Rule change wishlist for 2025/6

Coaches that leave the coaching area or use foul language are ejected and the team is deducted a point.
My pet peeve. As a former official (both wrestling and soccer) that bothered me to no end. The first coach I carded for leaving the coaching box was my last in that league. Word spread fast and the coaches started behaving.
The lollygager rule. These guys that take their sweet time getting back to the line. I'm looking at you JB. Request they get to the line and they sit and pull up their socks, BAM stall call.

Keckeisen got hit with a stall call for not promptly coming back to center after a restart during his finals match with Plott at B12 last weekend. Apparently lallygagging is a thing with him.

It happens around 12:35 of this video:

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Ok, two weeks of downtime, so I will try not to not you with this old and tired topic, but I have only 2 that are timely and relevant.

1). Wrestling from one or both knees in neutral gets a 5 count then a stall warning. It's away too defensive, slows the action, and is plain boring. It's got to go. PS can someone at least try an outside sweep single against the post leg? Low risk, of a reattack, and it might just be the solution to this torturous technique. PSS - yes this means you Drake and Angelo!!!

2). We do NOT need a step out point in Folk, but we absolutely need to enforce fleeing the mat. My #1 example is near the boundary in neutral where one wrestler has a leg. Whether standing or on the mat every single dual you see multiple examples where the defensive wrestler gives it everything he's got to flee or pull both wrestlers out. A near takedown turns into a restart. It's criminal and drives me friggin nuts, not to mention how blatantly it's used all the time. You should never be able to use the out of bounds as a means to a restart when on the verge of giving up points.
Also, when a guy is riding and only has a lot or toe inbounds just to keep the clock going, call for a restart.
No stall warning - it is an automatic point.
If no score at the end of the first period, the guy who took the least shots or simply ref's discretion gets hit for stalling and theater guy gets a point.
Interesting topic. The two year cycle for the current Rules and Interpretations ends with the 2025 NCAA Wrestling Championships, so a new two year cycle (2025-26 through 2026-27) begins with a publication of a new rulebook sometime in August, 2025 or so. It was said several times in this thread that changes should not make the referee's job any more difficult that it is, so rules that are way subjective should never see the pages of a rulebook, imo.

Frankly, I can't think of a single significant change to make. Last cycle had the 3-point takedown, and the 3-point nearfall added, and a whole bunch of less-significant changes. Whatever is done (other than for wrestler safety or administrative in nature) should be done with the intent of making wresting more exciting.

EDIT: I looked for minutes to meetings that might give some clue as to what the NCAA Wrestling Committee is considering. Other than clearing up some of the wrestler decent language, there was no mention of possible future changes could be found. I believe there is an April 2025 meeting, and we could hear something out of that meeting.
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I honestly don't understand how the below the waist stalling 5 count is enforced.
Must you be on the mat? I've seen many many matches where the 5 count begins on the mat, the bottom wrestler gets to his feet in a defensive single leg position, and the count stops. I've seen the bottom wrestler go standing position and the top wrestler drops to a leg and there is an immediete 5 count started. Other times in the same situation the referee lets them hop around for 10 seconds and then starts a count, or a count never begins. WTF is the actual rule?
I honestly don't understand how the below the waist stalling 5 count is enforced.
Must you be on the mat? I've seen many many matches where the 5 count begins on the mat, the bottom wrestler gets to his feet in a defensive single leg position, and the count stops. I've seen the bottom wrestler go standing position and the top wrestler drops to a leg and there is an immediete 5 count started. Other times in the same situation the referee lets them hop around for 10 seconds and then starts a count, or a count never begins. WTF is the actual rule?
If the bottom guy starts a scramble and grabs legs 1st then the ref won't count. It's definitely a judgement call by the ref on who dropped down to the leg 1st
If the bottom guy starts a scramble and grabs legs 1st then the ref won't count. It's definitely a judgement call by the ref on who dropped down to the leg 1st
The problems here are (1) we've seen that start the count too; (2) that describes none of the situations @82bordeaux listed.
Not just to be contrary, but the push out rule has made freestyle wrestling action more continuous and exciting. Further, I listen to FRL often and do not find any of them to be biased against PSU. I'm with you about the knee wrestling, but hate to see yet another rule added requiring the official to count.