I have a problem with what he said about Smith. I guess he could just be pointing out an appearance trait like saying I have big ears(I do), but there is a long history of racial characterizations that you just can't discuss. I have way less of a problem with memes about women referees and while I think the term "fa**ot" is insensitive, 10 years ago, I am not sure it carried the same meaning. I will admit I have used the term in place of "lame" or a "wussy" in years past. It took some learning to understand that it is inappropriate. The point is, outside of Gruden's depictions of Smith, the rest of this seems to be a "fill in the gap" exploits by the media to take down someone that is threatening to the "narrative' of unbridled acceptance. I am all for racists losing their jobs, but outside of this comment about Smith, can we confirm Gruden is a racist? Does calling someone a "fa**ot" 10 years ago guarantee they are a bigot?(kobe got in some trouble for this back in his playing days, he didn't lose his job). Are we as a society comfortable labeling people based on personal email communication years ago and firing them? I'm not going to blame this on cancel culture, Gruden wrote some inflammatory stuff, stuff that gets you fired, but I think it would be wise not to pile on here and label him a racist and homophobe. How many of us would pass the current social test to have all of our personal communications examined over say 10 years?