OT: Guys getting a concealed permit to carry and buying a gun. Any other carry or own a gun?

No question. Basically a statement I'm getting a gun and concealed permit and if any others Pack Heat
Great. Don't shoot yourself, and please post to this board where you intend to be at all times. I don't want to be in a radius of 10 miles.
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Great. Don't shoot yourself, and please post to this board where you intend to be at all times. I don't want to be in a radius of 10 miles.

This person has absolutely zero clue how many people he comes into contact or walks by every single day who are carrying. Ignorance is bliss.
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This person has absolutely zero clue how many people he comes into contact or walks by every single day who are carrying. Ignorance is bliss.
Which also makes me nervous. If I have to choose take my chances with the terrorists douche.
Which also makes me nervous, douche.

"Douche". Stay classy there jj.
My point is if you have been out in public for any period of time over the last however many years of your life, you've been around many people carrying guns and you've had zero clue.
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"Douche". Stay classy there jj.
My point is if you have been out in public for any period of time over the last however many years of your life, you've been around many people carrying guns and you've had zero clue.
Don't worry clown, I know half the population is nuts and many of those are armed. All one has to do is read the newspapers and see how many idiots have accidently killed themselves or others. A gun nut should at least have extensive training in its use, amateurs are just an accident waiting to happen.
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Gotta love the odds when they put this kid in a situation where he is wearing a full dark mask to limit his vision, a long shirt, big gloves, and then have the "killer" know exactly where he is and that he is armed. Nicely down to prove your point there media.
Not sure what you think the point is, but here is what I think.
You cannot just buy a gun and get a CCW and expect to stop there.
If you don't want to get yourself killed by the mugger or burglar, you better learn how to and practice handling a gun.
Personally, I own a lot of guns. Most are for hunting, but I also have a Glock. The Glock stays locked up and I would never think of using it (or putting it next to my bed) until I know what the hell I am doing.
"Douche". Stay classy there jj.
My point is if you have been out in public for any period of time over the last however many years of your life, you've been around many people carrying guns and you've had zero clue.

jj? classy? Man that's funny.
Not sure what you think the point is, but here is what I think.
You cannot just buy a gun and get a CCW and expect to stop there.
If you don't want to get yourself killed by the mugger or burglar, you better learn how to and practice handling a gun.
Personally, I own a lot of guns. Most are for hunting, but I also have a Glock. The Glock stays locked up and I would never think of using it (or putting it next to my bed) until I know what the hell I am doing.

Most of what you said goes without saying. Anyone who owns any type of gun should have extensive practice and understanding of how it works for when they want to use it.

My point was- the video clip that was posted with the kid in the classroom under attack, was just a bit unfair.
Mr. Potter:
I've a CHL permit. I've had it for 4 years now. I got it to increase my proficiency with handguns in the eyes of the law so that should the day come when I'm called before a GJ to explain myself I can point to it as well as my Marine Corps experience. I do not conceal carry. The civil liability is too great. I use my handguns for home defense only. Furthermore, I use fragmenting rounds, such as hollow points, in order to protect my background and mitigate collateral damage (i.e., you don't want a round going through the wall of your neighbor's house). Should you choose to conceal carry I strongly recommend you take an intermediate class on holster draw. They don't teach that in basic CHL instruction. And choose a gun carefully as you're going to be wearing it like an extension of your body. Good luck!
Why is it that many countries who have much stricter gun laws than the U.S. also,have much lower murder rates?
Actually, you are being a little silly or at least naive. :)

Lots of gun manufacturers offer multiple calibers within a specific model. For instance, you can get a Remington 870 pump shotgun in 12 gauge, 20 gauge, etc. and a Winchester model 70 rifle in dozens of calibers. Its like cars models having multiple engine options. Some companies, Glock for example, give each caliber a different model number though. Your Smith and Wesson and mine are apparently the same model, but different calibers. This was my dad's gun, which I inherited, and he chose .357 Mag as opposed to .44 Mag.

