I agree, but none of those guys had a limited number of attacks. Metcalf attacked both sides of the body, great short offense, and had upper body stuff (ask Frank). Ramos attacked both sides of the body, had misdirection to both sides, elite reattacks, nasty whip over, and could scramble. Tom and Terry attacked both sides, were one of the first to hit elbow offs to the far ankle (now Mark's best attack imo), had a go-behind technique named after them, and also used leg passes a decade before they were popular. Gilman attacks to both sides and was elite in front head, good with under hooks to a cross pick as well. Howe is probably the only one that fit your description as he just brutalized people with the same knee pull single over and over again.
It was just a stunning display of ignorance by the original poster. Of all the people he could choose from, he chose some of the most dynamic guys in college history.