Worst fan base?

...and on the fifth day, God said to J Rob: pick up your teammate and carry him up the steps of the arena....
I realize that part of the territory in posting here is poking fun at the competition. However, just for the record, if you ever get to meet JRob in person you'll find he's a good guy. Also, in case some of you were not aware of the circumstances, JRob had a really close run-in with the Grim Reaper a few years ago. A tooth infection got into his bloodstream and it somehow moved into one of his knees. He spent some serious time in the ICU and probably came close to losing his leg. He's still a tough old bird and managed to get thru all of it, but he now walks with a pretty noticeable limp. JRob is part of the Old Guard, and I'm not anxious to see him leave any time in the near future.
He's still a tough old bird and managed to get thru all of it, but he now walks with a pretty noticeable limp. JRob is part of the Old Guard, and I'm not anxious to see him leave any time in the near future.
Honestly, how do you think that looks to a recruit and his parents? Especially when you see a robust Cael or Brands show up for a visit? If I'm looking to a program to get me a national title or an olympic gold, do I sign on with a 69 year old guy with a limp? Please don't use the, "we have great assistants to role around with." All great programs have great assistants. I'd say 'appearances' are not helping Minnesota in recruiting, and it shows.
Honestly, how do you think that looks to a recruit and his parents? Especially when you see a robust Cael or Brands show up for a visit? If I'm looking to a program to get me a national title or an olympic gold, do I sign on with a 69 year old guy with a limp? Please don't use the, "we have great assistants to role around with." All great programs have great assistants. I'd say 'appearances' are not helping Minnesota in recruiting, and it shows.
If you're Nico Megaludis, does it matter if Cael Sanderson has a limp? You're not rolling around with Cael anyway.

If I'm a recruit, I'm visiting multiple schools and watching how each coach conducts practice. There are different styles and different levels of involvement -- and also different knowledge being imparted. I pick the one that makes the most sense for me overall.
If you're Nico Megaludis, does it matter if Cael Sanderson has a limp? You're not rolling around with Cael anyway.

If I'm a recruit, I'm visiting multiple schools and watching how each coach conducts practice. There are different styles and different levels of involvement -- and also different knowledge being imparted. I pick the one that makes the most sense for me overall.
From a perception standpoint, I think it does matter, and I think a lot of it may come from the parents. Do they think a 36 year old coach will understand their son better than a 69 year old grandfather? Probably. Compare the energy levels between a 36 and a 69 year old. Not really close. Like I said, every school has assistants to role around the mat with. The parents want a good mentor for their son, and one that can relate to them. That is not to say that J rob can't do it equally as well as Cael or even better, but it's a world of perception, and I think J Rob suffers here. Not dissimilar to Joepa in his waning years. Other coaches recruited against us using that perception (old, outdated), and I can see how that is happening in Minn.
From a perception standpoint, I think it does matter, and I think a lot of it may come from the parents. Do they think a 36 year old coach will understand their son better than a 69 year old grandfather? Probably. Compare the energy levels between a 36 and a 69 year old. Not really close. Like I said, every school has assistants to role around the mat with. The parents want a good mentor for their son, and one that can relate to them. That is not to say that J rob can't do it equally as well as Cael or even better, but it's a world of perception, and I think J Rob suffers here. Not dissimilar to Joepa in his waning years. Other coaches recruited against us using that perception (old, outdated), and I can see how that is happening in Minn.
Sorry, but this is way off base. To the extent Joe's recruiting suffered, it wasn't the perception of his age. Recruits were in awe of him, and he was as good of a closer as there was. The problem was that his assistants did not hit the road nearly as much as they used to, and not nearly as much as the competition to get recruits. (Joe himself cutting back didn't help, but would've been far less of a hindrance if the rest of the staff kept up. Which comes back to Joe not making them do so.)

The other point you're missing is that Robinson still holds his camps, they're well attended, and they're well regarded by parents and kids. The "understanding and mentoring and relating" stuff is being seen first-hand, and not negatively.

Sure, his age and mobility could be an issue. I think it's far less of an issue than you're making it out to be. I think there are lots of other reasons are far more likely -- especially recruiting the same upper midwest pool as Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, etc. -- and, unlike those schools, almost exclusively limiting himself to that region.
Sure, his age and mobility could be an issue. I think it's far less of an issue than you're making it out to be. I think there are lots of other reasons are far more likely -- especially recruiting the same upper midwest pool as Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, etc. -- and, unlike those schools, almost exclusively limiting himself to that region.
I said perception, not reality. Applies to both Joepa and J Rob, and frankly every program in every sport. You either define yourself or be defined. Just like Brands is being given the perception as the 'no fun' coach. Doesn't matter what the reality is.

If J Rob has not changed anything in the recruiting process, then how do you explain the shelf being half full, and MN slowly degrading over the last 4 years?
I realize that part of the territory in posting here is poking fun at the competition. However, just for the record, if you ever get to meet JRob in person you'll find he's a good guy. Also, in case some of you were not aware of the circumstances, JRob had a really close run-in with the Grim Reaper a few years ago. A tooth infection got into his bloodstream and it somehow moved into one of his knees. He spent some serious time in the ICU and probably came close to losing his leg. He's still a tough old bird and managed to get thru all of it, but he now walks with a pretty noticeable limp. JRob is part of the Old Guard, and I'm not anxious to see him leave any time in the near future.

