I was curious enough last week to join that closed fb group, which is unsurprisingly pretty trashy and, in general, pretty tough to read or even scroll-browse, FB being largely unthreaded. The host dude who made the claim that Teske got arrested by Campus Police, claimed it was a 4 out of 10 on a bad things scale. He then spent a bunch of time reminding how right he was about Suriano & Teasdale and also making fun about new requests to the closed group. He posted screenshots of RBY and Teske's mom requesting to join, and joked about Cael sending in reinforcements (to try to refute his claim). RBY is roommates with Teske & posted a video of Teske in their room--by way of refutation of the claim that Teske was leaving. I presume Teske's mom (or whoever female name with last name of Teske) was joining to read the claims herself, but we never saw her reply or comment.
The original claimant dude scoffed at RBY's refutation with something along the lines of "just b/c he's there now or at practice now, doesn't mean he's NOT still going to leave in the future" or something like that.
I can't tell enough from all that to make a call beyond:
- still seems possible that Teske did get in some kind of trouble
- would be real tough to refute that with actual evidence
- he seems to be at PSU and attending practice still
I don't even know if that helps you, beyond returning to the OP from a bunch of tangents lol. Good luck!