Pennsylvania is corrupt to the core.

Well, well, well, what is going on in the Keystone State?

Let me be the first to break it to you. The sweat glands are working overtime for a few in the happy valley 'boys club'.

We are also glad that our beleaguered female attorney general, Kathleen Kane, finally launched the counterattack that we suggested she immediately implement.

I told you before that pennsylvania is 'corrupt to the core'. Now there can be no doubt about it, capisce?
Can you even imagine what emails Kane still has in her possession? Let me give you a hint, FF.

It's disgusting the way 'business' is being done these days in pa.
There is no respect. Brazen punks. We are sick of it.

When Russell Bufalino ran things, it was like the german railroad system, precise, on time and done with pride. Notice that i did not use the italian railways as an example, heh heh. Russ was generous and people generally loved him. He and Dan Flood created many jobs for the coal region.

'The seam lies underground, We work the black seam together'.
Thankfully, Russ urged Dan to provide the region with decent jobs above the 'black seam'.

McGee, our nickname for Russell, had honor and commanded respect from all, unlike your cowardly Penn State trustees: Surma, Peetz, Suhey, Frazier and the others in the cabal who ultimately killed your football coach, Paterno. The arrogant trustees trashed the football program and by association its fans.

Syracuse is my college team, but i respected Paterno as a coach and for what he did for the university and happy valley. I smelled a rat when the scandal broke and honestly that is the only reason why i became interested in this travesty.

I humbly ask you, how can the financial distress caused by the unlawful actions of the trustees at Penn State, the disdain and abuse given to 'ped' state alumni and the outrageous freeh report lies, be tolerated by any sane pennsylvania resident? They would not be tolerated, but the facts have been suppressed. That is changing, slowly, but it's about to speed up.

Visualize this.

Frankie Fina was recruited from his union county district attorney position. He was very ambitious and was tagged for further advancement by his 'recruiters'. Frankie was to be a future pennsylvania attorney general.

Judge Feudale was stationed in northumberland county before he became a commonwealth judge. Likewise, he was pegged for bigger and better things. You do know Feudale was the judge in the sandusky grand jury investigations?

They were in close proximity to each other in their younger days prior to their harrisburg positions. As were some others.

Fahrenheit rising!

I hope Kathleen Granahan Kane fully exposes the corrupt prosecutors and their dealings with the Penn State trustees Surma, Peetz, Frazier, Suhey and the other conspirators. The former 'waste management' governor and the state's judicial system need to be outed as well.

It also looks like the porn emails just might create the inertia needed, contrary to what some of the news media reports.

Chris Kane's family convinced Kathleen to not run for public office in 2010, but the Kane Is Able trucking co. has no influence over her now. I doubt she would run for re-election anyway.

Kathleen's new LE BF is very capable of protecting her and providing good advice. Her back may be against the wall, but she is a fighter. And she will fight to the bitter end.

If Kane secures her lifeline by reaching out to the feds, she can bring this state to its knees, which quite frankly is needed and if she requests a federal prosecutor, well, i can only wish.

You can see i'm single-minded
Come and take a walk with me
There's a lot of opportunities
I've got the brains
Let's make lots of money


Bruce Heim calling out his critics in PPG:

“I would love to have those people who are complaining come and look me right square in the eye and tell me why they’re complaining and why they think I shouldn’t be out there,” Mr. Heim told the Post-Gazette Thursday. “I would bet you there would be very, very few of them who have the fortitude to walk up to me — an airborne Ranger— and look me in the eye and tell me I have harbored a pedophile. I think they should be afraid to do that and they would be and they wouldn’t do it.”

Wow. This guy is a fool and a crank and a very irritated little rich boy. Bruce, I think you knew about Jerry, bud. Now I have better things to do in State College than to talk with the Vice Chair of Jerry's grooming charity. However, should you wish to come to my home in WV I would be glad to read any post I have written about you right to your face. I have some questions (only 10-12 hours worth) I need you to answer under oath on video first, then I will be happy to tell you whatever you think I am afraid to tell you. Deal?