Dan, before you start telling others that they are being silly or at least naive, you better go look at that 29 because it was only made in 44 magnum. Maybe you mean Model 28 because that is a 357 magnum. So before you start throwing out your thoughts you should a little research or maybe not post things that are so wrong. ALL S&W model handguns are in specific calibers.Model 10 is 38 special, Model 19 is 357 magnum etc. Rifle models are completely different but then we were talking about a S&W Model 29-ALWAYS a 44 magnum (that can also shoot 44 special).
Dan, before you start telling others that they are being silly or at least naive, you better go look at that 29 because it was only made in 44 magnum. Maybe you mean Model 28 because that is a 357 magnum. So before you start throwing out your thoughts you should a little research or maybe not post things that are so wrong. ALL S&W model handguns are in specific calibers.Model 10 is 38 special, Model 19 is 357 magnum etc. Rifle models are completely different but then we were talking about a S&W Model 29-ALWAYS a 44 magnum (that can also shoot 44 special).

I have many faults, but being too proud to admit when I'm wrong is not one of them. Sorry, you are correct. It is actually a model 19-4. I guess I remembered the model 29 because that is the dirty harry model that everyone knows. Thanks for correcting me.
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There's no " best " gun for home defense. And you're not at more risk by using a laser sighted semi auto handgun .
Where do you some of you people get your information?
Choosing a gun for home defense depends on many factors . There's no best. You give me a gun and I'll give you a situation where that gun is a bad idea.
And as for in your house, know your laws but in pa I have no worries about a laser sighted semi, which is my choice for a variety of reasons . Slugs and buckshot are likely to over penetrate more likely than my 9mm hollow points . A round of buckshot is 9 .32 " balls , compared to a 9mm single bullet. And slugs would be an issue with the ballistics there.
Also a long gun isn't my best choice for other reasons such as home lay out and I need two hands to operate it, while my laser sighted / flashlight glock takes one hand if needed.
I have many faults, but being too proud to admit when I'm wrong is not one of them. Sorry, you are correct. It is actually a model 19-4. I guess I remembered the model 29 because that is the dirty harry model that everyone knows. Thanks for correcting me.
No problem, Dan. Your Model 19 series 4 is a fine revolver and will probably outlast you given just normal care.
Mr. POtter....let me give you some advice and some information. And this is for anyone thinking of getting a concealed carry permit or just carrying a gun period. First off, with the dangers we face today it is important to remember are not a cowboy or a hero and no one expects you to be. The main and really only reason for a concealed carry permit is for self defense...for your family and you.
When faced with a danger or threat, you really have 3 options: 1. Face the threat 2. Run from the threat 3. freeze in fear. No one really knows what they will do until they face any given situation. If at all possible, think about what you think you might do. Number 1 and number 2 are really the best. They give you the best chances....freezing in fear....well that leaves it up to the threat (bad guy or guys).
I think with a carry permit....your main idea is to neutralize a threat and give you and your family a chance to get to safety. Remember....unless you are law enforcement, no one expects you to be a hero.
So with that, a concealed carry permit and gun can give you a chance in many situations. The right to bear arms is a right, not a privilege. Don't let anyone tell you different. There is a reason our founding fathers put it in the Bill of RIGHTS....notice the word RIGHTS...not bill of privileges.
So, in terms of purchasing a concealed carry is my opinion. You simply want what I call a "GET BACK GUN." you want something to get the bad guys back away from you and your family. Remember this...if you are faced with a terrorist threat and they are carrying military grade weaponry or automatic machines guns and such, none of us really stand a chance regardless of what you are carrying. But for most situations, you want a "GET BACK Gun"...which is simply a small caliber gun that can neutralize or scare away a simple threat.
I think for most situations, a .380 caliber gun in a pocket size is the way to go. Others will have different opinions...but for the size and ease of concealment, they can't be beat.
There are three different .380 guns I would recommend and I will give you my opinion on each one.

The first is the Ruger LCP...the LCP stands for lightweight compact pistol. You can actually buy the LCP in a 9 mm caliber...but that is an awfully small gun for a 9mm and the .380 is sufficient for most situations. I think the Ruger LCP holds 6 rounds. This will run you somewhere in the range of $400....maybe a little cheaper depending on where you live and where you buy. Check out pocket holsters or a holster you can conceal under a shirt. Google DeSantis holders.

The 2nd is the Kel-Tec P 3AT. This is one of the smallest lightest and cheapest on the market. You can get one for about $300...they come in different colors too...I like black or gray but a buddy has a camo that looks kind of neat.

