No, not right. That isn't my position at all and you can look at my other comments on this thread, I stated that Gruden should be terminated. You are equating my criticism of the article you attached with defending racism or in particular, Gruden's behavior here, for which I am not. We don't have to be so illogical and polarized, two concepts can prevail. He said something racist...he deserved to be fired. I don't think Mr. King's article would have done anything, but perpetuated the problem. Basically that Gruden and Carr have to suggest, and very publicly, that they are indeed racist. If we are going to talk inherent bias, yes, everyone experiences that, it runs both ways. This isn't an either or....Gruden resigned as he should have, I don't think he owes society or Black people anything more than an apology and resignation. Would they really feel better if he were to seek counseling for his underlying racism? Instead of just linking articles, tell me what you would have done in Gruden or Carrs position? If a you said something offensive in the workplace(not that YOU or any of us would). You would appologize......resign? Would you pay Ibrahim X. Kennedy $40,000 for a personal session with you to teach you about your inherent bias?