This is what a formal replay review looks and sounds like...if this process wasn't followed, it was the simple review that happens via every play of the game as the replay official looks for spots where he needs to stop the game. Newsflash...they didn't formally review this sequence, and Franklin could have certainly challenged it.This is too much - you clearly have a mental cognitive disorder douche-wad - this is excepted DIRECTLY from the SEC's Official Statement on the matter:
"The replay booth was consulted to confirm the down prior to the punt. The replay booth had it as 4th down as well."
But now your speculation on these matters supercedes the actual FACTS as given by the SEC Officiating Office. God are you a douche!
SECTION 6. Reviewing an On-Field Ruling Procedures
ARTICLE 1. a. When a game is to be stopped either by the replay official or by a head coach’s challenge, the designated officials on the field will be notified by a paging system or other appropriate means.
b. If the review is initiated by the replay official, the referee shall announce: “The ruling on the previous play is ... (brief description of ruling). The play is under further review.” If the game has been stopped due to a head coach’s challenge, the referee shall announce: “The (name of institution) head coach has challenged the ruling of (state the ruling). The play is under further review.”
c. All reviews shall be based upon video evidence provided by and coming directly from the televised production of the game or from other video means available to the replay official that is also available to the television producer.
d. After the referee has conferred with the replay official and the review process has been completed, the referee shall make one of the following announcements:
- 1. If the video evidence confirms the on-field ruling: “After further review, the ruling on the field is confirmed.”
- 2. If there is no indisputable (conclusive) evidence to reverse the on-field ruling: “After further review, the ruling on the field stands.” (Exception: 12-3- 5-a — Stands is not an allowable ruling or targeting.)
- 3. If the on-field ruling is reversed (Rule 12-7): “After further review, the ruling is [followed by a brief description of the video evidence]. Therefore, [followed by a brief description of the impact of the ruling].”