1. Win out, go to the playoff as the #4 seed and play Alabama
2. Win out, OSU beats Michigan, go to the BTCG, play for all of the marbles vs. Wisky, with a "chance" at at the playoff.
3. Win out, Michigan beats OSU, sit back and "hope" Michigan to playoff, and we get "picked" for the Rose (and at the same time understanding that if Wisky wins the BTCG Rose Bowl likely picks Michigan over us)
2. Win out, OSU beats Michigan, go to the BTCG, play for all of the marbles vs. Wisky, with a "chance" at at the playoff.
3. Win out, Michigan beats OSU, sit back and "hope" Michigan to playoff, and we get "picked" for the Rose (and at the same time understanding that if Wisky wins the BTCG Rose Bowl likely picks Michigan over us)