Message From Franco ...

this was sent out today:

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” –Buddha

In the first year or so after the Sandusky scandal broke, we continuously faced setback after setback in our quest for the Truth and during that time the media had their own agenda and created a false narrative about Penn State and Joe Paterno that still exists today. This false narrative created fear and people distanced themselves from Joe and Penn State.

However, this past Saturday night Joe Paterno was inducted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame. I believe this I the first honor bestowed upon Joe since the scandal. Jay Paterno accepted this honor on behalf of his father and the Paterno family. He gave an amazing speech that I can only describe as a “moment of Truth” for the world to hear.

We are not there yet, but this honor shows that we are moving forward and that our path to the Truth is having an impact. “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

Joe told us to find the Truth. I know it’s been tough and we have faced many difficult challenges, but we won’t give up, we will keep seeking the Truth.

We want people to know that this has never been about football. This is beyond football. This is about who WE ARE. It’s what we do that defines us.

Penn State is our second home.
Joe Paterno is our family.
WE ARE in this together.


From Anthony Lubrano - Bob Capretto has been confirmed

by the PA Senate and is now a member of the PSU BOT.

Capretto was one of the ex-players behind the "The Joe We Know" project. Not a friend to the old guard. Capretto gave a couple of highly-critical quotes to the media as the whole nonsense was going down, and was called by Gov. Corbett to ask what he was doing. From what I understand, Capretto told Corbett exactly what was on his mind without filter.
Side note - yet another PSU Fiji added to the mix. Very odd how many Fijis there are in this whole saga.

Anthony LubranotoPSU-ReBOT
Bob Capretto and Elliott Weinstein have been confirmed by the PA Senate this afternoon and are now officially members of the Board of Trustees.

Good day!

Upcoming dates in legal cases

Curley, Schultz, and Spanier (Superior Court of PA)
8/11/2015 - Oral arguments scheduled in appeal matter before Superior Court

Paterno vs. NCAA (Judge Leete)
8/17/2015 - Appellants Pepper Hamilton & PSU must file statement of errors
9/9/2015 - Oral arguments (in all outstanding matters)

Sandusky PCRA (Judge Cleland)
9/1/2015 - Commonwealth response due

Alumni Trustees vs. PSU (Judge Howsare)
9/8/2015 - Oral arguments (1st hearing)
9/22/2015 - Briefs due
10/1/2015 - Responses to briefs due

Your projection for PSU's last four conference games?

Four more conference games: Illinois at home, NU away, Michigan at home, and MSU away. How do you see the Lions finishing the regular season? I believe the Lions will win at least two of those games. Illinois for sure and probably NU (they're scuffling a bit at this point). Both Michigan and MSU look like losses to me at this point, but the Lions could possibly pull off an upset.

8-4 would likely mean a pretty decent bowl game;. Maybe not by the Lions' historical standards, but for a team coming back from severe sanctions, it looks pretty good to me. A definite positive trend.

What do you think?

Surprising response to my Paterno shirt

I was at breakfast at a hotel in Chicago this morning wearing one of my Paterno shirts. Another hotel guest said, "I like your shirt." I've gotten that before, and I thanked him. Nice, but then he said, "What happened there is almost enough to make me hate that school." Without his first comment, the second one sounds like someone who bought into the false narrative, and it threw me for a second. As we talked a bit more, it was clear that he got it. He knew what the cowardice and weak "leadership" had done to Joe, the football program, and the university as a whole. It was refreshing. He has no Penn State ties. I should have asked where he got his information, but it was refreshing nevertheless.

Keep the faith!

Kenny Frazier....Merck.....and the PSU Settlements

Bear with me a moment, and don't be afraid to do a LITTLE math:

Most of us - I think - are aware that Kenny Frazier made his bones as the point man in Merck's VIOXX settlement. It wouldn't be disingenuous to say that the VIOXX settlement led to Kenny being named as Merck's CEO.

For those who are not aware of all the details:

VIOXX killed thousands of people. The LOWEST estimate on deaths caused by VIOXX was 27,000 (the FDA estimate) ( Other estimates were as high as 100,000+.

