Teasdale to Iowa

I know quite a few people here don't visit HR, so here's a post that will generate some discussion....
This is funny as hell. I hadn't seen this post, but his words are near verbatim what I said regarding Gavin and getting advice regarding interviews and then simply owning it. Can't wait to read the posts following this one. Vodka pretty much barked out yesterday that PSU cheats which is kinda funny coming from the guy that says he never has. He simply likes everyone that does.

I used to go there for wrestling information, now it's just pure entertainment. The hypocrisy they carry must be a heavy burden. Trashing wrestlers at other schools, with or without problems, then once at Iowa they're world beaters. Lmao.
This is funny as hell. I hadn't seen this post, but his words are near verbatim what I said regarding Gavin and getting advice regarding interviews and then simply owning it. Can't wait to read the posts following this one. Vodka pretty much barked out yesterday that PSU cheats which is kinda funny coming from the guy that says he never has. He simply likes everyone that does.

I used to go there for wrestling information, now it's just pure entertainment. The hypocrisy they carry must be a heavy burden. Trashing wrestlers at other schools, with or without problems, then once at Iowa they're world beaters. Lmao.
The trashing of wrestlers happens on both sites Hotshoe
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This is funny as hell. I hadn't seen this post, but his words are near verbatim what I said regarding Gavin and getting advice regarding interviews and then simply owning it. Can't wait to read the posts following this one. Vodka pretty much barked out yesterday that PSU cheats which is kinda funny coming from the guy that says he never has. He simply likes everyone that does.

I used to go there for wrestling information, now it's just pure entertainment. The hypocrisy they carry must be a heavy burden. Trashing wrestlers at other schools, with or without problems, then once at Iowa they're world beaters. Lmao.
Wrestling information? When HR was supposedly a wrestling message board the only wrestling information I ever recall getting is the other team was staaaalllling.
The trashing of wrestlers happens on both sites Hotshoe
Get real. There is zero comparison of the two boards anymore. Hell, y'all don't even have mods most of the time. Your board complains about that daily. Look at our discussions of Lee last year. We actually deleted anything overboard, just like we did a little over a month ago. I specifically stated a certain post would be above board regarding Minnesota. It was and you sure as hell can't say that about HR. The obsession with us over there is laughable. From peds, to cash to Sandusky, etc. etc. Nearly every post gets there. You ought to get it considering smalls has been there more than a few times calling the stupidity out. Then what do y'all do, create threads trashing flo. I don't subscribe to flo, but I'm smart enough not to trash them when they do so much to promote the sport. It's called common sense.
First it was the “We have fun too” riff - running around looking for Spencer, that jolly, hobbled giant Stoll, the selfies

Now it’s “we care more”

Adding new Appendix to the 3” binder of Gold Intel.


And this thread shows how two-faced and passive-aggressive Turk behaves.

The guy is a complete clown.

Whoever nicknamed Turk “Eddie Haskell” hit the bullseye.
So, all you fans in Cali feel that 7.1 quake? That one rolled for a while.
I bailed on the Pirates game when it was 6-1 (will not do that again this year), and turned the Dodgers game on. The camera was shaking like crazy but it didn't seem like the players felt it on the field.
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Get real. There is zero comparison of the two boards anymore. Hell, y'all don't even have mods most of the time. Your board complains about that daily. Look at our discussions of Lee last year. We actually deleted anything overboard, just like we did a little over a month ago. I specifically stated a certain post would be above board regarding Minnesota. It was and you sure as hell can't say that about HR. The obsession with us over there is laughable. From peds, to cash to Sandusky, etc. etc. Nearly every post gets there. You ought to get it considering smalls has been there more than a few times calling the stupidity out. Then what do y'all do, create threads trashing flo. I don't subscribe to flo, but I'm smart enough not to trash them when they do so much to promote the sport. It's called common sense.
Maybe you need to get real. There are plenty of comparisons on each board. There is no "your" board or "our" board anymore. They both are anonymous boards free to the public.

