How do I see matches that already occurred on at the WTT on Flowrestling? Specifically, I want to watch Zain and Nolf's matches from a few minutes ago.
Really hate that Zain has to go through Frank in the semi. Oh well. Is the final best 2 out of 3 for 57, 65, and 70?
I mean no disrespect to either of those guys. I just feel Marky in free is on another level. The beauty of it is we’ll see it unfold soon!
Yeah, I just marvel over our depth at this non-olympic weight. Dake and his Posse
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Nick Nevills on Mat 3, ahead on criteria 2-2 in the second to Tate Orndorff, who wrestles for Utah Valley and won a few matches at the NCAAs in March.

Orndorff up 4-2 now, 1:15 left.

Nick looking a bit lethargic and I think thinner, not able to get much going throughout. Orndorff wins, 4-2.
The Peterson Roll that Hall hit on Harvey looked just like the roll Sudalaev hit on Snyder at World’s last year. Amazing that Hall has so many ways to score in Free.
Manville is a snoozer in any style.

The Peterson Roll that Hall hit on Harvey looked just like the roll Sudalaev hit on Snyder at World’s last year. Amazing that Hall has so many ways to score in Free.

[Edit: finding a gif maker that works...Edit 2: Think I got it to work]

A bit different but still really cool. In his Flo technique vids, Cooperman actually demonstrated a series from this 'step behind/reach across' technique off of a whizzer/overhook situation, which was new to me, personally. Hadn't seen it executed in high level competition before Hall.

Sadulaev hits more of a one-armed 'wingnut' (which is what I'm told it used to be called when it was in style back yonder). Instead of locking up both arms, he uses a snake on the far knee to help elevate Snyder. Naturally, have seen this one attempted a few times (to no avail, lol) at the Open and WTT so far this year. I believe Heflin tried and gave up 2 vs. Downey in the US Open Finals.
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