I will in 98 times out of 100 root against Mecheatagain. I dislike Alabama more than Mecheatagain. I want Mecheatagain to win. Then I will be able to brag about the great first half PSU had against.
Them losing doesn’t help PSU I agree, but them winning doesn’t change the current perception either. Two years ago the BIG won 7 of 8 bowl games, and to my knowledge perception didn’t change because we’re having this conversation right now. It would take years of beat downs of SEC teams by BIG teams to change the National perception. And I’m certainly for that, but expecting the occasional good showing in bowls to change the opinions of legions of people is unrealistic.Agree. Can someone explain how Minnesota and Michigan losing makes Penn State look better.
So beating bush league teams makes Penn State look better to recruits.Ding, ding, ding.... we have a winner. Other b1g bushleague teams winning does not make PSU look better; OTOH, them losing is a competitive plus for PSU recruiting.
I think it makes Penn State better to play in a strong conference as to one perceived as a crap conference.
Allowing pile pushing is a close second!Sitting out a play after your helmet comes off may be the dumbest rule in all of sports.
Bama is missing a couple but that’s it I believe.I’m late to the game and thread. Are either team missing prominent players?
At least they’d be honest!All announcers try to promote the teams they're covering. What do you expect them to say? These teams suck and we don't understand why you're watching?
Really? I think Clemson's experience proves you're full of crap.
So beating a good Michigan team versus a crap Michigan team makes no difference?It doesn’t. On the flip side Michigan and Minnesota winning doesn't make Penn St look better either.
Certainly looked like targeting by Ala.
That’s nice, however a win by Michigan is meaningless here regarding PSU. The season is over, finished, complete and done. Earth shattering decisions regarding rankings won’t flow from this. If you think one win is going to change National perception and sports writers and columnists love for the SEC you have not been paying attention since the dawn of the 21st century.
You just continue to assume that winning one game is going to change years of inbred perception from people that don’t view the World from blue and white tainted glasses. Believe whatever you wish if that makes you feel better.That's nice, but a win by Michigan is not meaningless.
B10 wins to close out this season will carry over into the preseason rankings next year. The SEC traditionally gets many higher ranked teams to start each season based upon Bama and SEC schools carrying over momentum from the previous season. Rudely ending the seasons of SEC schools WILL have an impact, especially when it is B10 teams that rudely end their seasons.
But beating crap B10 teams is better than beating good B10 teams.That's nice, but a win by Michigan is not meaningless.
B10 wins to close out this season will carry over into the preseason rankings next year. The SEC traditionally gets many higher ranked teams to start each season based upon Bama and SEC schools carrying over momentum from the previous season. Rudely ending the seasons of SEC schools WILL have an impact, especially when it is B10 teams that rudely end their seasons.
You just continue to assume that winning one game is going to change years of inbred perception from people that don’t view the World from blue and white tainted glasses. Believe whatever you wish if that makes you feel better.
Agree. Can someone explain how Minnesota and Michigan losing makes Penn State look better.
This game will benefit both teams if Michigan wins....the media folks will simultaneously sell Michigan being a top 10 team and blame Bama’s loss on them not caring because they’re used to playing for championships. Both teams will benefit in a Michigan win. The beauty of ESPN talking heads.I know I'm in the minority here, but I'd like to see hairbaugh actually put a game plan together that stomps Bama. Just tired of the SEC bias and over rating of the SEC coming into each season, and when the B10 performs well against other conferences that helps PSU's strength of schedule and ultimate rankings....
Certainly good enough for another Top 5 Pre-season ranking...scUM playing them to a stand still is not what we needed or wanted. At this point even if scUM loses they unfortunately have put in a good, respectable showing.
So beating a good Michigan team versus a crap Michigan team makes no difference?
Of course rooting has nothing to do with the outcome. That wasn't my point.You are assuming journalist have reasoning skills and are open minded about how they view the game. They don’t, they are narrative driven and warp everything to fit their narratives.
I assumed nothing about journalist .
that being said, who people cheer for and who wins the game are independent of one another, so cheer for who you wish and be happy.
Michigan winning or losing this game does not decide if they are a good team or a ‘cr@p’ team. It decides if there are 10-3 or 9-4 and that’s it.
Wake Forest losing to MSU makes no difference in how Clemson is seen. USC losing to Iowa makes no difference in how Oregon is seen. Michigan winning or losing this game makes no difference in how PSU is seen.