The 3rd option and this is what I recommend over any other .380 is the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard MP .380. This will run about $350 to $450...and it holds 6+1 in the chamber. When purchased it comes with an extra magazine and a nice soft case. Some features I does have a thumb safety as opposed to the Ruger and Kel tec. A lot of folks hate a safety but for me it provides a little extra security. It also has a place you can see to tell if there is a round in the chamber...another safety feature. It does have a long trigger pull. Unloaded this gun only weighs about 12.5 you barely know it is there. Another good is made in the USA.

I hope this helps. Good luck.

The LCP does not come in 9mm, you are confusing it with the Ruger LC9. The LCP is currently selling for $200, not $400
I've hunted archery but never firearm. And this will be my first gun.

I don't own a gun but don't forget states don't have to honor each others laws so if you are going to carry out of state make sure you are allowed to. NJ has some of the strictest laws in the country and if you get caught with a gun even if you have a permit in Penn. you will be arrested. Just some friendly advise.
Seems like people buying guns for the intended reason of stopping a terror attack, or mass shooter, if they are involved in one makes no sense from a probability standpoint. Chance are very slim any of us will ever be involved in one of thes mass shootings. While their instances seem to be increasing, they are still amazingly rare. Much better odds of dying in a car accident or from cancer. Yet, the odds of these people dying my misusing that gun at home are increasing exponentially, especially for novice gun users. So by trying to protect themselves they are actually making themselves less safe.
All the more reason politicians should knock off being critical of the biggest, and most effective firearms safety training organization.
For what purpose do you want the gun? For home protection? As was noted above, if you are considering a hand gun, get the CCW. Before you do anything, check your local laws.

I just moved to 'bama for work and there is a really great shooting range nearby. Would like to go to range without renting a gun. The range does not store guns so I would have it at my home. Apparently - it makes sense to get the CCW regardless.
I just moved to 'bama for work and there is a really great shooting range nearby. Would like to go to range without renting a gun. The range does not store guns so I would have it at my home. Apparently - it makes sense to get the CCW regardless.
Yes it does, it can argued that you need the permit just to transport the handgun to the shooting range. Getting the permit may solve some problems before they become problems. It doesn't mean you have to carry. As far as storage at your home, invest a little money in getting yourself a bio-metric handgun safe and storing the safe in a location not accessible by children. A good one will store multiple fingerprints so that more than one person can access it, you control that. Your size, your hand size, your intent all play a factor in choosing the right caliber and frame size. Semi-auto or revolver. Single action, double action. single/double, slide safety, grip safety, many decisions to make. One big thing you need to make sure of, that you are comfortable shooting the weapon. If you are not you will end up storing it in the safe and never taking it to the range.
Why is it that many countries who have much stricter gun laws than the U.S. also,have much lower murder rates?
According to the World Health Organization, the US is 107th in murder rate. This while being, by far, the nation with the most per capita gun ownership.
I have many faults, but being too proud to admit when I'm wrong is not one of them. Sorry, you are correct. It is actually a model 19-4. I guess I remembered the model 29 because that is the dirty harry model that everyone knows. Thanks for correcting me.

I can respect this!
There is some good advice here and some....well you know.

I am an NRA instructor and qualified in teaching the basic handgun course. Most instructors have a variety of handguns available and will let you try one. You don't have to have a firearm before taking the course.

The course, when presented properly, is eight hours of classroom and eight hours of range training. It will explain the advantages of revolver vs. pistol and you can make your own choice.

After completing the course you need to practice quite a bit to remain proficient. Shooting, especially a handgun is a perishable skill. Also know the game Commission laws in your state as they can differ from handgun laws so carrying a rifle/shotgun in your vehicle can get you in trouble with the game commission.

Watch out for "for profit" trainers who are in it for the money. A good basic NRA course should cost in the neighborhood of $75 to $100 for the entire course, depending upon where you take it (heat light in the winter may make it more expensive than summer when ranges don't have additional expenses.

Good luck and KYPD.
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Great. Don't shoot yourself, and please post to this board where you intend to be at all times. I don't want to be in a radius of 10 miles.

Yeah, when someone who's never owned a gun 1) decides to get a handgun; 2) decides he's going to carry that handgun in public; AND 3) feels the desire to announce that he's doing this -- All that does not exactly make me feel good about this person walking amongst me in public with a gun.

