Gruden is done

Not keeping a close track of the timeline, but if Chuckie had taken the job the emails might never have been written.......... or he might have composed similar ones while in the employ of Dear Old State.
Bro, Gruden was never coming to PSU. He has demonstrated through his words and actions that he had no interest in coaching in college.
Right. Again rules only apply to one group of bigots and racists. Growing up in a mixed neighborhood of S Philly, I‘ll tell you there wasn’t a day that went by when you weren’t called some thing derogatory. By today’s standard we would all have a label attached to us. And by the way, we all got along went to school together and hung out daily. I went to S Philly High and was the minority, I will guantee most of you can’t say the same.
Gruden‘s beliefs are his, just like each of you have your own. When you let someone else’s thoughts and beliefs affect you then you are the problem. This is no different the a white person fighting for the rights of someone that doesn’t have a problem. White hatred of other white people on the premise of defending freedom and calling everyone racist because they don’t aggree with other people’s beliefs has caused more hate and division in this country then any group of racist and bigots.
Right. Again rules only apply to one group of bigots and racists. Growing up in a mixed neighborhood of S Philly, I‘ll tell you there wasn’t a day that went by when you weren’t called some thing derogatory. By today’s standard we would all have a label attached to us. And by the way, we all got along went to school together and hung out daily. I went to S Philly High and was the minority, I will guantee most of you can’t say the same.

Gruden‘s beliefs are his, just like each of you have your own. When you let someone else’s thoughts and beliefs affect you then you are the problem. This is no different the a white person fighting for the rights of someone that doesn’t have a problem. White hatred of other white people on the premise of defending freedom and calling everyone racist because they don’t aggree with other people’s beliefs has caused more hate and division in this country then any group of racist and bigots.
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Who is going to do the deep work to unveil how ESPN allowed this for as long as they did? Surely, they deserve to take some heat for this, right? Cancel ESPN?

Thou shall not worship a midget ginger serial killer doll nor a George Floyd or Paul Bear statue, nor murder George Floyd- either thru Communist manifactured fentanyl nor via an autistic BlueBoi.

To work or not work for or associate with ESPN Mickey Mouse SEC Boss Hawg Cartman Playhouse- that is open to interpretation... but by my estimation- yes they are sophist blackmailing jagoffs waiting and hissing in the grass. Paulsters dont watch ESPN SEC boss hawg boss Fineblaum Playhouse unless there is a game on.
So it was all about the pressure to draft a gay. player? It didn't matter he used anit-gay slurs too?

When men disparage women routinely inside and outside of the workplace it promotes a damaging view of women. And it's also clear that the Redskins had some pretty poor views on women already. So these things perpetuate themselves. These perpetuated views hurt all women over time and for a long time. It hurts the greater good. And the greater good is important. It's important for our wives, our daughter, and even gay sons. We already know women don't make the same percentage of the dollar that men make doing the same job. This stuff has to stop in organizations if we are really going to treat them as equals.

the stats actually show that women and men make very close to the same thing for doing the same job. That being said, I have no problem with Gruden being fired or resigning for some of the comments made in his emails that have come to light.
Michael Sam probably did get drafted only because he was gay and a feel good story but it turns out he was just an attention whore who was exactly what every scout projected. Too slow and too small.

Gruden has outwardly praised Nassib multiple times. Not that it justifies the rest of his stupidity.
Michael Sam probably did get drafted only because he was gay and a feel good story but it turns out he was just an attention whore who was exactly what every scout projected. Too slow and too small.
He was an All-American and the SEC Defensive player of the year…not exactly a stretch to see him get taken in the 7th Round, regardless of his sexuality. I’m sure others could argue that someone with his resume should have gone earlier (while ignoring the measurables).
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Pretty crazy that a guy being forced to resign for sending racist, homophobic, and sexist emails over a long period of time is somehow seen as a political issue.
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Michael Sam probably did get drafted only because he was gay and a feel good story but it turns out he was just an attention whore who was exactly what every scout projected. Too slow and too small.

Gruden has outwardly praised Nassib multiple times. Not that it justifies the rest of his stupidity.
What I could never figure out, and I will admit I didn't see Sam play in college, but wasn't this guy live SEC Co-Defensive MVP or something like that? Was this just media hype? I generally don't expect a player like that to flame out so fast in the pros, especially from the SEC. Always thought it was odd.
What I could never figure out, and I will admit I didn't see Sam play in college, but wasn't this guy live SEC Co-Defensive MVP or something like that? Was this just media hype? I generally don't expect a player like that to flame out so fast in the pros, especially from the SEC. Always thought it was odd.
He was an excellent college player whose skill set didn't translate to the NFL. Scouts did not rate him well before the draft and his stock actually fell after showing badly at the combine. I would compare it to the situation most of the guys on PSU '86 defense; they were very football players, just not NFL good.

