
EJ, wonderful write up that brought back a ton of good memories and unfortunately quite a few not so great with a few absolutely terrifying experiences as well.

Traveled there many times for business meetings/trade shows from 1990 to 2012 or so. Haven't been there since. Mostly stayed at Marriott properties close to the French Quarter. Around 2005, several of my coworkers decided to bring their wives along for one of the the trade shows and I reluctantly brought mine along as well. Not one of the smartest decisions I ever made.

I knew we had to do everything possible to create a protective bubble around my wife and the 3 other pampered wives. I lobbied for staying at the downtown Marriott but was overruled by the CEO who insisted we join he and his wife and stay at the Royal Sonesta right on Bourbon Street. Horrible decision #2.

I had my assistant arrange shopping trips, carriage rides, river boat tours, spa sessions, museum and historic tours, etc. I then hired a limo to cheauffer them back and forth to the hotel. After a day and a half with two more to go things were going ok and then the sh!$ hit the fan.

Upon return to the hotel from a morning spa session my wife and the CEO's wife took the elevator to return to their rooms. When they stepped out of the elevator and into the hallway they witnessed 2 drunken thugs beating the life out of a young woman that they charitably described as appearing to be a prostitute. In a panic they screamed their lungs out and fortunately several other people came out of their rooms and the thugs fled the hotel through the stairswell.

Needless to say this wasn't the experience I was hoping for. Me and the other guys spent the next 4 hours convincing our wives that things would be ok. We had reservations for the group at Emeril's (I think) that evening and everyone enjoyed a very nice, albeit way overpriced dinner.

Upon return to the hotel there were multiple police cars and ambulances with lights flashing parked in front of the Royal Sonesta. We stood on the sidewalk for about 10 minutes listening to the cops and hotel manager downplaying the situation when a crew of around 8 EMT's wheeled out 2 unconscious stab victims. They were the lucky ones as one of their buddies was lying on the lobby floor in a pool of blood with a sheet over top of him. We all quickly retrieved our luggage and took our limo to the airport. Spent a sleepness night at the airport listening to my wife repeatedly ask me why I agreed to let her come on the trip if I knew it was so dangerous.

IMO, New Orleans is one of those cities that everyone should visit. It is a truly unique and ifascinating place. Unfortunately, it is dangerous as hell. Have fun but be very careful.
I'm surprised to hear that about the Sonesta -- not so much the prostitution, because that does exist in the Quarter -- but the violent crime on hotel property. Would've expected much better hotel security.

My first drive into town, I got snarled in traffic exiting the freeway and missed the RH turn at the "French Quarter" sign, had to go left instead. About 3 blocks later, some random dude was walking around smoking a crack pipe. This was at noon.

That's New Orleans, gotta take the bad with the good. While there is a lot of good, must also recognize that it's a very poor, poorly educated, highly corrupt, and violent crime ridden city (typically at or near #1 of the murder capital lists). Compounding that problem is that the city severely underpays its cops, forcing many to supplement their incomes with 2nd jobs or less legal/ethical ways that contribute to the crime problem.

We also ate at the original Emeril's in the Warehouse District. Very glad we did, and for price also very glad we did it for lunch. There's a reason he became a celebrity chef and built an empire.
I was curious myself. Below is what I came up with. If he would have just stuck to not being happy in State College, oh well, it ain't for everyone. But it''s the comments about not liking how things were handled, they took something away from me, etc. that result in no love lost. I think we can all agree Suriano has regressed in his 1.5 years at The State University of New Jersey. I'm certainly not obsessing about him, but I'm certainly not rooting for him either (with the possible exception vs Fix, Micic, Pletcher, or Desanto depending on the team race). :) Looking forward to my trip to the BJC tomorrow evening.
As I have commented before with some knowledge of the issue, Suriano injury gave him the opportunity to transfer without sitting out a year. It was a facade to the behind the scene issues that included some differences Suriano's father had with PSU.
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Been to NOLA 5-6 times. Got thrown in jail during Mardi Gras for "disturbing the peace" if you can believe that. In my single days me and my friends would spend almost every waking hour at Razoo. Can't beat the food in NOLA.
On Bourbon Street .....
Back to Bourbon, there are a lot of strip clubs. If you choose, choose wisely and stick with the bigger ones. The smaller ones, it may not be real clear if you are dealing with a female or not.
.............. And don't forget Pat O'Briens for a Hurricane. They have an outdoor courtyard inside area. Nice atmosphere.
...........But you don't want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Lots of good advice given in these posts. My cousin was living there when I first visited, and it was great to have a "local" host. We started our morning off with Hurricanes, and as I started to walk into a small strip club, he grabbed me by the arm and said "you don't want to go into this one country boy". His first year living there, and in the very early/late hours one Mardi Gras morning, he ended up being loaded into a paddy wagon and taken to a cell with all complete strangers. He said it was a humbling experience.
Laissez le bon temps rouler
Favorite islands of mine are Aruba, Curacao, Barbados and Nevis. All very friendly and safe. I did not Dominican at all and had very unfriendly staff at our hotel, which friends of mine that go there all the time found strange. But everyone says you generally have to stay on the resort in the DR.
Been to Cancun/Playa del Carmen numerous times, Bahamas, and St Lucia. All were great experiences. The only trip in the “Caribbean” we had a bad experience was the DR. From the moment we landed, during our 10-days at the resort, excursions, and the like, the people there gave the vibe that they were tolerating us because we gave them money.
The people of Cancun/Play del Carmen have no equal throughout the world, imo. Kind, courteous, and respectful. Always above and beyond. Return in 1-month. And... a trip to Iceland in 4 months. If this thread makes it to June, I can assure you, it will be inundated with pics from The Blue Lagoon. :)
... IMO, New Orleans is one of those cities that everyone should visit. It is a truly unique and ifascinating place. Unfortunately, it is dangerous as hell. Have fun but be very careful.
Just be grateful that you weren’t in Iowa, where you would have seen four stab victims!

