Sounds like the Wrestling Community needs a semantic reset:
1. "Commitment" means zero. There's no such thing, literally.
In the past there existed a distinction between a Verbal Commitment (or, my favorite, the hilarious Oral Commitment) that was intended to pair with a Written Commitment, via the National Letter of Intent, but the National Letter of Intent was just disbanded the other week.
2. "Signed" means zero. Signed what? A financial loan package issued from the school?
3. "Recruiting" means ALL THE ****ING TIME.
4. "Free Agent" means all D1 athletes, see #3
5. "Consequences" means whining, by online denizens like us, or by former wrestlers or current coaches. The only possible change to this is if the Yianni's & Lee Pritts of the wrestling community decide to change the game and name names. But even then, what are any possible consequential fallouts?
6. "Shame" does not exist. Why try to use it here?