The obsession with HR over here is laughable. A big difference between the boards is there are about 20 or so PSU fans that post over on HR regularly contributing to the negative comments. Never used to be like that. I believe I am the only Hawkeye fan that posts here regularly and most of my comments aren't negative.

Smalls is a Penn State fan and has repeatedly poked the bear on HR. He loves his villain role there. I think Gavin needs to give Willie the # to his rehab facility btw.

Also has there never been a bad thing said about Flo here @Hotshoe ? Might want to check for yourself on that. Flo deserves some flack for the way they TMZ college wrestling and fail to deliver high paid wrestling content(which they have gotten better at).

The fact that you don't have a Flo subscription tells me you are missing out on a bunch of wrestling matches/content. You read the results of the matches on the internet and base your opinions off that. Get your wallet out and spend that 150$. Its worth it
Maybe you need to get real. There are plenty of comparisons on each board. There is no "your" board or "our" board anymore. They both are anonymous boards free to the public.

The obsession with HR over here is laughable. A big difference between the boards is there are about 20 or so PSU fans that post over on HR regularly contributing to the negative comments. Never used to be like that. I believe I am the only Hawkeye fan that posts here regularly and most of my comments aren't negative.

Smalls is a Penn State fan and has repeatedly poked the bear on HR. He loves his villain role there. I think Gavin needs to give Willie the # to his rehab facility btw.

Also has there never been a bad thing said about Flo here @Hotshoe ? Might want to check for yourself on that. Flo deserves some flack for the way they TMZ college wrestling and fail to deliver high paid wrestling content(which they have gotten better at).

The fact that you don't have a Flo subscription tells me you are missing out on a bunch of wrestling matches/content. You read the results of the matches on the internet and base your opinions off that. Get your wallet out and spend that 150$. Its worth it
Keep digging. The vast majority of flo posts are about bad internet connections. We're certainly not posting sh%t about Willie and Smalls lying. You have hateful posts on your board. It's beyond stupid. Not one is based in any evidence nor is your bullsh%t cheating posts. Own your board. Jesus, I wonder why the inner circle was created in the first place? It's been a constant whining for going on 9 years. Yeah, Cael did nothing at ISU. Get real. Y'all damn lucky he didn't stay there because he'd be kicking all our asses including Penn State. That's reality.
Furthermore, if Cael stayed at ISU, he'd be embarrassing IA the most. Yeah, he's that damn good. We're damn luck to have him as are you to have the Brands boys. How many post over there have called for their heads? Ignorance is bliss.
Hey Turk, ya gonna train Vodka to kick Smalls ass? Lol
Use the ignore button for Vodka. It's really that simple. He is in your head. Does one really need to train to kick Willie's ass? Have you seen him?
Smalls is a Penn State fan and has repeatedly poked the bear on HR. He loves his villain role there. I think Gavin needs to give Willie the # to his rehab facility btw.
IIRC Willie started his college career at Pitt -- which is as incompatible with being a PSU fan as it gets.

If he could clear that hurdle and become a PSU fan -- as opposed to a fan of any other school -- one might ask why not Iowa?

Saying he's on drugs and needs to attend rehab probably won't help win him over.
Use the ignore button for Vodka. It's really that simple. He is in your head. Does one really need to train to kick Willie's ass? Have you seen him?

Please stop with the "he's in your head" argument. It is extremely weak. Calling someone out for being ridiculous doesn't mean "he's in our head". Believe it or not, several people post for entertainment and aren't "really" bothered by this stuff. In fact, you strike me as one of those guys.
IIRC Willie started his college career at Pitt -- which is as incompatible with being a PSU fan as it gets.

If he could clear that hurdle and become a PSU fan -- as opposed to a fan of any other school -- one might ask why not Iowa?

Saying he's on drugs and needs to attend rehab probably won't help win him over.
Why would I care to win him over? Not saying he was on drugs but i do believe he was under the influence of something when he spouted off on HR. Probably drunk, but that's just a guess
Please stop with the "he's in your head" argument. It is extremely weak. Calling someone out for being ridiculous doesn't mean "he's in our head". Believe it or not, several people post for entertainment and aren't "really" bothered by this stuff. In fact, you strike me as one of those guys.
I find him hilarious ... much like I find the Guy Fieri women's swimsuit hilarious.

