125 - #7 Lightning Luke Lilledahl VS Caelan Riley
Period 1:
Here we go! Straight to the tie up. Some snaps & half shots. Luke drops in on a leg. He gets the leg elevated & dives at the other leg, but misses. Luke keeps working & gets the TD, 3-0. Out of bounds & restart. Riley is still down. Luke has 9-sec RT. Riley gets to a quadpod, then his feet. He turns & gets the escape, 3-1. Luke immediately attacks & gets another TD, 6-1. Out of bounds & restart. Riley is still down. He gets to a quadpod, then Luke brings him back to the mat & gets Riley bellied out. Riley works back to his base, but Luke is riding tough & gets Riley bellied out again. Riley gets to a quadpod & then his feet & gets the escape, 6-2. Luke shoots immediately & gets another TD, 9-2. Luke cuts Riley, 9-3. Riley shoots. Luke counters & it's a stalemate & restart. Luke reaches for an ankle, but no luck. Luke drops in on a leg & works behind for another TD, 12-3. Luke gets Riley bellied out & rides out the period. 12-3 Luke, RT is already secured.
Period 2:
Luke has his left wrist heavily taped. Luke takes down, gets to his feet & gets the escape, 13-3. Luke shoots. Riley counters. Luke comes up through the legs & gets his 5th TD, 16-3. Riley gets to his feet. Luke tries to trip him back down & they go out of bounds, restart. Riley is still down. Luke gets Riley bellied out again. Riley gets back to his base & turns for the escape, 16-4. Luke with a blast double, 19-4 & almost has Riley on his back, but Riley rolls through.
Lightning Luke TECH Caelan Riley 19-4
Team Score
PSU: 5
ILL: 0