I hope J-Rob coaches forever and does cute camps for kids
Sorry, but this is way off base. To the extent Joe's recruiting suffered, it wasn't the perception of his age. Recruits were in awe of him, and he was as good of a closer as there was. The problem was that his assistants did not hit the road nearly as much as they used to, and not nearly as much as the competition to get recruits. (Joe himself cutting back didn't help, but would've been far less of a hindrance if the rest of the staff kept up. Which comes back to Joe not making them do so.)

The other point you're missing is that Robinson still holds his camps, they're well attended, and they're well regarded by parents and kids. The "understanding and mentoring and relating" stuff is being seen first-hand, and not negatively.

Sure, his age and mobility could be an issue. I think it's far less of an issue than you're making it out to be. I think there are lots of other reasons are far more likely -- especially recruiting the same upper midwest pool as Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, etc. -- and, unlike those schools, almost exclusively limiting himself to that region.

I have often wondered if these camps while great for a week or two during the summer actually hurts overall recruiting at goofer U. The intensity of that single week when projected out over a 4-5 year career could cause kids to look at other places. The grind is as much psychological as it is physical and as jammz will so eloquently point out the top 10-20 p4p dont seem to be going to Minny. Most schools conduct camps and many have "intensive" camps, but J Rob has corned the market on it. Just a thought.....
Go to Minny and train to be a Navy Seal.
Being a Navy Seal from Minnesota can do wonders for the rest of your life:



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I have often wondered if these camps while great for a week or two during the summer actually hurts overall recruiting at goofer U. The intensity of that single week when projected out over a 4-5 year career could cause kids to look at other places. The grind is as much psychological as it is physical and as jammz will so eloquently point out the top 10-20 p4p dont seem to be going to Minny. Most schools conduct camps and many have "intensive" camps, but J Rob has corned the market on it. Just a thought.....

I think you are on to something. I know of at least one kid who Minnesota would most definitely be interested in who came home from the camp and pretty much said I'm never going to go to Minnesota and be stuck up there. This from a kid who says the camp was one of the best things ever to happen to him wrestling wise, is perhaps the hardest worker I've known in the sport and never backs down from a challenge. He will probably look back later in life and say this was a pretty simplistic view of the place. But for a 16 year old kid it may be difficult to separate the perception you may get of the place during those 28 days. You know it is doing you wonders, but may think you are in for 4 straight years of it.
I think you are on to something. I know of at least one kid who Minnesota would most definitely be interested in who came home from the camp and pretty much said I'm never going to go to Minnesota and be stuck up there. This from a kid who says the camp was one of the best things ever to happen to him wrestling wise, is perhaps the hardest worker I've known in the sport and never backs down from a challenge. He will probably look back later in life and say this was a pretty simplistic view of the place. But for a 16 year old kid it may be difficult to separate the perception you may get of the place during those 28 days. You know it is doing you wonders, but may think you are in for 4 straight years of it.
Maybe it was the month of summer ice fishing plus the lutefisk diet.
I am a PA guy and love lukefisk. We call it salted cod here. The key is not to over cook it. Serve with mashed potatoes and baby peas. I usually only make it once a year but it is good eats.
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Kringla is a sour cream cookie??? What the heck does that have to do with, Old fish, worst fan base, and Arnold?
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Sorry guys but Iowa is running away with it as Penn State drops to just 19%. Looks like you'll have to settle for 2nd place (although Other is over 15% now).
While I think HR is filled plenty of very good posters, there is an equally terrible, delusional, and hateful poster to go along with them. So, even though HR is an awful place because of this, I don't think any fanbase compares to Lehigh. After listening to them on TV during the dual meet you couldn't pay me enough money to sit anywhere near them during a wrestling match. I believe it was the 184lb match where they all started yelling "he's stalling" as soon as the whistle blew for the match. Literally, the second the match started they thought Mouse was stalling.

So, for me it goes as follows (and I'm judging this by fans I see post on the internet and what I see from fans on TV)

Lehigh - The worst fan base in wrestling. You couldn't pay me money to even talk to one of them about wrestling.

Iowa - Based off HR, this fan base is absolutely awful. They are totally delusional and insanely hateful. The only thing that exceeds the delusional is their amount of jealousy for the current PSU program. You'd think they never won a championship before. However, I will say that not every poster on HR is terrible. Some of them are very knowledgeable and reasonable. But, you'll have that with any internet community for any team.
From a professional troll aspect, I tend to agree that Iowa and specifically HR fans are the worse, during the first few years when Brands left VA Tech to go back to Iowa. There are alot of delusional people over there with a particular hatered for anything Penn St.

