Stanley Cup Playoffs: Flyers vs. Pens Round 1

Crosby sucks! Crosby sucks!

Keep chanting it. It seems to work pretty well considering how much Sid scores on the Flyers.

As for the 'whinyness' of the Pens, tell me how often LeBron complains about a foul call. How about baseball players complaining about a ball/strike call? Receivers lobbying for pass interference, ever seen that? Point being, most athletes in every sport complain about calls on the field all the time. But if y'all want to keep paying attention to one team doing it, that's fine. We'll just keep scoring and laughing our way to the next round.
Flyers fans always show off their hockey knowledge during Home games. It’s no wonder why those buffoons have to rely on their pappy to tell them about their last cup win
It’s funny seeing the rationalizations of fans of other teams who complain about Crosby (and, to a lesser extent, Malkin). Crosby is subjected to abuse on a nightly basis and time after time uses his superior skill and smarts and wins. And those fans of other teams would love him and Malkin if they were on their team.

It’s not about fans of other teams
I’m a “hockey” fan

You guys are just a tad too biased to converse with
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Comical watching a guy who claims to be full of hockey knowledge turn to football to make himself feel better

Have you ever seen the Flyers win the cup?

What are they saying about the game over on the Lair, Mauti?? lol
Pens 5 Cups. Flyers 2 Cups. Pens the superior franchise.
That is a simplistic approach. Flyers are superior all
Time in every other category. Pens have been opportune in their trips to the finals, kudos. When we pass you back for cups, the mission will be complete. The 20:s will not be nice to the Pens.
That is a simplistic approach. Flyers are superior all
Time in every other category. Pens have been opportune in their trips to the finals, kudos. When we pass you back for cups, the mission will be complete. The 20:s will not be nice to the Pens.
The only stat that matters is Cups, genius! Flyers will never pass Pens in that stat.
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That is a simplistic approach. Flyers are superior all
Time in every other category. Pens have been opportune in their trips to the finals, kudos. When we pass you back for cups, the mission will be complete. The 20:s will not be nice to the Pens.
Yep, just like the Eagles are better than the 49ers, right? Waaaa, we're still royalty....waaaa, who cares about hardware....waaaa, talk about “whiney”!!
I miss the **Official** game thread sponsored by TheGLOV.

I guess he just had too much fun last night and slept in out in Las Vegas!

What? There was a hockey game today? Who knew??


Let's count all the smiling faces in orange, shall we??
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And I never said that people shouldn’t view the Pens as the better franchise. Just that the little brother comment is ridiculous.

I just jerk around some of the old-school hard line Flyers fan. Flyers are dangerous and series is long from over.
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And those are the only opinions that count!! Everyone else on here is typing so they have something for their spank bank!!! You are clearly one of the flock from Piggsburgh that thinks hockey started in 1990. Check the records, Flyers are one of the best!!!

Flyers suck and no one nationally views them highly. Deal with it.
You need to stick to your pathetic pre-occupation with the Lair and stay out of "grown up" discussions. We're all chuckling at your child-like obsession with that board.

Your chances of acting like an adult is still 0%.

I respect this post sir so you deserve a like.
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There is a difference between "hate" and "disrespect". In watching the pens I can honestly and without bias state they are the biggest bunch of whiny a$$ bitches on ice.

Unfortunately for the pens crosby and malkin lead the way with their antics.

Pens are NHL royalty. Deal with it.
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Flyers fans always show off their hockey knowledge during Home games. It’s no wonder why those buffoons have to rely on their pappy to tell them about their last cup win

Dude I have to admit you’re on fire tonight!!! Good stuff!
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A quote from last night -- yeah, that Crosby is such a whiner:

“He always rises up to the challenge,” Dumoulin said. “I’ve seen it the past couple of runs where he fights through everything, fights through checks and he doesn’t complain. If I took that beating that he does every night, I’d be one sore guy. He never complains about it, he just continues to work hard. That’s our leader and obviously it trickles down from there.”

I also liked this from the same column:

The boos and negative chants towards Crosby were loud and robust during warmups. They were a whole lot quieter afterwards when he was announced as the game’s first star.
The boos and negative chants towards Crosby were loud and robust during warmups. They were a whole lot quieter afterwards when he was announced as the game’s first star.

What those animals fail to realize is that the louder they chant that crap, the more it fuels him. It was hilarious to listen to them yesterday using more effort to jeer at him than cheer their own team. It’s been like this for years there and yet, he keeps putting up multi-point games.
Flyers and the crowd came out fired up, Murray played great to keep it scoreless. I would expect the Flyers to bring a ton of energy the beginning of game 4 too. Pens will need to weather that storm.
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Who is the better program. Pitt or Penn State?

Mic drop!
I was listening to the Pirates game the other day, and the announcers said that the Cardinals are the only team in the NL central they have a winning record against(since the central division formed).
So, using your criteria Pirates > Cardinals
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Flyers and the crowd came out fired up, Murray played great to keep it scoreless. I would expect the Flyers to bring a ton of energy the beginning of game 4 too. Pens will need to weather that storm.
Agree. Great showing by the Pens but this series is not over. Good news for Pens is that they were able to rest up and not have to exert themselves for the third period.
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