Teasdale to Iowa

The article tikk posted to start this thread is from IAwrestle and begins "Former top recruit Gavin Teasdale Transferring to Iowa".

Where the hell is he "Transferring" from? Certainly not Penn State! Maybe he was home schooled for his prior spring college semester.

I hope he finds peace and success to his goals. Unfortunately, while here, he certainly did not learn the art of being discreet from our program. I do think Spencer will have a positive effect on him going forward.
Nice interview, but while discussing the 3” binder of gold intel, Gavin forgot to discuss his positive drug test(s) and weighing 127 for the Scuffle.

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I don’t understand how an adult can talk for 20-minutes about how he broke every rule, admitted to being out of shape, didn’t train hard, surrounded himself with bad people, recklessly poured drugs into his body, didn’t like the sport anymore, was not right in his own head, lied to everyone, and didn’t listen to anything his coaches told him to do, but then says Cael & staff didn’t do enough for him. No, Cael did plenty for Teasdale. He just didn’t give anything back. I’m thinking that a “Hands on” Coach is code for babysitter in this instance.
I view Teasdale's comments as what he needs to say in order to convince himself that he's doing the right thing now. I expect that over time, with some distance from the events, he'll come to better understand that by affording him the space to make mistakes the staff was treating him "like a man." If the staff had a shortcoming here, it was bringing in a wrestler who needed far more coddling than they could reasonably provide. Whether that was obvious from the outset, I've no idea, but they've got a great track record in identifying kids who'll buy in, it's natural for there to be outliers.
I view Teasdale's comments as what he needs to say in order to convince himself that he's doing the right thing now. I expect that over time, with some distance from the events, he'll come to better understand that by affording him the space to make mistakes the staff was treating him "like a man." If the staff had a shortcoming here, it was bringing in a wrestler who needed far more coddling than they could reasonably provide. Whether that was obvious from the outset, I've no idea, but they've got a great track record in identifying kids who'll buy in, it's natural for there to be outliers.
I think the staff took a flier on him and it did not work out. Who knows how much scholarship aid he was given if any. Most likely there was a set of conditions/rules laid out that he would have to meet, he did not and was removed from the program.

Every program can deal with a square peg or two if the rest of the room is good and problem free. Even that did not help him.

It took about 3 years and a sympathetic judge for Marstellar to finally wake up. Maybe Teasdale has had his wake up call.
I think the staff took a flier on him and it did not work out. Who knows how much scholarship aid he was given if any. Most likely there was a set of conditions/rules laid out that he would have to meet, he did not and was removed from the program.

Every program can deal with a square peg or two if the rest of the room is good and problem free. Even that did not help him.

It took about 3 years and a sympathetic judge for Marstellar to finally wake up. Maybe Teasdale has had his wake up call.

on the topic of scholarship aid.

Man does Iowa have a lot of bodies, dare I say blue chip, had to get LOTs of $$$ money to come bodies between 125 and 149. hOw CaN tHeY pOsSiBlY aFfOrD this? HoW dArE tHeY rEcRuIt OvEr GuYs!
How in the name of Gable is Iowa having all of these out of state top recruits within the 9.9? Fuzzy math and a little hush money? I went over the roster and find it very difficult to believe you could get the talent they have in out of state kids without some sort of cash payment. I guess if you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin'.... It just makes it hard for guys like Dresser who do things right.
Was a big proponent of Gavin and if he gets his head in straight, he’s legit as they come.

After the interview, I lost a little respect. Instead of just owning up to his mistakes (which he did). He had to throw in little digs about coaching staff, style and how PSU trains compared to Iowa. Give it a rest kid. You want to win team and national titles, come to PSU and learn from the best. You want someone to hold your hand, best of luck in Iowa
I can give him a pass, after all he says he needs to get his head checked out. He is just rambling.

One thing I will say, when he says the Iowa coaches do not make you do something you are not comfortable with, if that is a shot at the PSU coaches I would say that the PSU coaches are saying what you are doing is not going to work at this level. That is what the staff did with Jake Kemmerer, told him his style would not work in D1, they were right.
Good luck to him. As for the rest, yawn. Let HR continue to dream up ideas why we're so good while 3/4 of their team is within a 2-hour radius of State College (there's your answer).
I think Cael has certain expectations for members of his team and when those expectations are met, great things can happen individually and as a team.
It's also true that teams trying to climb the mountain are typically willing to take more risks, be more accommodating, etc than teams that are already at the top of the mountain.

We see it in a lot of sports, especially college sports.

How accommodating do you think 1992 Dan Gable would have been to a wrestler that went to rehab AND couldn't make weight because (by his own admission) he wasn't doing what he needed to do?
Nice interview, but while discussing the 3” binder of gold intel, Gavin forgot to discuss his positive drug test(s) and weighing 127 for the Scuffle.


OH NOES!!! I wonder if Iowa received the updated version of the 3" binder?
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Pretty tame here. You guys were lambasting him as a half-retarded stoner last year.