Sam did something many would do in a similar situation - he tried to capitalize on it. Others overhyped him ignoring what just about every talent evaluator said. There are about a million ways to address the situation without demeaning Sam or making disparaging comments about his sexual orientation; stupidly, Gruden didn't choose one of those ways.
I have a problem with what he said about Smith. I guess he could just be pointing out an appearance trait like saying I have big ears(I do), but there is a long history of racial characterizations that you just can't discuss. I have way less of a problem with memes about women referees and while I think the term "fa**ot" is insensitive, 10 years ago, I am not sure it carried the same meaning. I will admit I have used the term in place of "lame" or a "wussy" in years past. It took some learning to understand that it is inappropriate. The point is, outside of Gruden's depictions of Smith, the rest of this seems to be a "fill in the gap" exploits by the media to take down someone that is threatening to the "narrative' of unbridled acceptance. I am all for racists losing their jobs, but outside of this comment about Smith, can we confirm Gruden is a racist? Does calling someone a "fa**ot" 10 years ago guarantee they are a bigot?(kobe got in some trouble for this back in his playing days, he didn't lose his job). Are we as a society comfortable labeling people based on personal email communication years ago and firing them? I'm not going to blame this on cancel culture, Gruden wrote some inflammatory stuff, stuff that gets you fired, but I think it would be wise not to pile on here and label him a racist and homophobe. How many of us would pass the current social test to have all of our personal communications examined over say 10 years?
What trouble was Kobe in? He was canonized.
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He was an excellent college player whose skill set didn't translate to the NFL. Scouts did not rate him well before the draft and his stock actually fell after showing badly at the combine. I would compare it to the situation most of the guys on PSU '86 defense; they were very football players, just not NFL good.

Sam did something many would do in a similar situation - he tried to capitalize on it. Others overhyped him ignoring what just about every talent evaluator said. There are about a million ways to address the situation without demeaning Sam or making disparaging comments about his sexual orientation; stupidly, Gruden didn't choose one of those ways.

exactly, his choice of words there is one of the biggest things I have seen that did him in.
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So it was all about the pressure to draft a gay. player? It didn't matter he used anit-gay slurs too?

When men disparage women routinely inside and outside of the workplace it promotes a damaging view of women. And it's also clear that the Redskins had some pretty poor views on women already. So these things perpetuate themselves. These perpetuated views hurt all women over time and for a long time. It hurts the greater good. And the greater good is important. It's important for our wives, our daughter, and even gay sons. We already know women don't make the same percentage of the dollar that men make doing the same job. This stuff has to stop in organizations if we are really going to treat them as equals.
Done on this board hourly…sometimes to the applause of monitors…but I digress
What a joke. We have sitting in the white the leader of all racist, but because he is a leftist nothing is ever done. His racism is documented many times over during his years in politics. This is nothing more than trying to shut up someone who disagrees with the leftist agenda.
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Wow, Kaepernick got cancelled for using racist, sexist, homophobic language? What a cruel and crazy world!
Colin got cancelled by being the face of a Nike Campaign? As I said Gruden got what he deserved but the two situations aren't exactly the same.
"Dumboriss Smith has lips the size of Michelin tires" in reference to the lockout and Smith's words regarding the whole situation.

Seriously... 5th grade? Dumboriss?😂
So, you are in a conflict relationship with an African American man, and in one sentence of one email you both call him stupid and make fun of the size of his lips. Just what in the hillbilly hell do you THINK is going to happen when that gets out?
It is a private business. If you do not like it, do not go. Really, how hard is this?

Nope. On the contrary. Going to keep going.

Racist, unintelligible “music” is apparently the thing today. That’s why us old guys kid about it so much. You guys on message boards and in the msm complain and push the narrative, we have to listen.

But GREAT gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙂🙂🙂🙂
Nope. On the contrary. Going to keep going.

Racist, unintelligible “music” is apparently the thing today. That’s why us old guys kid about it so much. You guys on message boards and in the msm complain and push the narrative, we have to listen.

