Since it's clear to me now I'll never get a BSD post written about's the info I got, from 3 different highly credible sources. For each bullet, first number = number of confirmed sources and second number = my confidence in its validity, out of 10:
- Nickal only certified at 184, cannot compete collegiately at 174 at all this season. (3 / 10)
- McCutcheon certified at 174. His minimum allowed weight is 174.0. On the dot. (2 / 10)
- McCutcheon & Nickal will wrestle off for 184 next week, 10/18 - 10/20. (2 / 10)
- Morelli certified at 174, but not 165. (1 / 9)
- Cassar hasn't been cleared to compete (1 / 10)
Here are some personal guesses / takes from all of that:
- Nickal winning 184 is not at all automatic
- I'd guess Cael is....let's call it disappointed... with Nickal for not certing at 174
- Probably also pissed at Morelli for not certing at 165
- Very curious how Cael manages this situation--even more so if McCutcheon wins whatever the coaches structure the wrestleoffs as, across three days. Although then my curiosity will include how Nickal manages the situation
- McCutcheon cutting to 174 would be brutal af, but is still considered realistically viable--for now--by himself and the coaches
- If Nickal wins, McCutcheon will probably try to cut to 174 and compete there in Reno. I'm curious af to picture what cutting to 174.0, but not to 173.9 looks like
- Cassar may not be cleared all year
- For 197, if Nickal wins, I'd guess Stout will start the season. If McCutcheon wins, I'd guess Nickal will start the season
- I'd guess McCutcheon *can* make 174 for Reno, but will be so uncomfortable that he'll abandon it before season's end.
Standard caveats:
- yes, this is a message board
- no, I'm not a "journalist"
- yes, I worked hard sharing this info correctly, with correct info parameters to each bullet and correct attribution counts
- yes, I was given permission to share each bullet anonymously
- yes, I'm scared as schitt I'm messing up by so doing
- in the end, I decided to share because I think the info brings more value, to more people (I've always gotten a lot out of getting room info from others) than it possibly might do in drama damage
- I hope you'll be kind with your feedback