If you think it's f'ed up now you should have seen it when titlemoron, gayree77, Crapstain, somersetpanturd, Psorryass/dreamsbackdoor'sfilled, and the idiot Feller were posting there regularly. It was 10 times worse. I used to use two sites Anonymizer and Blue something that not only masked your IP, but the next person to respond to you would be the one that got banned. They were banning their own posters regularly, and it became even better when you used one of their nics, because the real nic would be the one getting banned screaming "That's not me, it's an imposter". I would say I was them and apologize for my anti PSU crap, and that really got them going. I singlehandedly shut that shithouse down 3 or 4 times before they changed the software.