Here's the link to it -- I won't imbed the pic because, well, it can't be unseen. Everybody has been warned.

If that means he's in my head, that says more about him than me.
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Please stop with the "he's in your head" argument. It is extremely weak. Calling someone out for being ridiculous doesn't mean "he's in our head". Believe it or not, several people post for entertainment and aren't "really" bothered by this stuff. In fact, you strike me as one of those guys.
It's not weak. Many of you, such as your leader Hotshoe, use Vodka as a representation of all the Hawkeye fans on HR. I'm saying you should use the ignore button and filter yourself from the angst.
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Your kids: “hey dad what did you do today”

You: “well today i argued with another man who i don’t know by name only by an alias on the internet”

No one is ever gonna see eye to eye but arguing about it over a forum....come on gents why don’t we continue to celebrate the land of the free and the fact we are able to discuss this and have disagreements... @Hotshoe and @WildTurk my first beer is raised to you gents
It's not weak. Many of you, such as your leader Hotshoe, use Vodka as a representation of all the Hawkeye fans on HR. I'm saying you should use the ignore button and filter yourself from the angst.

I don't ever put anyone on ignore. He posts more than anyone else over there and I find him entertaining, in a laughing at him kind of way. He is a PSU hating hypocrite, but, he actually writes readable sentences and doesn't name call or go to Sandusky when losing an argument, so, he is far from the worse one there. Ironbird doesn't post as much, but, he makes Vodka look like a PSU fan.
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It's not weak. Many of you, such as your leader Hotshoe, use Vodka as a representation of all the Hawkeye fans on HR. I'm saying you should use the ignore button and filter yourself from the angst.
You're becoming laughable. I'm no leader here and that's for damn sure. I'll be plain. Your board has become a joke and Vodka is one of many. You know that. Problem is none of you have the balls to shut down the stupidity and get your board back to the way it was. That's exactly why they complain of the lack of mods. No one gives a damn.
I have no one on ignore, never have. Kinda defeats my purpose. That said, I'll speak freely regarding scum that constantly rips athletes and staffs with utter bullsh$t, claims of cheating and drugs. Even when representing the USA, they have to lie and insinuate bs. That's exactly what cowards do. That is not a rivalry, that is despicable behavior. You don't like these words, don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Ignoring someone that posts on HR defeats your purpose? Why am I laughable?
It's not weak. Many of you, such as your leader Hotshoe, use Vodka as a representation of all the Hawkeye fans on HR. I'm saying you should use the ignore button and filter yourself from the angst.

That's a fair point. I did end up ignoring weateisuhawk and ironturd because they had absolutely no redeeming virtues. Vodka is kind of drunkenly comical so he's a keeper.
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That's a fair point. I did end up ignoring weateisuhawk and ironturd because they had absolutely no redeeming virtues. Vodka is kind of drunkenly comical so he's a keeper.

I'll say this for IronBird:
• He really likes pizza
• He is capable of remorse

And he was just so proud of starting the marathon Teasdale thread that took down the Grothus thread, that I don't have the heart to harbor ill will toward him.
Ignoring someone that posts on HR defeats your purpose? Why am I laughable?

Hey, Meat, glad to see you over here still not telling anonymous internet posters what to do and not do!

Hey, I was thinking about your father-in-law the other day -- I had gotten up at dawn and worked outside past sunset. Hands were dirty, too. Felt like a real, honest-to-goodness American!

Had it not been for all the damn trees on the hillsides obstructing my view . . .
I don't ever put anyone on ignore. He posts more than anyone else over there and I find him entertaining, in a laughing at him kind of way. He is a PSU hating hypocrite, but, he actually writes readable sentences and doesn't name call or go to Sandusky when losing an argument, so, he is far from the worse one there. Ironbird doesn't post as much, but, he makes Vodka look like a PSU fan.

