the 3rd Quarter? Is outscoring a team 17-0 in the Quarter good or bad? Is it possible to win a game when your ahead by a TD with more than a Quarter to go?
Don't like 41 and 54 at DT at all and 33 at OLB, put the athletes in and let'em rest tomorrow!