I feel a lot better about the people who are private and/or subtle about it.
Overall, I'm in agreement with your posts and the many other rational posts. However when you might have seconds the police are minutes away. These mass shooters scenes are over in less than ten minutes, per FBI reports. Police are also now not waiting and negotiating, because they know these are over quickly. Once there are prepared they need to strike with overwhelming force. Time is of the essence.
The recent 60 minutes report interviewing the chiefs of NYC and Washington D.C police departments on there training and preparedness for these situations is worth viewing. The D.C, chief recommends a citizen firing if they have a weapon, as opposed to waiting for the police. Interesting, in that I don't recall a major city police chief stating this in a public media forum.
I participate with the trauma team doing facial trauma at our Level 2, trauma center(would be Level one if we have surgical residents). Every year gets busier and busier with violence, both blunt and sharp force. Fortunately most instances are secondary to drug deals, and family/known assailant cases. The chances of you getting assaulted are small, but not zero even in bucolic areas of PA.
Carrying is a personal choice. You should gather as much information as possible, and decide whats best for you. If you decide to arm, practice, practice, practice. A laser is not the end all to the situation. For home defense nothing beats a shotgun. Interesting in that even in police situations, only 30% of handguns shots hit the assailant(FBI statistics). One shot stops are at most 60% of the hits(FBI stats). The human body on adrenaline and possibly drugs is a tough animal to incapacitate.
As in medicine, prevention is the best medicine. Avoid late nights in suspect areas. Have a car in good operating condition with AAA and a cell phone. Well lit house, security system and a large dog if your lifestyle allows.
In closing, research, read and practice. Get instruction from an approved firearms instructor(Luckily my brother passed this exam at the PA State Police).
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The Constitution does not guarantee any unlimited rights. Free speech for example does not entitle people to say anything they want, at any time, under any circumstances.

The right to bear arms is granted only in an amendment to the constitution. All amendments, unlike the core body of the Constitution, can be repealed. Its time.

Repeal the Second Amendment!!
No. Transport it in its case -- like you should -- and the case is not concealed, you're fine without a CCP.

I'm not sure that's true. I've always understood it to be (and I could be wrong) but you can open carry it legally in PA, but not concealed carry under any circumstances (even in a case) unless you have a CCP. Hmm maybe you can, but the firearm must be unloaded and you must keep the firearm and ammo as far away as possible from each other...

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The Constitution does not guarantee any unlimited rights. Free speech for example does not entitle people to say anything they want, at any time, under any circumstances.

The right to bear arms is granted only in an amendment to the constitution. All amendments, unlike the core body of the Constitution, can be repealed. Its time.

Repeal the Second Amendment!!
Everywhere gun ownership has increased in this Country, crime rate has gone down. The statistics are there, albeit in many different publications. Nobody's repealed the right to educate yourself, so educate yourself and stop listening to your political pundits. It will be liberating.
Oh, great. Another rookie who doesn't know what he is doing carrying a gun. You should at least get a lot of training. The fact you are asking a sports message board about it doesn't emanate warm and fuzzies.

A great place to begin in his quest for answers. Seems to me after many years here on this board there are quite a few hunters and people (just like me) who hold a concealed carry permit. Why so negative all the time, jj?
Yeah, when someone who's never owned a gun 1) decides to get a handgun; 2) decides he's going to carry that handgun in public; AND 3) feels the desire to announce that he's doing this -- All that does not exactly make me feel good about this person walking amongst me in public with a gun.

I feel a lot better about the people who are private and/or subtle about it.
I'd much rather have the guy asking a few questions than just going out and buying something and then trying to figure out what to do next. I don't delve into the pro/con 2nd Amendment arguments, it's a waste of time. If I can be of any assistance in helping this guy make a well thought out educated decision then I'm going to offer him my thoughts, based on my knowledge and experience.
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I'd much rather have the guy asking a few questions than just going out and buying something and then trying to figure out what to do next. I don't delve into the pro/con 2nd Amendment arguments, it's a waste of time. If I can be of any assistance in helping this guy make a well thought out educated decision then I'm going to offer him my thoughts, based on my knowledge and experience.

He said he didn't have any questions.