I guess the one with the most NIL.
If not PSU, Iowa St, Mich, tOSU or back to Az St where this all started.... Maybe that leaves a return to Rutgers or Oky State?
The kid is an enigma.
If his primary goal is to make some $$$ I am surprised any school represents a big payday, to be honest. He is better off jumping to MMA right now.
If he wants to beat Spencer Lee then the choice is clear, PSU. Who better than Cael to decide the best program focused on that goal, and who better to roll around with than Thomas Gilman to get to know everything you can about Spencers idiosyncracies and small weaknesses than the world champ who battled him every day for years?
My prediction - Suriano does Suriano things, goes somewhere else and losses to Spencer, assuming he even makes the finals.