My cynical answer is that the coach cuts the cord when a viable alternative for scoring those points becomes available. Until then, window dressing. You know, “punishments” like saying you’re sorry (kindergarten), sitting out award ceremonies (I think we did that in elementary school), suspension from November duals against teams where your points will mean nothing to the outcome (this happened to us on my HS team whenever we shot people with a firearm), and the most feared of all — temporary permanent suspension (only for the big boys who could read between the lines).
But seriously, I do not know for a fact what was said at NCAAs or at Luther, and I do not know for a fact just how threatened either recipient felt (whether verbally, by body language, or by a coach’s response). However, I will say that if kids were present and there was potential for them to come away from the event with a bad experience, someone at a higher level than TnT needs to intervene and bring some actual discipline.
I’ve seen several people across a couple of boards attest to knowing ADS personally and claim that his poor behavior occurs only while he is on the mat. Well, that would seem to imply a simple solution, wouldn’t it?
But points.
Ultimately, though, I’m guessing nothing substantive will happen until there is a physical altercation. Can only hope that doesn’t happen.