Because I just want to be sure, after watching Laura Ditka in the courtroom trying to run that ball into the end zone, spike it and do a little victory dance over Dr. Spanier enabling Jerry's crime much my state really cared about "the children" and "the victims".
So to recap:
Penn State admins were collectively charged with 22 counts including Perjury, Failure to Report, Conspiracy & Endangering the Welfare of a Child - 14 of which were felonies - and slowly ground through the glacial pace of the court process at not only a cost of millions of dollars in PA taxpayer resources but also at immense personal & professional costs.
The state's star witness has also been destroyed by the state & embroiled in years-long expensive litigation, due to our state's effort to prove a non-existent "conspiracy & cover up" over a horrendous incident that never happened, to a victim they can't be bothered to ever identify, abused via a charity they refuse to investigate in over 8 years.
The state
engineered a “flip” strategy planning on NEVER having to bring the case to trial, over a "conspiracy & cover up" they knew they could not prove, concerning an "anal rape" that never happened, committed by the chairman & founder of a kids charity, that they can't possibly be bothered to ask questions of in over 8 years.
The state used "HUMANE" emails as the basis for their "conspiracy & cover up", emails which Louie Freeh LIED about finding, emails which have never been authenticated, over a horrendous crime that never happened, to a victim they can't be bothered to ever indentify, culled from a kids charity they've never bothered to investigate in over 8 years.
The same state complained of emails being taken out of context that would unfairly impugn, malign and torch the reputations of very good people :
In March of 2017 the state achieved a whopping total of of 3 misdemeanors, after stepping on the necks of 3 people for over 5 years, with an impossibly polluted jury pool found across the state, the cost of this debacle has gone well over a QUARTER of a BILLION dollars - to possibly HALF a BILLION.
All the while, the guy in charge of the now-convicted offender, his victims and his hunting grounds - sat in Laura Ditka's witness chair - admitting to the same knowledge as everyone else.
To quote Tom Corbett -
It was a calculated risk