Ironbird aka Ironbirdbrain
Unfortunately there are many that are worse than Vodka, some are downright vile![/QUOTE. I agree. I have always been respectful even intentionally respectful and still get attacked by ironbird and the like. Nobody stands up to any of them they just play along. Delusional fans who have no understanding in reality and it's not just a few unfortunately
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Ignoring someone that posts on HR defeats your purpose? Why am I laughable?
I usually find your posts over here to be informative and/or entertaining. But lately it's been on the bitter and confrontational side in my opinion. Not my place to ask why you changed, but you used to be one of the good folks from the Iowa board that could take the friendly banter and dish it out in similar fashion.

Anyway, regardless of what you post, i hope all is well and you and your family.
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District four,

You may want to reconsider your stance that you are "intentionally respectful" on HR because your posting history over there shows that you are very much part of the cesspool.
It's not weak. Many of you, such as your leader Hotshoe, use Vodka as a representation of all the Hawkeye fans on HR. I'm saying you should use the ignore button and filter yourself from the angst.
Vodka is a good example of what HR has to offer. With one or two exceptions it doesn't make any difference which clown's name you put in place of Vodka's it's a similar pattern. Iowa will score 150, 10 AAs, wait till next year, TnT is the greatest except for when Cael cheats which is always and oh yeah, Sandusky.
There are very few if any who believe HR is a representation of most Haweye wrestling fans. HR is what it is, a place where a bunch of delusional idiots who seem to cheer for Iowa in college wrestling gather to self congratulate each other in their collective delusion.
I usually find your posts over here to be informative and/or entertaining. But lately it's been on the bitter and confrontational side in my opinion. Not my place to ask why you changed, but you used to be one of the good folks from the Iowa board that could take the friendly banter and dish it out in similar fashion.

Anyway, regardless of what you post, i hope all is well and you and your family.
I thought I noticed this a few weeks ago. The tone of his posts have definitely changed recently. He used to appear to enjoy the banter, but recently he has been doing nothing but flaming and defending.
District four,

You may want to reconsider your stance that you are "intentionally respectful" on HR because your posting history over there shows that you are very much part of the cesspool.

I'm not going as far as to literally check the history, but my recollection is that you are making a fair point (not unexpected, of course). I think a bunch of folks jumped down his throat one time after misinterpreting a benign post of his and, consequently, D4 adopted a "when in Rome" approach with the HR. At least, that's what I think I saw happen.
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District four,

You may want to reconsider your stance that you are "intentionally respectful" on HR because your posting history over there shows that you are very much part of the cesspool.
Here we go again. Let me rephrase that. I was very respectful until I got lambasted. Have no respect for many on that board and I have no problem sticking up for myself. If that makes me part of the cesspool then so be it but I'm not backing down anymore. If you check my posts I was respectful until.righr after nationals when all I said was kemmerer would not beat hall and all hell broke loose lol
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I'm not going as far as to literally check the history, but my recollection is that you are making a fair point (not unexpected, of course). I think a bunch of folks jumped down his throat one time after misinterpreting a benign post of his and, consequently, D4 adopted a "when in Rome" approach with the HR. At least, that's what I think I saw happen.
Exactly. Thanks
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Here we go again. Let me rephrase that. I was very respectful until I got lambasted. Have no respect for many on that board and I have no problem sticking up for myself. If that makes me part of the cesspool then so be it but I'm not backing down anymore. If you check my posts I was respectful until.righr after nationals when all I said was kemmerer would not beat hall and all hell broke loose lol

You(and Slushhead) speak the truth. I was only going off your recent activity on HR. I was unaware that it was a specific situation that started all of the negativity. Any chance you would be willing to move on from what happened and go back to your pre-nationals posting habits on HR?
If HR was full of jrod's, it would still be the board it once was and probably the best on the net. They are too dumb to realize that it is their own fault they have confrontational PSU fans posting there. If they were classy wrestling fans, respectful and cared less about throwing out unfounded accusations towards other programs then theyd get fans coming there to talk wrestling instead of defending. I mean really, they accually think they can say our wrestlers are on PEDs, that our wrestlers and their parents are taking payoffs to come here and say the entire PSU program is dirty and think we are not going to go there and call them out on their bs.