Any website to go to for following the results and scores if your not a Flo subscriber?
Just saw Brooks second match. Lot of credit to Keckeisen for going the distance, he fought hard. But Brooks could probably beat a lot of the 79kg seniors, he's just that good. And a ton of fun to watch. Congrats to him for making his 3rd team.
As average as Nico looked last Open (lost to Colon) and WTTs (got tech'd by Garrett 2x in challenge finals), he's looked fantastic ever since. A bit more dynamic, a lot more movement, and I think stronger. And all while working a full-time job. And Ramos appears to be trending in the opposite direction, so this should be interesting.
Nico Ramos
Nico looks like he's trying to out-physical Ramos a minute in here. Flo stream has suddenly died. WTF?
Is the tournament on hold too or just the live feed. Sounds like it might be both
My guess is the NC State will never again be hosting a Senior Event. #curseofflo #bushleague
We're back!

Nico and Ramos still scoreless.
Nico low single, drags Ramos back in, and gets the two as they go out of bounds. Nico in again and gets both legs and finally converts. 5-0 (I must've missed a point during the outage). End of first period, 5-0 Nico.

Nico again working Ramos' head, Ramos doesn't appear to be involved. Nico with a hands to the face warning. Nico in on an ankle, walking it around, Ramos tries to go behind, but Nico still has the ankle. Nico trying to come out from underneath and he does, 7-1. Follows it up with two leg laces, and that's it, 11-1 tech.
Nico has jumped levels since leaving NLWC. I remember him getting skunked by Gilman not too long ago

Fire Cody?
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Zain Frank

Lots of hands, lots of pushing, early on. Both guys shoot at once, but Zain slides behind and gets the TD. 2-0.
Zain in on a leg again, and drives him the other way for the two. 4-0 at the break.
Frank shoots a few times but Zain not letting him anywhere near his legs. Frank complaining about Zain's hands. Another complaint (legit).
Zain perfect timing on an ankle shot, which he converts on. 6-0.
6-1, hands to the face finally called.
Frank looking head pinch but Zain gets the stalemate call.
That's it, Zain moves on, 6-1 final.
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Oliver was on the clock vs Demas, only up 1-0 late in the first, but got behind and converted that into a leg lace to go up 5-0 as the period ended. Demas was probably feeling pretty good right before that, too. Big uphill climb for Demas now.
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Nolf Valencia will be on Mat 1 after Gantt Massa, which Gantt leads 4-4 with 1:30 left. Massa up 5-4 now with :20 left. Both guys tired. Massa holds on but it wasn't pretty.
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Nolf Anthony Valencia

Nolf gets in easy on a leg but abandons it. AV noticeably thicker. AV counters another Nolf shot. AV goes on clock. Nolf gets the point, up 1-0. Double by Nolf, but settles for the 1 out of bounds. 2-0. Nolf limps to center, now takes an injury timeout. Ugh. Appears to be ankle-related. Nolf up, steps on it gingerly. Cael and Cody there. They're taping the ankle up, which can't be good for his mobility. Restart, but time runs out in first.

AV shoots but Nolf easily fights it off. Nolf gets a passivity warning with 2:00 left. AV slide by attempt, but Nolf easily defends. Nice low shot by Nolf but AV kicks out. 1:00 left. Nice single by Nolf as he gets a full leg, and drives him out. 3-0. Challenge brick but withdrawn. AV with the desperation flying squirrel, which doesn't work. Nolf in on a single for the TD, adds two more and that's it, 7-1, he'll face Massa next.
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Hall Becker

Becker gets in on leg, but Hall outsmarts himself by going to back in a move that doesn't work at all, giving up 4. Hall gets a step out point to close gap. 4-1. Hall gets a leg and converts to make it 4-3 as time ends in first.

Hall again in on leg, but loses it. Stalemate. Bloody nose for Hall. 2 minutes left. Becker warned for passivity. Mark looks duck but it's not happening. Becker goes on clock, but he'll hold criteria with that four point move. Hall looks tired but so does Becker. Hall with the point, 4-4.

With time winding down Hall went duck, settled for the leg, Becker looked to counter with a chest wrap, and Hall was able to turn the corner to win 6-4.
Valencia had a quick and easy match and Hall can barely walk off the mat. That's a huge edge that Zahid probably didn't even need. This match is over before it even starts.