One of the valuable lessons that I learned is that you cannot discuss Iowa lower weights with Napoleon man complexes -- example Gilman. While the threads discussion went of course about fat iowa party girls You can not associate the two together, and God forbid don't ask anyone to post a pick of Gilman's girl friend to see if the hypothesis were correct. Apparently, that is a big no, no over there. I still trying figure it out whether they got mad about the Gilman comment or mad that someone was saying their party girls are fat, either way they will throw the ban hammer at you.
From a professional troll aspect, I tend to agree that Iowa and specifically HR fans are the worse, during the first few years when Brands left VA Tech to go back to Iowa. There are alot of delusional people over there with a particular hatered for anything Penn St.

One of the valuable lessons that I learned is that you cannot discuss Iowa lower weights with Napoleon man complexes -- example Gilman. While the threads discussion went of course about fat iowa party girls You can not associate the two together, and God forbid don't ask anyone to post a pick of Gilman's girl friend to see if the hypothesis were correct. Apparently, that is a big no, no over there. I still trying figure it out whether they got mad about the Gilman comment or mad that someone was saying their party girls are fat, either way they will throw the ban hammer at you.

Well, you went over there and insulted the co-eds who go to Iowa and then insulted Gilman. You also don't understand why they don't think it's OK to ask for a picture of his GF on their message board? Do you also think that every woman that goes to PSU looks like a model?

Yeah, the problem here is not HR, it's you. Of course they're going to bring out the ban hammer for you. Why wouldn't they?
From a professional troll aspect, I tend to agree that Iowa and specifically HR fans are the worse, during the first few years when Brands left VA Tech to go back to Iowa. There are alot of delusional people over there with a particular hatered for anything Penn St.

One of the valuable lessons that I learned is that you cannot discuss Iowa lower weights with Napoleon man complexes -- example Gilman. While the threads discussion went of course about fat iowa party girls You can not associate the two together, and God forbid don't ask anyone to post a pick of Gilman's girl friend to see if the hypothesis were correct. Apparently, that is a big no, no over there. I still trying figure it out whether they got mad about the Gilman comment or mad that someone was saying their party girls are fat, either way they will throw the ban hammer at you.

Greco's hypothesis is far off anyways...It's not the short dudes that dig the oversized...It's the really skinny dudes that you see with the big 'uns. You know, like the Gilligan types.

So you started this discussion on two boards that really had nothing to do with wrestling which tells me you put a lot of thought into this. I mean, you troll HR all the time so why is this so near and dear to your heart that you bring it up as your example of a cool troll? A secret chubby chaser?

Sorry guys but Iowa is running away with it as Penn State drops to just 19%. Looks like you'll have to settle for 2nd place (although Other is over 15% now).
Jammen is at least 14.95% out of the Other 15%, with room to grow.
Well, you went over there and insulted the co-eds who go to Iowa and then insulted Gilman. You also don't understand why they don't think it's OK to ask for a picture of his GF on their message board? Do you also think that every woman that goes to PSU looks like a model?

Yeah, the problem here is not HR, it's you. Of course they're going to bring out the ban hammer for you. Why wouldn't they?

I think you missed the first part of his post:

"From a professional troll aspect"
I think you missed the first part of his post:

"From a professional troll aspect"

Well, what "valuable lessons" are we to learn from a "professional troll?" Somebody admitting to being a troll and then pretending that they can offer some new found insights about posting on message boards is a little ridiculous. I think the poster is a troll and at the same time believes that he/she was somehow treated unfairly or that HR is at least a little unreasonable when dealing with his/her posts.
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Greco's hypothesis is far off anyways...It's not the short dudes that dig the oversized...It's the really skinny dudes that you see with the big 'uns. You know, like the Gilligan types.

So you started this discussion on two boards that really had nothing to do with wrestling which tells me you put a lot of thought into this. I mean, you troll HR all the time so why is this so near and dear to your heart that you bring it up as your example of a cool troll? A secret chubby chaser?


Azchief is definitely right on about this. Definitely the skinny guys and IMO, definitely not the short guys.

Definitely not a chubby chaser here, but is it wrong that I was always a little turned on by that chick???

Road Trip chicks I can remember in order of hotness:

1) Beth (Amy Smart)
2) Sperm Bank Nurse
3) Rhonda (above)
4) Josh's girlfriend Tiffany (not a fan)
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The "Other" category is now only one vote off of the PSU 2nd place total.

Jammz you realize what your doing by inviting our crew over right? Thats right....Of course you do. Well played sir...well played.
Azchief is definitely right on about this. Definitely the skinny guys and IMO, definitely not the short guys.

Definitely not a chubby chaser here, but is it wrong that I was always a little turned on by that chick???

Road Trip chicks I can remember in order of hotness:

1) Beth (Amy Smart)
2) Sperm Bank Nurse
3) Rhonda (above)
4) Josh's girlfriend Tiffany (not a fan)

Haha...nothing wrong with that bro
Greco's hypothesis is far off anyways...It's not the short dudes that dig the oversized...It's the really skinny dudes that you see with the big 'uns. You know, like the Gilligan types.

So you started this discussion on two boards that really had nothing to do with wrestling which tells me you put a lot of thought into this. I mean, you troll HR all the time so why is this so near and dear to your heart that you bring it up as your example of a cool troll? A secret chubby chaser?

Haha Road Trip. Hugely underrated movie with one of the funniest scenes of all time: