That call…

Just thinking about this mechanically, when you review a play, are you able to review multiple plays? At the beginning of the play, if the down marker said it was 3rd down (in error), would you even be allowed to look at the previous play? I don’t think you would technically be able to do that. So I don’t think “challenging” would have even helped.
Just thinking about this mechanically, when you review a play, are you able to review multiple plays? At the beginning of the play, if the down marker said it was 3rd down (in error), would you even be allowed to look at the previous play? I don’t think you would technically be able to do that. So I don’t think “challenging” would have even helped.
Yes, you can.
Just thinking about this mechanically, when you review a play, are you able to review multiple plays? At the beginning of the play, if the down marker said it was 3rd down (in error), would you even be allowed to look at the previous play? I don’t think you would technically be able to do that. So I don’t think “challenging” would have even helped.
So, I guess I was wrong about the "challenge" rule. I thought when replay was started in NCAAF that the "challenge" could only be initiated by the refs or the booth, unlike NFL, but clearly a coach can challenge up to 2 times a game (only if his 1st is successful is he allowed a 2nd).
As far as correcting the down, it looks like as long as you challenge before the series is over, it is reviewable.
Franklin addressed this in his post game PC. He asked every ref on the field and they all said it was 4th down. They sent it to the replay guys who also said it was 4th down. There was nothing left to do at that point. People need to stop blaming CJF for this. He did everything he could.

Beyond that, the Referee is going to tell him he can't "Challenge" the call as the Replay Booth has already reviewed the issue at the Referee's request and CONFIRMED the down as 4th Down. The OP is also full of shit that the Replay Booth only had 10 seconds.... blah, blah, blah.... The Referee called an "Official's TO" to review the issue AFTER Franklin called him over and demanded an explanation! The "Official's TO" was formally ended by the Referee when he went to center of field and declared on his field mic that it was OFFICIALLY "4th Down" or perhaps the lame OP forgot about this??? The Official's TO lasted far longer than "10 seconds".... the play and game clocks are turned off during an Official's TO and they were turned off for at least a minute (almost certainly more) before the Referee came out to midfield and made his laughable statement.
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Beyond that, the Referee is going to tell him he can't "Challenge" the call as the Replay Booth has already reviewed the issue at the Referee's request and CONFIRMED the down as 4th Down. The OP is also full of shit that the Replay Booth only had 10 seconds.... blah, blah, blah.... The Referee called an "Official's TO" to review the issue AFTER Franklin called him over and demanded an explanation! The "Official's TO" was formally ended by the Referee when he went to center of field and declared on his field mic that it was OFFICIALLY "4th Down" or perhaps the lame OP forgot about this??? The Official's TO lasted far longer than "10 seconds".... the play and game clocks are turned off during an Official's TO and they were turned off for at least a minute (almost certainly more) before the Referee came out to midfield and made his laughable statement.
As usual, Bushwood has no clue what he’s talking about. They didn’t come over to Franklin before or after huddling, didn’t stop the clock for “at least a minute”, etc. They huddled up for about 10 seconds then moved along.

And Franklin certainly can challenge that call.
Completely incorrect, but I guess it was a fun analogy.

Challenge the play and them almost certainly get the call corrected.
You are completely frickin' clueless!!!!! The refs and the replay guy had made their decisions already! THEY HAD DONE THEIR REVIEW! They weren't going to change anything! If Franklin had called timeout and asked for a review of 'the' play; which play was he reviewing? What would they be asked to review? PSU would have lost a time out FOR NO REASON!!!
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You are completely frickin' clueless!!!!! The refs and the replay guy had made their decisions already! THEY HAD DONE THEIR REVIEW! They weren't going to change anything! If Franklin had called timeout and asked for a review of 'the' play; which play was he reviewing? What would they be asked to review? PSU would have lost a time out FOR NO REASON!!!
They would have spent more than 10 seconds on it and actually reviewed the sequence of plays to realize their mistake. Instead, they moved too quickly and didn’t catch it.

Plenty of plays in college football get overturned after a coach’s challenge…and by definition, every play has already been reviewed, so it’s forcing them to take another look and catch their mistake.

You think Brooks’ targeting call at Wisconsin still happens if they didn’t call a timeout to slow things down? I certainly don’t.
As usual, Bushwood has no clue what he’s talking about. They didn’t come over to Franklin before or after huddling, didn’t stop the clock for “at least a minute”, etc. They huddled up for about 10 seconds then moved along.

And Franklin certainly can challenge that call.
He might not know what he's talking about but he still knows much much much much much more knowledge of this and everything else than you do, you clueless POC!!!
I think it's something that should be clarified this week. I understand Erial's stance, but I felt like many others that the referee told JF that it was reviewed and in that moment, it probably felt definitive.
He might not know what he's talking about but he still knows much much much much much more knowledge of this and everything else than you do, you clueless POC!!!
Yep…here is the several minute review that you and Bushwood saw…start at 56:00 and tell me how many minutes they are huddled up in that review (I probably overestimated saying they spent 10 seconds discussing it).

As usual, Bushwood has no clue what he’s talking about. They didn’t come over to Franklin before or after huddling, didn’t stop the clock for “at least a minute”, etc. They huddled up for about 10 seconds then moved along.

And Franklin certainly can challenge that call.

You're the one who is full of $hit pal - the Referee ABSOLUTELY spoke with Franklin before initiating the Official's TO to review the issue. What do you suppose caused the Referee who was absolutely positive it was 4th Down to call an Official's TO to discuss the issue with his entire crew and the Replay Booth??? It was Franklin that demanded the review of the situation spanking the Official's TO you moronic douchebag! As for your claim that the game and play clocks were only turned off for about 10 seconds after Dotson was tackled on 2nd Down is so phucking wrong (and bizzare) that it isn't even worth addressing. The game and play clocks were turned off between the end of the 2nd Down play and the SEC Referee's FORMAL DECLARATION ending the Officials TO for far, far, far longer than 10 seconds - like 7x or 8x that figure asshole. As for you're claim that the SEC Referee didn't reconvene with Franklin and tell him that the play had been discussed with all his Officials who were unanimous in declaring it 4th Down AND then checked by the Replay Booth Official and confirmed as 4th Down.... it is DIRECTLY CONTRADICTED by not only Franklin's summary of events during his post-game PC, but ALSO the SEC's Formal Press Release on the call. My claims have FACTUAL support behind them, you're douche made-up BULLSHIT has ZERO actual and factual support - go figure! LMAO
If anything the replay official should be fired because he has ABSOLUTLY no excuse for getting that wrong. The on field guys maybe got confused, but is something that should be easy to correct with replay. The fact that idiot agreed it was 4th is inexcusable and he should NEVER officiate another game again.
I beleive one ref has a counter and thats part of his job!!!WTF
Don’t take the bait. He is trying to dismiss it all as some kind of “it happens to everyone.” And this from a fan who just benefited from multiple (5-6) very bad calls - including one that probably did not even happen in pee wee football this weekend.

And all if this a happened in OUR STADIUM.

As bad as we have gotten jobbed by the BIg10 since 1993, this has all ramped up since 2011. I highly doubt it is just a coincidence.

no co-winky-dinky’s

definitely ramped up since 2-0-1-1 !
You're the one who is full of $hit pal - the Referee ABSOLUTELY spoke with Franklin before initiating the Official's TO to review the issue. What do you suppose caused the Referee who was absolutely positive it was 4th Down to call an Official's TO to discuss the issue with his entire crew and the Replay Booth??? It was Franklin that demanded the review of the situation spanking the Official's TO you moronic douchebag! As for your claim that the game and play clocks were only turned off for about 10 seconds after Dotson was tackled on 2nd Down is so phucking wrong (and bizzare) that it isn't even worth addressing. The game and play clocks were turned off between the end of the 2nd Down play and the SEC Referee's FORMAL DECLARATION ending the Officials TO for far, far, far longer than 10 seconds - like 7x or 8x that figure asshole.
I just posted the video for you…can you tell me the 70-80 seconds in that video in which the game and play clock were stopped for review between Dotson’s catch and the announcement?

Ref stops the play at 56:03 of the video…he’s announcing his call at 56:22. That’s 19 seconds, some of which was walking to and from the huddle, right? Looks like the huddle itself lasted 5-6 seconds. Could another poster tell me where I’m missing the huddle with Franklin during this, and the 70-80 second “formal review”?
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I’m not blaming him CJF but here is what I thought was weird. It may have been in the post-game presser. CJF said he told the refs the down “was not accurate”. I thought that was a strange way of telling them they were wrong.

if CJF said instead, “I told the ref that first down was the IG which makes it second down. Second down was the pass to Dotson. Okay ref, tell me what was third down because I missed it”. That makes the ref think

if instead he went to the ref and said, “ummm, your down marker isn’t accurate”, he didn’t help his case.

nonetheless it is still bewildering that the entire crew and replay official botched it.
Yep…here is the several minute review that you and Bushwood saw…start at 56:00 and tell me how many minutes they are huddled up in that review (I probably overestimated saying they spent 10 seconds discussing it).

Wow, even the PA announcer said loss of down made it third down after the grounding penalty! That’s crazy as loss of down means you don’t get the down over like most all other penalties.

And those clowns met for about ten seconds and there is no indication they talked to the replay guy. They just huddled for a few seconds, walked back to their assigned spots, and said fourth down.

Personally, CJF should have called a time out. Highly likely they do a true review. Even if they refused, it would have put far more pressure on them for ‘makeup calls’. The TV crew would have had time to dial it all up. Maybe the score board video could have done so too.

It also would have fired up the crowd and the team. Gets pretty loud when the whole stadium is pissed.

Hopefully, a full investigation and report will be done. And some rule changes to prevent this from happening again.
Yep…here is the several minute review that you and Bushwood saw…start at 56:00 and tell me how many minutes they are huddled up in that review (I probably overestimated saying they spent 10 seconds discussing it).

What a douche. The replay you just showed is CLEARLY edited as it doesn't even include the Referee walking to the center of field and OFFICIALLY DECLARING the down to be "4th Down" on National TV and was part of ABC's Broadcast (which is quite clearly NOT what you are showing and has been edited OUT, along with other things, on the video you're showing!!!). Even your shortened EDITED video shows that the ball was not set for play between downs for a full minute (Dotson tackled at 55:31 and the ball is not "reset" when he actually punts until 56:30 AND AGAIN, your video replay is SIGNIFICANTLY EDITED to shorten it and doesn't even include the Referee going to midfield to make his Formal Announcement broadcast on National TV that ended the Official's TO and stated the results of the REVIEW that BOTH CJF and the SEC detailed as taking place which INCLUDED a Replay Booth "Confirmation" and explanation of the results to Franklin. It's laughable that you submit this video which has been intentionally edited for brevity as proof of your claims - just pathetically laughable and typical of the douche crap you do! THIS IS NOT A COPY OF THE ABC TELECAST IN FULL YOU F'ING DICKHEAD!
So the whole officiating crew blow a call, check with the replay booth and they too blow the call and some posters still make it out to be Franklin’s fault. Unbelievable.
No one is saying it is Franklin’s fault. Show me one quote where someone said that! Some are saying he could have responded better. Sorry but Franklin isn’t the infallible Pope.
Wow, even the PA announcer said loss of down made it third down after the grounding penalty! That’s crazy as loss of down means you don’t get the down over like most all other penalties.

And those clowns met for about ten seconds and there is no indication they talked to the replay guy. They just huddled for a few seconds, walked back to their assigned spots, and said fourth…
10 seconds? Bushwood assured us, in his completely unbiased view, that it was well over a minute.
What a douche. The replay you just showed is CLEARLY edited as it doesn't even include the Referee walking to the center of field and OFFICIALLY DECLARING the down to be "4th Down" on National TV and was part of ABC's Broadcast (which is quite clearly NOT what you are showing and has been edited OUT, along with other things, on the video you're showing!!!). Even your shortened EDITED video shows that the ball was not set for play between downs for a full minute (Dotson tackled at 55:31 and the ball is not "reset" when he actually punts until 56:30 AND AGAIN, your video replay is SIGNIFICANTLY EDITED to shorten it and doesn't even include the Referee going to midfield to make his Formal Announcement broadcast on National TV that ended the Official's TO and stated the results of the REVIEW that BOTH CJF and the SEC detailed as taking place which INCLUDED a Replay Booth "Confirmation" and explanation of the results to Franklin. It's laughable that you submit this video which has been intentionally edited for brevity as proof of your claims - just pathetically laughable and typical of the douche crap you do! THIS IS NOT A COPY OF THE ABC TELECAST IN FULL YOU F'ING DICKHEAD!
I mean, I don’t even know where to begin…that’s the unedited video from the skycam on Saturday night. The ref makes his announcement at 56:22. The fact that your conspiracy theories of corruption and whatnot now involve video editing by ABC is just scary.
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What a douche. The replay you just showed is CLEARLY edited as it doesn't even include the Referee walking to the center of field and OFFICIALLY DECLARING the down to be "4th Down" on National TV and was part of ABC's Broadcast (which is quite clearly NOT what you are showing and has been edited OUT, along with other things, on the video you're showing!!!). Even your shortened EDITED video shows that the ball was not set for play between downs for a full minute (Dotson tackled at 55:31 and the ball is not "reset" when he actually punts until 56:30 AND AGAIN, your video replay is SIGNIFICANTLY EDITED to shorten it and doesn't even include the Referee going to midfield to make his Formal Announcement broadcast on National TV that ended the Official's TO and stated the results of the REVIEW that BOTH CJF and the SEC detailed as taking place which INCLUDED a Replay Booth "Confirmation" and explanation of the results to Franklin. It's laughable that you submit this video which has been intentionally edited for brevity as proof of your claims - just pathetically laughable and typical of the douche crap you do! THIS IS NOT A COPY OF THE ABC TELECAST IN FULL YOU F'ING DICKHEAD!
Yo, yo, yo.....psyco-man. This is a stadium recording not the ABC broadcast. The referee announcements aren’t picked up because they do not come over the PA system but you can see him talking. You can see it is not edited because you see every step each person takes. After they huddle they all walk back to their assigned positions. The head guy stops at the 25 yard line and raises his right arm with his hand as a fist. That is the signal for fourth down....not a BLM/Black Panther salute. That is when he made the announcement you saw on the TV broadcast.
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No one is saying it is Franklin’s fault. Show me one quote where someone said that! Some are saying he could have responded better. Sorry but Franklin isn’t the infallible Pope.
If he would have done the right thing, maybe we would have won the game, so by all means, bitch away. Lord knows Nick Saban overrules the replay officials all the time. Maybe while he was at it, he could have got them to change the intentional grounding call too. A good coach would have.
If he would have done the right thing, maybe we would have won the game, so by all means, bitch away. Lord knows Nick Saban overrules the replay officials all the time. Maybe while he was at it, he could have got them to change the intentional grounding call too. A good coach would have.
So you are the sports fascist. No one can disagree with you. No one can question a coach. The game was perfect. St Coach James Franklin is perfect.

Can’t discuss anything. Can’t learn from this for future events. St Franklin can’t learn. SEC can’t learn. NCAA can’t learn. can’t learn.
Yeah the stadium announcer didn't do PS any favors calling it 3rd down after the penalty. He was as wrong as the rest of them.
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So you are the sports fascist. No one can disagree with you. No one can question a coach. The game was perfect. St Coach James Franklin is perfect.

Can’t discuss anything. Can’t learn from this for future events. St Franklin can’t learn. SEC can’t learn. NCAA can’t learn. can’t learn.
What’s he going to fvcking learn from this? That he can’t overrule a referee and the replay booth? Good lord. Two days later and some are bitching about how Franklin handled a situation where we got screwed in a game we won…if you don’t see the problem in that, I can’t help you.
Yeah the stadium announcer didn't do PS any favors calling it 3rd down after the penalty. He was as wrong as the rest of them.
I'm pretty sure he's just echoing the referee's announcement of 3rd down (and the fact the chains were likely already changed to 3rd down)...but it was part of the perfect storm of screw-up on the play.
10 seconds? Bushwood assured us, in his completely unbiased view, that it was well over a minute.
I just rewatched it on my DVR…Franklin argued about it with an official for 23 seconds prior to the ball being snapped to the punter….the official blew the whistle prior to the snap to discuss it and 27 seconds later he blew the whistle to snap the ball. Make of that what you will.
I just rewatched it on my DVR…Franklin argued about it with an official for 23 seconds prior to the ball being snapped to the punter….the official blew the whistle prior to the snap to discuss it and 27 seconds later he blew the whistle to snap the ball. Make of that what you will.

Exactly, I witnessed Franklin vehemently discussing it on the sideline for a prolonged period as well on the ABC Telecast, the Referee absolutely calls an Official's Timeout stopping the game and play clocks- that is nowhere to be seen on the video provided by dickhead! The game and play clocks were turned off for a PROLONGED period of time during the Official's TO and Review - many, many, many times the claimed "10 seconds" of this ridiculous Asshole! His version is also DIRECTLY CONTRADICTED by the versions given by both Franklin (in his Post-Game PC) and the SEC's Official Press Release on the matter! But don't confuse douche-wad with FACTS.
I just rewatched it on my DVR…Franklin argued about it with an official for 23 seconds prior to the ball being snapped to the punter….the official blew the whistle prior to the snap to discuss it and 27 seconds later he blew the whistle to snap the ball. Make of that what you will.
Yep, he argued ‘with an official’. And part of the time that official stood there stone faced as they are trained to do. What matters is what the head official did or didn’t do.
Exactly, I witnessed Franklin vehemently discussing it on the sideline for a prolonged period as well on the ABC Telecast, the Referee absolutely calls an Official's Timeout stopping the game and play clocks- that is nowhere to be seen on the video provided by dickhead! The game and play clocks were turned off for a PROLONGED period of time during the Official's TO and Review - many, many, many times the claimed "10 seconds" of this ridiculous Asshole! His version is also DIRECTLY CONTRADICTED by the versions given by both Franklin (in his Post-Game PC) and the SEC's Official Press Release on the matter! But don't confuse douche-wad with FACTS.
Franklin may have been in the Line Judge's ear about it, but that's not stopping the play, or getting replay involved. And when the Referee did get involved (and probably checked upstairs), anyone with any sort of objectivity can see that they talked about it for 5-6 seconds.

I mean, if you watch that video and are convinced that it's edited, then you're even more out there than I thought you were...And the fact that you can't state your point without using words like "dickhead", "douche", "asshole", "douche-wad" (that's a new one to me), etc., just further prove how unstable you actually are...please seek help.

FYI...the play clock was turned off from 56:03 to 56:32 in the video that I it was off for 29 seconds, which involved going to/from their huddle, and announcing that it was 4th down, and then getting the play restarted.
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What’s he going to fvcking learn from this? That he can’t overrule a referee and the replay booth? Good lord. Two days later and some are bitching about how Franklin handled a situation where we got screwed in a game we won…if you don’t see the problem in that, I can’t help you.
So yer telling me this hasn’t been discussed with St James’ OC and/or his coaching staff? They didn’t consult whomever is the rules expert on the staff or in the Athletic Dept? Yer sayin they didn’t contact the NCAA rules committee, or the head official, or the B1G officials, or the McAndrew Board Coaching Advisory Council....the final arbitrator of all arbitrators.....and ask what he should do should this ever happen again? Seriously? They aren’t discussing this and what to do should it happen again?

If you don’t see that or the problem here, I CAN help you. Go to the nearest large mirror and stare into it. You will then see the problem here.😉
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I just rewatched it on my DVR…Franklin argued about it with an official for 23 seconds prior to the ball being snapped to the punter….the official blew the whistle prior to the snap to discuss it and 27 seconds later he blew the whistle to snap the ball. Make of that what you will.

Here's an article with the direct quotes from both Franklin and the SEC:

Note, both unequivocally state that they were told by the Referee in question (head of the Officiating Crew) that the Replay Booth CONFIRMED the Referee's Call as part of the Referee's Review BEFORE stating his conclusions to Franklin and the National TV Audience (according to douche-wad, they never spoke to Franklin, so I guess we're to assume Franklin's now a liar when he unequivocally states otherwise and was told all Field Officials agreed it was 4th and Replay also confirmed down as 4th???? We're to assume Franklin's lying despite THE FACT his account agrees on these facts with the SEC Statement???). Dumbass claims that Franklin can "Challenge" a call that the Referee has ALREADY had reviewed, and Confirmed, by the Replay Booth, which is absolutely not correct. The Referee will not accept a Coach Challenge of an issue that has ALREADY received an Official Review and Replay Booth Confirmation - by rule. Essentially, dipwad is attempting to claim that Franklin is entitled to "Challenge" the Replay Official's Confirmation of the Referee's seminal call???? He can't and is not permitted to do such a thing by the Rulebook despite what nonsensical thoughts douche-wad has.

The SEC Statement also debunks another of douche-wad's myths and misinformation. The Chain-Gang Down-Keeper was merely following the instruction of the Referee in showing the down as 3rd after 1st Down. The SEC Statement is very clear in stating that it was the SEC Crew and Referee that moved the Down to 3rd after they called Intentional Grounding (which was a 1st Down play). So the SEC Officials not only called Intentional Grounding on the play in DIRECT CONTRADICTION of how the NCAA Rulebook specifically says that type of "broken play" pass is to be called, but they also took a down away from PSU on the play and instructed that the ball was to be set for play for 3rd Down. Penalized PSU 7 yards and took a down away from us in Series ON SAME PLAY (essentiallytook an entire series away from PSU in favor of Auburn), but the SEC Officials really didn't impact that series all that much - it really was a product of crappy coaching by Franklin..... blah, blah, blah...... lmfao Some of these asshole posing-fans are just too much.
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Note, both unequivocally state that they were told by the Referee in question (head of the Officiating Crew) that the Replay Booth CONFIRMED the Referee's Call as part of the Referee's Review BEFORE stating his conclusions to Franklin and the National TV Audience (according to douche-wad, they never spoke to Franklin, so I guess we're to assume Franklin's now a liar when he unequivocally states otherwise and was told all Field Officials agreed it was 4th and Replay also confirmed down as 4th???? We're to assume Franklin's lying despite THE FACT his account agrees on these facts with the SEC Statement???). Dumbass claims that Franklin can "Challenge" a call that the Referee has ALREADY had reviewed, and Confirmed, by the Replay Booth, which is absolutely not correct. The Referee will not accept a Coach Challenge of an issue that has ALREADY received an Official Review and Replay Booth Confirmation - by rule.
The crew didn't formally review the sequence...every play is "reviewed", but coaches are still entitled to challenge a call if there wasn't already a formal review. A formal review involves the Referee coming over to the sideline, putting on the headset, watching the play while speaking to the replay official, and making a decision.

Though I guess it's entirely possible that this happened, but ABC was also able to edit this out of the live game footage like they edited the skycam feed in Bushwood-world.

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T Frank and Nate Bauer came to the conclusion that Franklin should have called a's on the Mon. Podcast but I'm too lazy and stupid to put it up on here...someone maybe help here?
They would have spent more than 10 seconds on it and actually reviewed the sequence of plays to realize their mistake. Instead, they moved too quickly and didn’t catch it.

Plenty of plays in college football get overturned after a coach’s challenge…and by definition, every play has already been reviewed, so it’s forcing them to take another look and catch their mistake.

You think Brooks’ targeting call at Wisconsin still happens if they didn’t call a timeout to slow things down? I certainly don’t.
Exactly…the officials will do what is necessary…they had a chance to stick it to PSU…so they slowed down everything to they found something they could hang on PSU and voila: Targeting and Brooks ejected. This week, they did not want to give PSU the standards four downs (the nerve of us wanting that!)…so voila…no slow down to get it right…it ain’t rocket science people!
Exactly…the officials will do what is necessary…they had a chance to stick it to PSU…so they slowed down everything to they found something they could hang on PSU and voila: Targeting and Brooks ejected. This week, they did not want to give PSU the standards four downs (the nerve of us wanting that!)…so voila…no slow down to get it right…it ain’t rocket science people!
The crew didn't formally review the sequence...every play is "reviewed", but coaches are still entitled to challenge a call if there wasn't already a formal review. A formal review involves the Referee coming over to the sideline, putting on the headset, watching the play while speaking to the replay official, and making a decision.

Though I guess it's entirely possible that this happened, but ABC was also able to edit this out of the live game footage like they edited the skycam feed in Bushwood-world.

This is too much - you clearly have a mental cognitive disorder douche-wad - this is excepted DIRECTLY from the SEC's Official Statement on the matter:

"The replay booth was consulted to confirm the down prior to the punt. The replay booth had it as 4th down as well."

But now your speculation on these matters supercedes the actual FACTS as given by the SEC Officiating Office. God are you a douche!