Gruden is done

Ah, the modern Inquisition that takes delight in dealing out their justice.

All those who fail to conform are to be brought out and stoned.

As sure as day follows night they will receive their justice turned back on them.
Well, he should have just beat up his pregnant wife. He’d have just had a suspension
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Ah, the modern Inquisition that takes delight in dealing out their justice.

All those who fail to conform are to be brought out and stoned.

As sure as day follows night they will receive their justice turned back on them.
Oh how the self righteous preen and strut.

Have you ever made a joke about someone’s appearance?

Have you ever taken something that someone else needed?

Have you ever denied a bum the change he asked you to give?

Have you ever called someone a bum?

Have you laughed at a crude joke?

Have you made rude comments about a woman’s appearance?

Have you ever enjoyed the harm done to others?

Have you ever slowed down to look at an auto accident?

How about laughing at someone taking a fall?

How about judging someone by their appearance?

Did you ever laugh at a priest and altar boy joke?

Did you ever laugh at a holocaust joke?

Did you ever question someone’s sexuality?

Did you ever say, “Some of my best friends are ....”

Ever laugh at a racial stereotype joke?

Did you ever toss a prostitute off a bridge?

Well, I have done all those things, except the last one. Still, the day is young, so who knows?

So you perfect types can toss your stones.

As for me I’m old enough to accept we are all hypocrits to some extent and what we keep private is quite different from what we engage in publicly.
I have done none of things EXCEPT toss a prostitute off a bridge.
Buccaneers just removed him from their Ring of Honor.. I am starting to think there is more to this..
Oh how the self righteous preen and strut.

Have you ever made a joke about someone’s appearance?

Have you ever taken something that someone else needed?

Have you ever denied a bum the change he asked you to give?

Have you ever called someone a bum?

Have you laughed at a crude joke?

Have you made rude comments about a woman’s appearance?

Have you ever enjoyed the harm done to others?

Have you ever slowed down to look at an auto accident?

How about laughing at someone taking a fall?

How about judging someone by their appearance?

Did you ever laugh at a priest and altar boy joke?

Did you ever laugh at a holocaust joke?

Did you ever question someone’s sexuality?

Did you ever say, “Some of my best friends are ....”

Ever laugh at a racial stereotype joke?

Did you ever toss a prostitute off a bridge?

Well, I have done all those things, except the last one. Still, the day is young, so who knows?

So you perfect types can toss your stones.

As for me I’m old enough to accept we are all hypocrits to some extent and what we keep private is quite different from what we engage in publicly.
None of these things that I would answer yes to would get a person fired from any job.

You've laughed at a holocaust joke? Is there even such a thing?

Did you ever call someone a "f*gg*t" in a professional email?
To all of you guys who are having to talk to your therapists about the trauma reading Gruden's emails caused you, maybe you should watch this. Could help you understand a bit about how non-beta males talk to each other.

To all of you guys who are having to talk to your therapists about the trauma reading Gruden's emails caused you, maybe you should watch this. Could help you understand a bit about how non-beta males talk to each other.

Ok. I'm wondering if a) you know that's a MOVIE and b) the character Clint plays is most definitely a racist. Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself at this point.
the character Clint plays is most definitely a racist
Because he uses bad words? This is a perfect example of what is wrong with people.

Racism isn't about what you say. It's about what you do.

Sure, he uses slurs and what not in his everyday life. He also takes the young Asian kid under his wing, protects him and his family from gangs, and loses his life to protect them. But he says bad words!!!

Gruden has spent his life coaching football. The majority of the players he coached were black. Coached them. Mentored them. Built relationships with them. On Sunday Night Football, Mike Turico and Tony Dungy went on and on about how Gruden was a good guy, good friend, and never exhibited racist behavior around them. But he said this one guy had big lips, and that guy was black!!!

Gruden used gay "slurs" in his emails. Everyone on this board has used those words too. He also was the only coach in NFL history to keep an openly gay player on his team. But the words!!!

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Remember that? Unfortunately, these days it's "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names....they're way f u c k i n g worse!!!"

If someone's words hurt you, the speaker doesn't have the problem. You do.
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Lets look through your email, social media posts, tweets, etc. and see how perfect you are. These are private conversations that were leaked to the media. I have a problem with that.
You can look through my emails, texts, and words to my kids for the last 50 gd years, and you won't find anything remotely close to the sh&t Gruden stated. He should be gone. He's a freking pig and an idiot. There's no defending him.
Gruden used gay "slurs" in his emails. Everyone on this board has used those words too.
I certainly haven’t…guess I was raised in an environment where it wasn’t acceptable to be a homophobe. But it seems he’s met your embarrassingly low bar by not actually cutting Carl for being gay, so all is well and he should still be the face of a multi-billion dollar organization.
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Because he uses bad words? This is a perfect example of what is wrong with people.

Racism isn't about what you say. It's about what you do.

Sure, he uses slurs and what not in his everyday life. He also takes the young Asian kid under his wing, protects him and his family from gangs, and loses his life to protect them. But he says bad words!!!

Gruden has spent his life coaching football. The majority of the players he coached were black. Coached them. Mentored them. Built relationships with them. On Sunday Night Football, Mike Turico and Tony Dungy went on and on about how Gruden was a good guy, good friend, and never exhibited racist behavior around them. But he said this one guy had big lips, and that guy was black!!!

Gruden used gay "slurs" in his emails. Everyone on this board has used those words too. He also was the only coach in NFL history to keep an openly gay player on his team. But the words!!!