But GREAT gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙂🙂🙂🙂
Always your choice, but you do not get to set their policy for them.
If your delicate sensibilities were offended by Gruden's emails, blame the media. They are the ones that put the emails out there.

Gruden comes across like a normal guy to me. Not a guy that will cry if someone calls him a name. Newsflash: there are a lot of us out there. 99% of the people I know fall in this category. So Gruden knows there are people that you can email stuff like this (in a PRIVATE email), and people you can't (because they will cry like a little bitch).

Gruden was emailing his friends. I email/text my friends some awful shit. Call them some terrible things. Again, these are private conversations, and no serious conclusion can be drawn from the content of these conversations. It's fun, harmless shit talking. It is possible to say some awful shit in PRIVATE conversations, and still be a good person. Still be a person whose ACTIONS are honorable. And regarding these types of conversations, I'm not going to have similar conversations with Joe Peace Corps, or the head of the Sierra Club. I know my audience.

So if the sports media is so horrified by the atrocities spoken in these emails, and concerned about the pain these terrible words will cause, they have no one to blame but themselves. They put it out for public consumption, when that was not the intent.
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He did not say they were the "texture" of Michelin tires. He used the word "size" IN THE COMMENT.
If Gruden's email made fun of the size of Mick Jagger's lips, would that be racist?

Call me crazy, but I kind of find it racist to assume that making fun of D. Smith's lips has some sort of racial overtones. Wouldn't have occurred to ME, at least.
If Gruden's email made fun of the size of Mick Jagger's lips, would that be racist?

Call me crazy, but I kind of find it racist to assume that making fun of D. Smith's lips has some sort of racial overtones. Wouldn't have occurred to ME, at least.
Oh, I do not doubt that.
Not really true. Look at what has happened to DaBaby. Black guy insults gays and gets cancelled big time
You can hand pick someone to show it how it goes both ways. But don’t kid yourself, he’ll be back. Look at Chris’s Brown. DaBaby was canceled by venues but he still performs, why is that. I’ll tell you why, most people don’t care what someone says. It’s all about how it makes them look to the public bow to pressure.
If Gruden's email made fun of the size of Mick Jagger's lips, would that be racist?

Call me crazy, but I kind of find it racist to assume that making fun of D. Smith's lips has some sort of racial overtones. Wouldn't have occurred to ME, at least.

Now that’s funny!!! 🙂 Best post of the day!!!! 🙂

Personally, I think Mick has MUCH bigger lips!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
I take your point but it doesn't refute my own.

The issue is not the "corporation" but rather the Cancel Culture and Professional Outrage Industry, with its media cheerleaders, that now instruct the corporation on such matters.

Also, the double standard whereby accredited Victim Groups have immunity from the rules of political correctness used to ruin the lives of people not in those groups.

Also, the now routine tactic of grotesque invasions of privacy for the purpose of dredging up isolated comments that a decade later become fodder for circle jerks by ESPN airheads.

As for the sensitivities of the locker room, I would hope those guys are a little tougher than to swoon over Gruden's reported e-mail...especially if he were to apologize and disavow it.

One of my sons was captain of his high school basketball team in a tough suburban (and mostly black) Baltimore league back in the day. He heard a lot of racial banter on the court, some of it directed at him. But he didn't back down, melt, or file a complaint. Instead, he played harder...and better. Once you prove you've got game, you get respect.

That's the environment that a lot, probably most, black NFL players knew and lived as kids. Unlike college snowflakes and media drama queens, they're not going to melt down over a stupid remark made 10 years ago.

And if a few of them should be inclined to do so, they might be advised to listen to Jason Whitlock, who, as usual, brings a note of sanity to the discussion:

And this affects you how? It's about time slobs that throw around racist and homophobic slurs get penalized. I grew up in a working class town, grandson of a coal miner. I'm not impressed by the defense of sexist, racist behavior. Gruden has embarrassed himself and his 'company' and btw it's not about 'toughness' or any other macho bs -- who the hell wants to play for a guy that belittles people that are different than him?
Reading these posts reminds me of an interesting pattern. When someone accuses you of being “self-righteous”, on a “high horse” or “intellectual”, it simply means they don’t have a leg to stand on in their argument and you are 100% correct.

Gruden, through multiple emails over a number of years, not a solitary email, revealed his true character. As an employer, no one would want someone of that character representing their organization, so he could not stay. Pretty simple.

Oh please, they don't care about that at all. They care about the public relations aspect, and only about that. They employ numerous people including athletes whose pasts are similarly checkered, and they know it.