Because he uses bad words? This is a perfect example of what is wrong with people.
Racism isn't about what you say. It's about what you do.
Sure, he uses slurs and what not in his everyday life. He also takes the young Asian kid under his wing, protects him and his family from gangs, and loses his life to protect them. But he says bad words!!!
Gruden has spent his life coaching football. The majority of the players he coached were black. Coached them. Mentored them. Built relationships with them. On Sunday Night Football, Mike Turico and Tony Dungy went on and on about how Gruden was a good guy, good friend, and never exhibited racist behavior around them. But he said this one guy had big lips, and that guy was black!!!
Gruden used gay "slurs" in his emails. Everyone on this board has used those words too. He also was the only coach in NFL history to keep an openly gay player on his team. But the words!!!
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. Remember that? Unfortunately, these days it's "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names....they're way f u c k i n g worse!!!"
If someone's words hurt you, the speaker doesn't have the problem. You do.