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Remember that? Unfortunately, these days it's "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names....they're way f u c k i n g worse!!!"

If someone's words hurt you, the speaker doesn't have the problem. You do.
Also you:

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Agreed. I've heard a lot worse and some of it from people in demographic groups now accorded victim status by the powers of Cancel Culture. But of course those people have immunity.

I'd have to question the honesty of anyone here who could withstand the application of today's standards of snowflakery to 10 years worth of scrutiny of their private correspondence and statements.

None of this is to defend the content of Gruden's e-mails. And if he were to take a defiant tone and publicly double down on such statements, then fine, show his ass the door.

My point is that it ought to be good enough to simply let a guy say he's sorry, he's embarrassed, he abhors bigotry, and he disavows a handful of past private comments maliciously leaked for the purpose of damaging him.

But no. The ritual demands that he be publicly burned at the stake to the accompaniment of the shrieks and tears of ESPN commentators. The whole thing is sick.
As were Gruden's comments.
I certainly haven’t…guess I was raised in an environment where it wasn’t acceptable to be a homophobe. But it seems he’s met your embarrassingly low bar by not actually cutting Carl for being gay, so all is well and he should still be the face of a multi-billion dollar organization.
You have to understand some people think that their circle is the only circle and that is how everyone behaves or talks. It's how they justify their own stupidity. It's the people you just nod at and walk away as you know they aren't fully developed, nor will they ever be.

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You can look through my emails, texts, and words to my kids for the last 50 gd years, and you won't find anything remotely close to the sh&t Gruden stated. He should be gone. He's a freking pig and an idiot. There's no defending him.
+100. I don't have kids so I'll just do conversations with friends instead and NONE OF US use those words. I think the post says a lot more about the that particular poster and his "circle" of friends than it does about any of us that he was projecting himself onto.
+100. I don't have kids so I'll just do conversations with friends instead and NONE OF US use those words. I think the post says a lot more about the that particular poster and his "circle" of friends than it does about any of us that he was projecting himself onto.
As the coach you are held to higher standards....just like the Captain of a ship is. It's not always fair at the end of the day. Had he said that 30 years go, it never sees the light of day. He said it a decade ago and it was still wrong. Worthy of losing his job...maybe, but had he won a Super Bowl last year....he would be coach right now.

I had the same thought about his record. Winners tend to get cut more slack, and Gruden's return to coaching has not exactly been triumphant.
You can look through my emails, texts, and words to my kids for the last 50 gd years, and you won't find anything remotely close to the sh&t Gruden stated. He should be gone. He's a freking pig and an idiot. There's no defending him.
I sued a previous employer. The case took over two years. They went through four years of email with a team of people. I know because one of them called me after the case was concluded. He told me that they were shocked at how clean my emails were. Four years, not a single negative comment on anyone. They also went through my expense reports. Nothing.

I agree there is no defense. My only beef is the unequal application of the rules.
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What I want to know if what is in the rest of the 650,000 emails? something tells me we will never know and they will be destroyed like the spygate materials was by Godell to protect the Team and Snyder. There is zero way there isn't more dirt in there and I hope the cheerleaders who were harassed and worse by Snyder and others make sure the NFL isn't allowed to bury the evidence.
+100. I don't have kids so I'll just do conversations with friends instead and NONE OF US use those words. I think the post says a lot more about the that particular poster and his "circle" of friends than it does about any of us that he was projecting himself onto.
It is also the case that these same people have an extremely limited grasp of the purpose and practice of apology in human relationships. They use the same two words (I'm sorry) whether they spilled their beer at a tablecloth restaurant, or caused a dui accident that crippled or killed a family.

They think that is an apology, but except in the spilled beer setting, it is worthless. If you have done something or said something intentionally that offends or breaches trust, YOU HAVE TO FIX IT. If you do not fix it, then it becomes clear that you are ducking your responsibility. The victim then understands that regardless, you are NOT sorry. That will often further undermine what little trust remains. No need to talk further. Your apology is fake, and to be truthful, you are not sorry except for yourself.
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saban will hire gruden as an offensive assistant.
Has his offensive been that great where they would hire him? I also doubt at least for a few years until this dies down and it will nobody will touch him.

I also think there is more to this, especially with the Bucs taking him off their ring of honor.
It is also the case that these same people have an extremely limited grasp of the purpose and practice of apology in human relationships. They use the same two words (I'm sorry) whether they spilled their beer at a tablecloth restaurant, or caused a dui accident that crippled or killed a family.

They think that is an apology, but except in the spilled beer setting, it is worthless. If you have done something or said something intentionally that offends or breaches trust, YOU HAVE TO FIX IT. If you do not fix it, then it becomes clear that you are ducking your responsibility. The victim then understands that regardless, you are NOT sorry. That will often further undermine what little trust remains. No need to talk further. Your apology is fake, and to be truthful, you are not sorry except for yourself.
Well I was offended when you took the Lord's name in vain in post # 229. Do you have to now fix it?
Well I was offended when you took the Lord's name in vain in post # 229. Do you have to now fix it?
Not if I don't give a F#ck about you, I suppose. I really do not care if you trust me. Have you been misled about that?
Has his offensive been that great where they would hire him? I also doubt at least for a few years until this dies down and it will nobody will touch him.

I also think there is more to this, especially with the Bucs taking him off their ring of honor.

Well, he has a greatly offensive mind.
It is so funny that their hypocrisy on these issues is so thick that they can't even see it. I guess righteousness only works one way in many people's minds.

You’re one to talk. Honestly. Poor John...I know he's a victim here.
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