Franklin's compensation.....while you may consider it obscene.....isn't anymore than he would get on the open market.In the last four years, PSU has/will spend SIXTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS renovating Lasch Building.
10 Million MORE than Clemson spent to build their Taj Mahal.
Now, maybe 1/2 of the PSU money will find its way into the graft accounts FBO Dambly Inc....... but, even at that, the idea the CJF (who makes, what, 6-7 Million per year himself) doesn’t get enough f-ing money is dumber than a bat of wet rats.
It’s f^cking obscene.
I have not seen PSU assistant coaches on any list of the highest paid....perhaps you have information that I do not. I don't think CJF wants to lose staff over money alone anymore.
I'm not an expert on other program's and their facilities.....I know that CJF has expressed a need to keep updating. I would urge you to consider my quote, which I believe was "SHOULD he continue to pound his head against the wall...." Which was made in reference to "stresses of long term relationships...." and what I see as "potential" cracks in the marriage down the road.