I don't know what that sentence means but here's what happened: I wrote the article about the PSU Scuffle entries. When I got to Cenzo I wanted to mention that he's been out of action for a while. I remembered reading that the local radio announcer said Cael said Cenzo got injured at the Binghamton match, but not the specifics. So I wrote in the article that Vincenzo has been out since Bingo with an injury. Then the article got published.
Then I read this thread and remembered the rumors about the weight issues, and then tried to look up more on Vincenzo's injury and couldn't find anything, so I edited the article to remove any reference to the injury.
I thought about leaving it in, since I think it's a safe bet that Vincenzo suffered some kind of injury. After all, who is ever absolutely 100% completely free of any injuries, bumps or bruising during a wrestling season? But then I took it out anyway.
It would be cool if had an official injury report so I wouldn't have to rely on usually totally excellent and braggable memory but I'm not expecting that anytime soon.
This is already way more explanation than any of this is worth but I'm taking a break from Scuffle previews so I figure I'd take the time to give you a peak behind the curtain at our process.