Official PSU - Maryland Game Thread

In all honesty, why not call this season a bust. Get some younger players experience.

That's exactly what Joe would have done. But then again Joe was all about winning.

Clifford is not the answer. I've seen a couple of QB's playing at P5 teams that were transfers from other programs, and all of them are more accurate than Clifford. Franklin tried to recruit the kid out of Pittsburgh that is tearing it up at BC. Why didn't Franklin try and get him when he left ND?? It sure isn't that there are better QB's on his current roster.

Oh, wouldn't want to upset team chemistry and morale. Let's see how he can keep team chemistry and morale together if MD wins today....

Franklin needs to figure out that it is about winning. Period.
Team is really, really missing Journey Brown. No home run threat at RB. Of course, the team is also really, really missing an OL and DL.
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Wade again with no fudging clue in center field!

I've watched him as best as the TV angle allows and his first step on every snap is backward. He's constantly on the retreat. By doing so, he has no chance to go into attack mode until the receiver he's supposed to be picking up in the zone has already come out of his break and in most cases, already has the ball. His reaction time and reading-the-play skills are about as weak as I've ever seen out of a first-string SENIOR safety.
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At least I have a bunch of deer, turkeys, and my pup watching them while I sit here drinking my 🍻.
We can’t even run a play after the kickoff without everyone standing around and looking to the sideline! Pathetic!
It’s not about not being ready. They aren’t good enough. We look like early 2000 teams in regards to skill quality. Again, that’s on Franklin for lack of development and missing out on key players in recruiting.
The similarities between this and the early 2000s teams is striking. Very mediocre quarterback play. Poor offensive line blocking. No real stand out talent compared with other big 10 teams. Zero energy to start games.
I hope this team loses all the rest of their games this season. They are really that unlikeable.
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It would help if the line blocked a little more. A couple of those overthrows were under pressure.

It seems that both our lines aren't up to par. The DL gets blocked and the OL gets run around...........

Clifford has missed them when he has all day as well as when he is under pressure. He just missed a wide open Freiermuth who had beaten his man, overthrowing him by at least 5 yards when he had a clean pocket and could step right into his throw. He's pretty consistent on his throws today. :(

And when you are behind 2 TD's after the first quarter why is Clifford throwing a looper way down the field with enough hang time where half of the defense could get to the targeted WR by the time the ball lands....?
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Team is really, really missing Journey Brown. No home run threat at RB. Of course, the team is also really, really missing an OL and DL.

Neither line appears remotely good. I was looking at the player introductions on OL thinking we finally have a good group of experienced players...... That sack made them look like a bunch of freshman who never saw a twist in their life.
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How long do you leave Clifford out there? Do you allow the season to go down the tubes and with it the program? Is “loyalty” that important or do we “Compete in Everything?” We will find out in the next hour.
Clifford is really off today. He is not able to find open guys and when he does he throws it 8ft over there head...
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Clifford is bad but teams know we can't run so they're either just teeing off or playing coverage. The guy from Minnesota isn't helping either.
I actually believe Pam Ward was better than this announcer they trotted out for this game. Brutal. But brutal seems to be the name of the game today.