The Ferrari Family Circus

I don't like AJ personally one bit, I don't like his wrestling style either.

Given he hasn't wrestled in 2 years, and just dropped 30 Lbs, I don't think that last stinker of a match can be used of a gauge of where he will be in March.

I have little doubt he will be either top 4 or sitting on a couch watching.
He can become the greatest wrestler that he can possibly be and he's still going to get smoked by Brooks.
I don't like AJ personally one bit, I don't like his wrestling style either.

Given he hasn't wrestled in 2 years, and just dropped 30 Lbs, I don't think that last stinker of a match can be used of a gauge of where he will be in March.

I have little doubt he will be either top 4 or sitting on a couch watching.
I agree about the last sentence. I don’t think his ego will allow him to continue if he’s losing and doesn’t look like a top seed. We’ll know right away if he’s on the team and goes against Nebraska. Allred will destroy the AJ who wrestled against Glazier.
The one positive about AJ’s antics is that you’d hope the referees have as much disgust for him as a human as most fans do and won’t hesitate to call stalling on him early. Refs tend to swallow their whistles in March, but AJ trying to wrestle from the edge/ his knees against Brooks won’t get the benefit from the refs.
Fredo of the family. It's tough. I know he believes he's on AJ and Angelo's talent level but he's simply not.

He can become the greatest wrestler that he can possibly be and he's still going to get smoked by Brooks.
To understand the distance between AB and AJ picture how AJ would fare with a peaking DT. We just saw that and AB left no doubt that he is right there. I understand the impulse to depict this as some kind of champ vs champ bout. But it’s really grown man world class once in a generation bad ass vs a deeply broken mess. This won’t happen unless Iowa is as broken as AJ is.
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The one positive about AJ’s antics is that you’d hope the referees have as much disgust for him as a human as most fans do and won’t hesitate to call stalling on him early. Refs tend to swallow their whistles in March, but AJ trying to wrestle from the edge/ his knees against Brooks won’t get the benefit from the refs.
I get the sense that the ref in that last match knew who was on the mat, and had no tolerance for any bullshit, or stalling. :)

I don't expect AJ will get any breaks the rest of his career if he has one
Austin DeSycho- Associate Thug
Tony Cassiopi-Team Bookie
Sam Brooks-Barber and pin defense
Spencer Lee-Team Spirit Leader
Sam Stoll-Hunters Safety
Mike Evans- Headgear Cleaner
Nelson Brands-Compliance Officer
Moriah Marinelli-Eye Candy
Larry Lee-Damage Control
Mrs. Lee-Eye Services
Montel Marion-Suspension Decisions
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Wild Jerk can't help himself.

"So far, I count 9 Penn State fans that have voted to bring AJ into Iowa. So this poll is about as useless as a lock on the men's shower room at Penn State."
I count 31 now. Impressive showing in just a couple hours
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And around 15 no's from PSU fans. Tightening up but Hawk fans seem to be still on the side of bringing in a possible rapist. I did my best in there to persuade Hawk fans to vote no Turk. Its in Gods hand now...
Did you get all those pizza's delivered today?
The Sandusky card they pull is always equivalent to the final buzzer at the end of a losing match. The fact the Turk pulled it out just continues his legacy as a piece of shit.

The fact that some of you just blew it off and continue to include him is baffling.
Here is the piece of shit wild Turk...

Cultists was the first word you went for? Not hardly. Enablers was the 2nd word??

The Ped State thing will never go away. There will always be some that mention it. Sandusky did your University dirty. I never bring it up personally and never will. Especially on the wrestling forums
Based on the following, maybe negative team points. (From the NCAA Rules Book): A flagrant misconduct violation during a tournament shall be penalized by the deduction of one team point, removal from the premises for the remainder of the event, declaration of the opponent as the winner and two team points awarded for advancement. Additionally, the wrestler charged with the flagrant misconduct will not be credited with points earned before the incident, nor receive placement points or an individual tournament award. That is quite the steep punishment.
Yinz way to judgemental. AJ attempted to help Glazer up by his headgear. Glazer then attempted to demonstrate a better doubleleg to his teammate who in appreciation swatted a mosquito on his friends face. Right?
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If AJ or his family of morons does anything bad, Bob will wear it whether he likes it or not
I'm not so sure about that. The slumlord seems like a narcissist so it's very unlikely he'll wear anything. However, there are some events scheduled for him when the new facility opens up with his name on the door.
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Wild Jerk can't help himself.

"So far, I count 9 Penn State fans that have voted to bring AJ into Iowa. So this poll is about as useless as a lock on the men's shower room at Penn State."
what you said just makes no sense like most iowa useless points!