The 15

Speaking of the Scuffle, will Penn State ever break Minny's 192 point total?
Wow Jammenz it’s been a long time since Minny has won it. I feel sorry for ya.
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Flo released the Penn St Southern Scuffle official entries

125 - Devin Schnupp
133 - Dom Giannangeli
133 - Corey Keener
141 - Jered Cortez
141 - Nick Lee

149 - Bo Pipher
149 - Zain Retherford
149 - Jarod Verkleeren

157 - Jason Nolf
165 - Vincenzo Joseph

174 - Franny Bisono
174 - Mark Hall
184 - Bo Nickal

184 - Devon Van Cura
197 - Anthony Cassar
197 - Matt McCutcheon
197 - Shakur Rasheed

285 - Nick Nevills
285 - Alex Nicholas

Didn't think he would but just wondering. So is it random draw for non seeded guys?
Typically, pre-seeds to 10, seeding to 8 — placed in the brackets, all others are random draw, by rule.
Flo's article on it:

Apparently Cenzo was out with an injury now, not the weight issue CP and crew mentioned on FRL.

Thats odd considering I think two different segments of FRL said he had weight issues.

Journalism is dead but punditry is alive and paying big dividends.

Im just glad we got some pub by the leaders in wrestling media. The iowa gush fest the past week while entertaining and warranted was still a bit much considering scuffle, south beach duals, Ok state in Rome, etc are upon us.

oh well....#makemidlandsandiowagreatagain
Flo's article on it:

Apparently Cenzo was out with an injury now, not the weight issue CP and crew mentioned on FRL.
CP was summoned to State College and an explanation was required. CP came with a plan this time. Immediately prior to fainting and emptying his bladder CP handed the wrestling emperor a note with Willie's phone number. The number was called and from the safety of a Flo vault Willie whimpered it was a mistake and the truth of the injury would be released.

For future interactions with the emperor CP is planning on regular use of depends.
Thats odd considering I think two different segments of FRL said he had weight issues.

Journalism is dead but punditry is alive and paying big dividends.

Im just glad we got some pub by the leaders in wrestling media. The iowa gush fest the past week while entertaining and warranted was still a bit much considering scuffle, south beach duals, Ok state in Rome, etc are upon us.

oh well....#makemidlandsandiowagreatagain

I’ve never understood why guys like CP and Willie, or anyone at Flo are regarded as reliable or journalists in any sense of the word. They come off as clowns.

It’s a shame that the sport we love is being spearheaded by a clownish company with third rate “personalities” and dreadful services. And that’s me being nice. It is the holidays after all.
I’ve never understood why guys like CP and Willie, or anyone at Flo are regarded as reliable or journalists in any sense of the word. They come off as clowns.

It’s a shame that the sport we love is being spearheaded by a clownish company with third rate “personalities” and dreadful services. And that’s me being nice. It is the holidays after all.

I agree ☝️ don’t like the tabloid-like reporting that is sometimes put forth there. They oftentimes do not come across as being professional. In my opinion, they underrepresent the core values that the sport teaches so well. That’s 3 strikes...
I’ve never understood why guys like CP and Willie, or anyone at Flo are regarded as reliable or journalists in any sense of the word. They come off as clowns.

It’s a shame that the sport we love is being spearheaded by a clownish company with third rate “personalities” and dreadful services. And that’s me being nice. It is the holidays after all.

I agree ☝️ don’t like the tabloid-like reporting that is sometimes put forth there. They oftentimes do not come across as being professional. In my opinion, they underrepresent the core values that the sport teaches so well. That’s 3 strikes...
Harsh comments, way too harsh in my opinion.
I like the coverage. Wrestling coverage is growing and maturing. FloWrestling as a start up had to do things that screamed "hey, pay attention to us. We have something you may like." The main characters are wrestling fans making a living being wrestling fans, they interact on message boards, they engage and communicate at events and most importantly we get to see events we in the past got to read about. A month post event.

There are many things that could be improved, but I am appreciative we have a product that is wrestling 24/7. Well except when the streaming fails, but you know what I mean.
Ya man, geez. I think about how much wrestling I now get to see, and all the infotainment is more than tolerable if you ask me. Those guys work hard at what they do: no it's not typically hard-nosed journalism, but that isn't to say it's unprofessional.

