Stanley Cup Playoffs: Flyers vs. Pens Round 1

Yes, you did lose credibility. Convince me otherwise. Your prediction was horrible. BTW it was a very lame joke, especially considering your goalie's performance tonight. Ah, pens fans... brilliant as usual!
Wait....a lame joke on BWI!??! I’m shocked!!!

BTW, Murray is playing Sunday in Philly...
You need to stick to your pathetic pre-occupation with the Lair and stay out of "grown up" discussions. We're all chuckling at your child-like obsession with that board.

Your chances of acting like an adult is still 0%.

Grown up discussions? You are projecting 1 fluke win into a series win. The Pens are 5-1 vs the Flyers this year. Consider it a good year if you take this to 6 wins then enjoy the rest of your summer
By this time next week the Pens will only be worried about their tee times. The series is over. Flyers roll from here.

Again, the only thing that victory did was turn this from a 4/5 game series to a 5/6 game series. Then, the Flyers can start to talk about “next year”
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Ass beating? You had 19 shots and barely had the puck. Fluke

I didn’t catch the game from Germany, but I read that the Pens had two shots hit the post and also that Sid whiffed on an open-net opportunity. Three bad breaks that probably won’t happen in Game 3.

Ass beating? You had 19 shots and barely had the puck. Fluke

5 goals on 19 shots doesn’t worry you? 3 of the 5 goals were the D’s fault, not Murray’s. The pens D is suspect. Granted it helped that Elliott found his game again.

I don’t care if thy only have the puck 5% of the time and have 3 shots. If it’s 3 goals to 2, has a win. The first two games were completely different. Game 1 the flyers were slow and Elliott sucked. Game 2 the pens D sucked and Elliott stood up. Should be a good rest of the series.

FYSA, it’s the NHL playoffs. There are no flukes. Everything on both sides is earned (except maybe game 1. Flyers just gave that to the pens)
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Yeah, those 5 goals were a fluke.

See you in Philly

The fifth goal was amazing. That empty net goal was a picture of perfection. Flyers fans are desperate haha.

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Most talking heads spit out general stats. Who gives a rats ass about what some idiot from St Louis or NY says about the Pens. I’m not saying you didn’t read it. I’m saying it’s not accurate and I established facts that prove your point is irrelevant for over half the team. Talking heads get paid to create narratives. I’ve had season Tix since 1989. Line them all up and most couldn’t name half of the team without their game day notes and producer driven talking points. You realize Murray started 6 games against the Senators and 6 games against Nashville last year right. You realize 2 of our 4 Centers weren’t with the Pens the last two years right? You realize like 4 of our 6 Defensivemen either we’re in minors, on another or were hurt. LeTang didn’t play one playoff game last year. A couple wingers that played tonight had either no role or a minor role the last two years. This shouldn’t be difficult for you to ignore the Fake News because i just gave you the facts. Explain to me again why LeTang is tired haha. Again over half of the team didn’t play in the playoff games your point(Fake News) is trying to establish. If the Flyers win 4 games they are the better team this year. Absolutely nothing to do with Pens being fatigued LOL.


Well Mr. Facts, Murray started 4 games against the Sens. Fleury played games 1 and 2 in Pittsburgh. Pens lost game 1 2-1 in OT on the Bobby Ryan goal. Pens won game 2 1-0 on the Kessel double shot goal. We got lit up game 3 (Fleury gave up 4 in the first period due to zero defense). Then Murray started every game from that point on. So you have absolutely zero credibility and you are 100% full of shit.
Well Mr. Facts, Murray started 4 games against the Sens. Fleury played games 1 and 2 in Pittsburgh. Pens lost game 1 2-1 in OT on the Bobby Ryan goal. Pens won game 2 1-0 on the Kessel double shot goal. We got lit up game 3 (Fleury gave up 4 in the first period due to zero defense). Then Murray started every game from that point on. So you have absolutely zero credibility and you are 100% full of shit.

You proved my point dipshit haha. I’m that good dude!!! Played you like the fool you are. You literally proved that your “tired” theory is Fake News for idiots like you to talk about. I was at every single game. I know when Murray took over. I just made you spell it out haha. Remember this isn’t about me and you. It’s about the playing time facts as an excuse for the Pens possibly losing to Philly. You just stuck the facts I established up your own rear end LOL. Have a great day sir.
Not sure what your point is, but experience is beneficial in the playoffs. All three teams have players with playoff success (if success defined by making it to the finals). Even the Pens had to lose once to figure it out. So did the Oilers before their reign.

I responding to the idea that what the Bruins did to the Pens five years ago in the playoffs would be meaningless this year. The Bruins have gone through a total rebuilt and the Pens aren't the same team, either.
Surprising though for a fan base respected for their knowledge of the game. Also, their hate for Crosby only fuels his competitive spirit. He doesn't need more incentive.

There is a difference between "hate" and "disrespect". In watching the pens I can honestly and without bias state they are the biggest bunch of whiny a$$ bitches on ice.

Unfortunately for the pens crosby and malkin lead the way with their antics.
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Did Crosby just steal Giroux's lunch money???
Right there in the city of brotherly love??

Crosby with a goal and 2 assists. So far.
Giroux with a goose egg.
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There is a difference between "hate" and "disrespect". In watching the pens I can honestly and without bias state they are the biggest bunch of whiny a$$ bitches on ice.

Unfortunately for the pens crosby and malkin lead the way with their antics.
There is a difference between "whiny" and "smart". The Pens are masters at getting in the officials heads. The "whining" is a calculated measure. You can't argue with success.
There is a difference between "hate" and "disrespect". In watching the pens I can honestly and without bias state they are the biggest bunch of whiny a$$ bitches on ice.

Unfortunately for the pens crosby and malkin lead the way with their antics.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Thanks for making me laugh even more than this 4 zip game is making me laugh.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Thanks for making me laugh even more than this 4 zip game is making me laugh.

I don't hate the pens - I know they are better than the flyers - I do not expect the flyers to win this series - but gawd are they excruciating to watch play hockey (its like watching soccer)

I know you're a homer as they are your team but its not just Philly fans who feel that way. It's also not jealousy - they are probably 2 of the top 10 talents in the league but it gets embarrassing and difficult to watch
There is a difference between "whiny" and "smart". The Pens are masters at getting in the officials heads. The "whining" is a calculated measure. You can't argue with success.

I'm not arguing with it - but I'll sticky to "whiny"
I don't hate the pens - I know they are better than the flyers - I do not expect the flyers to win this series - but gawd are they excruciating to watch play hockey (its like watching soccer)

I know you're a homer as they are your team but its not just Philly fans who feel that way. It's also not jealousy - they are probably 2 of the top 10 talents in the league but it gets embarrassing and difficult to watch
And I'll stick with "smart".

It’s funny seeing the rationalizations of fans of other teams who complain about Crosby (and, to a lesser extent, Malkin). Crosby is subjected to abuse on a nightly basis and time after time uses his superior skill and smarts and wins. And those fans of other teams would love him and Malkin if they were on their team.
And once again, all is quiet in the city of brotherly love...

Final damage:
Crosby with a goal and 3 assists, for his first 4 point playoff game in 8 years.