Weight Management feature on Trackwrestling


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2014
In the past, I have not looked closely at the certified weights indicated on the rosters on Trackwrestling, especially at this stage at the very beginning of the season. So, my question is, can we take anything from the weights listed for each wrestler at this stage?

Most wrestlers are listed at one weight class (or in some cases two) higher than the weight I expected them to compete at this season. Some, however, are a bit surprising. For example, the Ohio State roster on Track shows Pletcher at 157, KeShawn Hayes at 149, Romero at 197, Heinselman 141. One might read that as suggesting Pletcher is unlikely to go 133, Hayes already is in position to challenge 141, Romero is unlikely to go 165, and Heinselman is no longer undersized for 125. Or, at this stage in the season, reading too much into the weights listed is foolishness. What say you?
All it means is when they got certified they weight .1 over the weight below the listed weight. Some guys cut more weight than others. So Pletcher weighed at least 149.1
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To me it only means something if was also know the body fat number, and can do the math, which would show the LAW (Lowest Allowable Weight).

As jpsolo said, we do know the lowest weight Pletcher could have weighed (149.1) to show 157 on Track. With a 1.5% weight loss allowable per week, you can calculate the shortest time it will take the young man to get to 133. At about 2.2 pounds per week … it's 8+ weeks. Again, I'm trusting that the 149.1 is an accurate lowest weight. He could have had the certification process stat the first week of classes.