US Open Thread

At least with a gag, you can describe the gag. Spyker is inexplicable. Or, is there an explanation? He's actually one of the wrestlers? He's a fan of another team, just seeing how long he gets away with it? He's a psych student, researching a thesis?
Spyker is a fictional character, created by the coaching staff, so they could have some fun with this board.;)
Correct throw is supposed to be Wrestler A attempting a technique or hold that moves Wrestler B from one side of A's body to another, or one side of the mat to another, without scoring a takedown or exposing Wrestler B.

If you don't watch much FS or GR, you wouldn't understand many of the rules. That's understandable. That doesn't make the rules bad or the sport bad...
My take on the week.
I got to Vegas Tuesday night and got back this morning. We had kids wrestling in cadets and Junior regionals every day so was tough keeping up with all the matches Friday, Saturday but caught most of PSU matches.
Had many good interactions with the team and coaches and their families. Love how they truly are a team. The boys hang together when not wrestling and support each other when wrestling.
Freestyle and Greco scoring is so convoluted. It's the same if your at a little guy tournament or the seniors. Someone that knows the scoring rules better than the average fan explains how a close match was scored or explains why the ref was wrong to whoever is listening.
If it wasn't for the crowd booing I'm certain they would have given Dean the match over Downey. Way to subjective in my opinion.
Correct throw is supposed to be Wrestler A attempting a technique or hold that moves Wrestler B from one side of A's body to another, or one side of the mat to another, without scoring a takedown or exposing Wrestler B.

If you don't watch much FS or GR, you wouldn't understand many of the rules. That's understandable. That doesn't make the rules bad or the sport bad...
This guy has seen a little FS in his day:

JB takes out Kid Dynamite again - 2-2 - criteria. If JO got 2 for Zain going to the face and that's how they were supposed to call it, then Dake should have gotten 2 when JB popped him in the face. I'm not a huge Kid Dynamite fan and he does whine a lot, but fair is fair. Not sure he got a fair shake in that one.
I haven't read the rest of this thread, but that's exactly what I thought. I'm a Burroughs fan and not a Dake fan, but if Zain was guilty of 2 then Burroughs was guilty of at least 4, if not 6!
But Kolat isn't dismissing the entire sport or style... some, on here are.

I like correct throw in Greco. Freestyle, not so much.
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There are plenty of rules that make freestyle much more enjoyable to watch... for instance, when they bring guys up who aren't turning. You have grand amplitude throws, and more or less no slam calls.
But Kolat isn't dismissing the entire sport or style... some, on here are.

I like correct throw in Greco. Freestyle, not so much.

The problem is the inconsistencies. Freestyle has potential but the unevenly applied rules are frustrating as hell. You know it's bad when you have Penn State fans saying Dake was ripped off.
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But Kolat isn't dismissing the entire sport or style... some, on here are.

I like correct throw in Greco. Freestyle, not so much.
This is goalpost moving. You said not understanding rules doesn't make them bad rules. FS correct throw is a bad rule. Not following the sport intently is immaterial -- sometimes the sniff test is correct.
Check out the vid starting at about 2:15. I don't think he necessarily enjoys the cut. "I don't know. It's worth it. I guess."

A) watch his body language as Zain wrestles he's camped on the job doing research.
B) 65 and 61 just aren't that far apart. Ask Zahid if someone who competes 10 kilograms lower than he does still represents a threat.
C) Zain is not a big 65 he's not going anywhere. Anyone thinking of the move to 65 is thinking about Zain.
D) Logan is watching Zains matches