Of course we’re critical about someone criticizing a staff’s ability to work with different styles - as if Matt Brown and Zain are carbon copies of David Taylor and Nickal. Newsflash - the best staff in college wrestling for ALL weights overall is in State College - and it’s not really close.
Funny how Turk forgets all the sh$t HR gave the kid. How convenient. Wish him the best but some of these kids need to use their heads during interviews. Who had the issues Gavin? That's right it was you.
I don’t understand how an adult can talk for 20-minutes about how he broke every rule, admitted to being out of shape, didn’t train hard, surrounded himself with bad people, recklessly poured drugs into his body, didn’t like the sport anymore, was not right in his own head, lied to everyone, and didn’t listen to anything his coaches told him to do, but then says Cael & staff didn’t do enough for him. No, Cael did plenty for Teasdale. He just didn’t give anything back. I’m thinking that a “Hands on” Coach is code for babysitter in this instance.
Pure gold here...
Only drug he mentions is weed, because that is safe to discuss and has little judgement anymore...the question is, what else was he putting in his body?? I would have respected him more if he said, "I had the world at my fingertips and in the best spot any wrestler could ever dream of, and I blew it being selfish and trying to be cool, for that I am ashamed and pathetic...I regret all of it, and I am embracing a sober lifestyle. Cael, I am eternally sorry for letting you down!"
How in the name of Gable is Iowa having all of these out of state top recruits within the 9.9? Fuzzy math and a little hush money? I went over the roster and find it very difficult to believe you could get the talent they have in out of state kids without some sort of cash payment. I guess if you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin'.... It just makes it hard for guys like Dresser who do things right.

Well, Teasdale has supposedly been living with the Lees. Don’t know how long it takes to establish in state residency. Also, once Marinelli and their newly hired Director of Operations get married, he immediately qualifies for the in state price. All part of the Iowa Slushfund plan. :p
One thing I will say, when he says the Iowa coaches do not make you do something you are not comfortable with, if that is a shot at the PSU coaches I would say that the PSU coaches are saying what you are doing is not going to work at this level.
Just my experience as a coach... but isn’t it the coaches responsibility to train you to improve on the things you’re uncomfortable with? I mean... the things you’re comfortable with is what got you to this level. To get to the next level, you have to improve on the things you’re uncomfortable with.
After listening to the interview, It's easy to see why he wouldn't succeed at PS. Immature, partying, drugs, character issues. not focused , poor discipline, no weight management. He definitely wasn't ready to be a elite college athlete. Sounds like he was living one his past and going through the motions. PS wrestlers are generally dedicated, hard working, focused, responsible, good students, eat right, practice hard with goal of being a national champ. Gavin made it clear he wasn't interested in doing what it takes to be national champ . It sounded like he's relied on his natural abilities and wasn't willing to put in the work since his sophomore year in HS. He must have stood out like a sore thumb compared to the other PS wrestlers who are focused on being the best they can be.

That being said, he's a young kid and still somewhat figuring it out(not there yet from the interview) Sounds like things have come easy to him, but they won't at this level. I hope he gets it together and has some success.
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After listening to the interview, It's easy to see why he wouldn't succeed at PS. Immature, partying, drugs, character issues. not focused , poor discipline, no weight management. He definitely wasn't ready to be a elite college athlete. Sounds like he was living one his past and going through the motions. PS wrestlers are generally dedicated, hard working, focused, responsible, good students, eat right, practice hard with goal of being a national champ. Gavin made it clear he wasn't interested in doing what it takes to be national champ . It sounded like he's relied on his natural abilities and wasn't willing to put in the work since his sophomore year in HS. He must have stood out like a sore thumb compared to the other PS wrestlers who are focused on being the best they can be.

That being said, he's a young kid and still somewhat figuring it out(not there yet from the interview) Sounds like things have come easy to him, but they won't at this level. I hope he gets it together and has some success.
Swap partying/drugs/not focused for tanking classes to force a redshirt, and it's Bubba Jenkins all over again.

Except Bubba was already a national finalist, did want to be a national champ, and had an idea of what it would take (though his idea clashed with Cael's, and he wasn't shy about telling his teammates).
I don’t understand how an adult can talk for 20-minutes about how he broke every rule, admitted to being out of shape, didn’t train hard, surrounded himself with bad people, recklessly poured drugs into his body, didn’t like the sport anymore, was not right in his own head, lied to everyone, and didn’t listen to anything his coaches told him to do, but then says Cael & staff didn’t do enough for him. No, Cael did plenty for Teasdale. He just didn’t give anything back. I’m thinking that a “Hands on” Coach is code for babysitter in this instance.

Sounds like he didn't do enough for himself.
How in the name of Gable is Iowa having all of these out of state top recruits within the 9.9? Fuzzy math and a little hush money? I went over the roster and find it very difficult to believe you could get the talent they have in out of state kids without some sort of cash payment. I guess if you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin'.... It just makes it hard for guys like Dresser who do things right.

Yea... and where's Vodka when you need him? He'll certainly get to the bottom of these shenanigans ;)
Only drug he mentions is weed, because that is safe to discuss and has little judgement anymore...the question is, what else was he putting in his body?? I would have respected him more if he said, "I had the world at my fingertips and in the best spot any wrestler could ever dream of, and I blew it being selfish and trying to be cool, for that I am ashamed and pathetic...I regret all of it, and I am embracing a sober lifestyle. Cael, I am eternally sorry for letting you down!"

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There are perfect fits to programs, horrible fits to programs, and everything in between. Unimportant where the Teasdale and the PSU Program fell in that range, but y'all can guess and be close, I'll assume. Plenty of chances for course correction too, and it didn't work out.

Not the last.
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sort of seemed to say he didn't get the attention from Cody (lightweight coach) but boy it sure made you appreciate what these kids go through. So much respect for those kids who are dedicated to the sport.... then the diet (my nemesis!). Oh my! Not sure many of us could muster up the discipline.
Also... seemed like he might have 'burned out' after his soph year based on his stories... hopefully Iowa rekindles the spark.
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Come to think of it, Teasdale is not a bad bench guy to fill in at 133 when AD is serving his suspension(s).

It's hard to make weight on the munchies. After a redshirt year, 141 might be in the conversation.

I am encouraged he is owning up to much of what transpired over the past 3 years but surprised too hear him admit his diet still isn't that great. Spencer hasn't reeled him in completely yet, but if anyone can....