Well sometimes it is...I didn’t say all the time. And you’re right, they have been a part of bringing it to the masses, but I hope they evolve more in the direction that I’ve eluded to. It’s a work in progress and I think they know that.
I feel FRL should be given more of a pass than other content on the site. FRL is like the audio version of these message boards: nuggets of truth and insight peppered in among the sea of homerism and speculation. It's a fun product, but hardly the most researched thing they put together. It's like the View or Fox and Friends.

By the way, I see Willie as Rosie, and CP as Barbara Walters.
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I believe that some of the issues about reporting on college wrestling, is that coaches are not obligated to be fourth right on how they answer questions about wrestlers not participating in events. Sometimes it could be privacy issues such as academics or a personal family issue.
We as fans are used to NFL coaches which are required to share injury issues or they can be fined and/or reprimanded.
The previous statement pertains to 31 coaches in the NFL. Bill Belichek is exempt from that policy.
Heck, imho the typical regular media journalist is far from the hard nosed journalists of the past....

Completely agree! Just heard a talk by a journalist bemoaning the fact that colleges today aren't teaching journalism the same way they used to. It is now ok to have an opinion and orient your news story toward your personal beliefs or those of your news agency.

Unfortunately it seems the days of unbiased news based on facts, substantiated sources, taking an objective view of an issue is pretty much dead. News is now entertainment and spun by those with a particular position they want to broadcast.
Apparently Cenzo was out with an injury now, not the weight issue CP and crew mentioned on FRL.

What does this article say about Cenzo's injury/weight cutting issues? All it says about Joseph is this:

"Joseph has been out of action since the Nov. 17 Binghamton dual, and fans looking to see how the defending NCAA champ is doing will have a prime opportunity to do so in a loaded 165-pound bracket."

Has this article been revised?
What does this article say about Cenzo's injury/weight cutting issues? All it says about Joseph is this:

"Joseph has been out of action since the Nov. 17 Binghamton dual, and fans looking to see how the defending NCAA champ is doing will have a prime opportunity to do so in a loaded 165-pound bracket."

Has this article been revised?
Yes, post 55 above.
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Completely agree! Just heard a talk by a journalist bemoaning the fact that colleges today aren't teaching journalism the same way they used to. It is now ok to have an opinion and orient your news story toward your personal beliefs or those of your news agency.

Unfortunately it seems the days of unbiased news based on facts, substantiated sources, taking an objective view of an issue is pretty much dead. News is now entertainment and spun by those with a particular position they want to broadcast.

Yellow journalism isn't new, bean counters just look at the bottom line these days and think "well, our reporters have spellcheck, paying editors seems unnecessary..."

Seems now there are typos in most everything and not much fact-checking.
Perspectives all! This is college sports and only college sports. Flo does a great job - best out there. Let them have their opinions. If you don't like it then don't read or listen. Everyone has a personality and if you are around it long enough something will rub you wrong. Also - we all all want a little more scoop. Often they have it. Sure miss Spyker with his matside (wrestling room) reports though! :cool:
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Perspectives all! This is college sports and only college sports. Flo does a great job - best out there. Let them have their opinions. If you don't like it then don't read or listen. Everyone has a personality and if you are around it long enough something will rub you wrong. Also - we all all want a little more scoop. Often they have it. Sure miss Spyker with his matside (wrestling room) reports though! :cool:
Just remember that Professional Wrestling is a viable enterprise. With that sobering thought in mind, I think it’s incumbent on each and every one of us to make sure our sport maintains its integrity and isn’t morphed into something that “sells”.
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Hey guys, thanks for the reminder that we never got confirmation on Joseph's injury. I've since edited the article to remove mention of it. Appreciate your readership!

Confirmation from whom? Unless they're serious, "bumps and bruises" is about all you can expect from our staff when it comes to injury disclosures. Needless to say, if a starter isn't in the lineup for some reason, this doesn't automatically mean he's struggling making weight.
FLO doesn't have anybody listed as unattached. Take a look at the OSU contingent, pretty sure they are all redshirting.

There is at least one person listed as unattached. I saw Colby Smith listed as unattached, didn't think to look for Okie State guys though.