... and one shooting victim ...
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Certainly you recall Jersey kid saying he was enjoying himself 100 times more at RU than PSU while collecting Male Athlete of the Year Award at RU.

All of those articles were referencing the same interview and I do remember it, yes. But I didn't interpret it as a potshot. No big deal - reasonable people can disagree on what he meant.

And for @Lyons212 let me again state I wasn't "calling you out" on the matter. I honestly thought I might have missed something. In any case, it isn't important. IMHO Suriano will likely finish his time as a "career contender" who never ascended to the top of the mountain. Nothing to sniff at as it'll be better than just about everybody out there, but (IMHO) it will feel a bit empty when you take all of his big talk into account. Water over the dam, though.
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I would say this is completely accurate. I met Suriano at the team banquet after they won the National championship in St. Louis and he stood at the back by himself the whole time and looked miserable. All the while his teammates were having fun and celebrating together. I remember thinking to myself how does this kid fit in with this PSU team. Shortly thereafter, he was gone.
Hmm. I wonder how well Gulibon fit in with the personality of the team. Did he have fun being around his teammates?
Absolutely! Since you quoted a post about Nick, hopefully you're not comparing the two situations...
It was the Suriano comment that made me wonder about Gulibon. Because I suddenly remembered that Gulibon seemed less carefree and more shy in interviews than some others.
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If you listen to Suriano's interviews when at PSU and now at can see he is a no nonsense intense person......clearly wired differently than most of the loose PSU guys. Not better or worse.....just different. I think Nick choosing Penn State was a wrestling decision and choosing to go back home was a personal decision. He clearly was not happy. I have said it before.....If RBY doesn't win it......I hope Suriano wins the National Championship. I think he needs to relax and have fun and let it rip to do that.....but I hope he does...... #notahater

Nope. I hope he finishes last.

Is he going to be one of the boys now that he is at Rutgers? I doubt it. Are they ALL wired different at RU?
Does the rest of their team blame the program or the coach when they don't win a title?

The problem I have with Suriano is that he took the low road when he left. Suriano blamed PSU because he did not win a title. GTFO. Plenty of wrestlers better than him did not win as freshman. Taylor, Ruth, Zain, NOlf and Nickal did not cry about it.
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U hear something? Didn't see any info on HR unless I missed it. Wouldn't be a shock to me if he did, TBH. Wish him the best.
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U hear something? Didn't see any info on HR unless I missed it. Wouldn't be a shock to me if he did, TBH. Wish him the best.

The WPIAL friend who knows things (and knew of Teasdale decommit a month ahead of time in Dec 2017) texted me this morning “Teasdale to Iowa”.

So I came here .... and now there’s the same rumor on our “National Scuttlebutt” thread ... FWIW.
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No backstroking here, as soon as he screwed us and went to PSU I burned the bridge. I wouldn't let him come back if he begged and I don't see where he fits. That and the drug (meds) rumors make me want him to go to Minnesota where they are used to dealing with that kind of stuff.
No backstroking here, as soon as he screwed us and went to PSU I burned the bridge. I wouldn't let him come back if he begged and I don't see where he fits. That and the drug (meds) rumors make me want him to go to Minnesota where they are used to dealing with that kind of stuff.

will you root for him to succeed and cheer on a team that uses his mat success as their success?
will you root for him to succeed and cheer on a team that uses his mat success as their success?
No, but I am only 1 guy. I think we can do better as a wrestler and a human. His word and character aren't on par with what we are looking for.
Edit, I will cheer on our team, that will never change. I won't root for the kid though.
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It starting to look like teasdale was grey shirting in Penn state's room, well what goes around comes around.
No, but I am only 1 guy. I think we can do better as a wrestler and a human. His word and character aren't on par with what we are looking for.
Edit, I will cheer on our team, that will never change. I won't root for the kid though.
Considering Iowa was looking for Downey's character, and DeSanto's, that's saying something.
No, but I am only 1 guy. I think we can do better as a wrestler and a human. His word and character aren't on par with what we are looking for.
Edit, I will cheer on our team, that will never change. I won't root for the kid though.
If Brands saw a PA state placer on America's Most Wanted he'd send Morningstar out looking for him with fake id/identity package. Can't blame him though, without PA kids scoring points at Nationals he'd be job hunting
No, but I am only 1 guy. I think we can do better as a wrestler and a human. His word and character aren't on par with what we are looking for.
Edit, I will cheer on our team, that will never change. I won't root for the kid though.

One thing I can say about your posting is that you remain consistent.
Bizarre situation, but I'm not going to hate on the kid if this is what will make him happy in life. That said I won't be following his career with any real interest or wishing him great success unless it benefits PSU come tournament time. He's just another Iowa Wrestler to me now.
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This makes somewhere less than zero sense from a fit standpoint.
That depends on one's definition of fit, and how patient he is.

His fit does not need to be apparent in 2020 or even 2021 if he's willing to sit a year.

If he can somehow suck down to 125 next year (I know, but still) -- then Spencer takes an Olympic shirt, Teaz shirts in 2021, and then he starts at 133 after DeSanto graduates.

If he can't get down to 125 next year, then he loses 1 year behind DeSanto. Which might be OK with him, as he would've sat more than that behind RBY.
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