Merck KNEW that their drug was dangerous, but the drug was such a profit maker they hid the testing results. (

The VIOXX settlement that elevated Kenny to the CEO spot at Merck was for $4.85 Billion (…/merck-to-fund-485b-vioxx-settleme…/).

Let's do the math:
$4.85 Billion / 27,000 = $180,000 per DEATH

As we all know, Kenny was the point man in PSU's "rush to accept responsibility" for the Sandusky victims. Individuals claiming to be victims of Sandusky - even though PSU had, at the absolute most, VERY tangential liability, and even to "victims" who had not been vetted in any significant way - were handed payouts of approximately $3,000,000 each.
SEVENTEEN times as much as the payouts for DEATHS caused by VIOXX (which was a drug that Merck KNEW killed people, but they put it out there anyway in order to rake in big profits)

Tell me....does that add up?

Why would this very same "man" (I use that term very loosely....and only in the - I think - biological sense) rush to hand out $3,000,000 to potential victims of child abuse who had AT BEST a very tangential claim of liability wrt Penn State.....after making his bones by heading up a settlement that resulted in payouts of under $180,000 per victim for KILLING folks in a clear case of liability, by a firm that disregarded their safety in a quest for profits?

Kenny would probably wave his hands....and tell us that we (unsophisticated rubes) "Don't know how the system works". Uh....Kenny.....WE DO KNOW HOW YOUR SYSTEM WORKS.

What was it that drove Kenny and the Scoundrels to such an incredible decision? What is it that they are so desperate to hide? the time of the "Sandusky Victim Payouts", Merck was in final negotiations with the Commonwealth of PA - and Governor Tom Corbett - on the approval of the VIOXX settlements with the state (Each state had to approve the VIOXX settlement in order for it to become official. If Merck - Kenny - did not get approval from the state - Tom Corbett, each case could move forward through the legal system, with the potential for much higher settlement costs for Merck)

Paul Suhey

I've been reading this board for probably ten years now, but just never felt compelled to post anything - until now.

Last week I noticed the thread that displayed an intense vitriol against Paul Suhey, upon learning of HIS SON passing out his peppers at the Houston Penn State gathering.

Just so you all know, I just moved to Houston upon graduation (and watch every game at the PSAA Houston game viewing party) and Paul Suhey Jr is someone I know personally. I can say without a doubt that the is the perfect Penn Stater. There are very few people I know more that are more intelligent or driven. He could've easily gone to any school in the country, but chose to go to Penn State. Since moving to Houston, he has been a successful engineer and, in addition, has a part time entrepreneurial hobby selling his Gourmet Suhey Peppers. He was very much looking forward to sharing his passion with fellow Penn Staters, before being ousted by the few pitch fork bearing fans that have nothing better to do than to tear an innocent kid down.

I understand and agree, his father was gutless in handling the whole debacle. But why should his son suffer from his fathers actions?
I understand how one could misconstrue Paul Suhey Sr from Paul Suhey Jr.
I get that - an easy mistake to make. I would have thought that Penn State fans would know better than any to examine all the facts, first, and not jump to conclusions. How hypocritical can you be?
Further, just think about it for a minute. Why would a very successful doctor that lives in PA travel down to Houston to give out peppers? Use some common sense first before throwing around death threats (Lane).
Lane and Marshall 30, after reading your comments, you sound like a couple of losers. Paul Jr is a better representative of what it means to be a Penn Stater than you may ever wish to be.

Grow up, move on, and explore all the facts before jumping to conclusions. And, separately, do it with class - use Joe Pa's life as a positive, and think about what he would say.

If you were coaching this year what changes would you make?

Lets skip all the fire Donavan and other topic killers and get to the meat of it all.

If I was coaching, I would bench Hackenberg and give McSorley and Stevens a chance. QB's who can move out of the pocket and throw on the run to account for our lack of depth at O-Line.

Now you have Barkley sitting back there as a homerun hitter. You can definitely use play action more with him, but you also have a QB who can move if the play breaks down

I really like Hackenberg, but he is playing like he needs an all star O-Line in front of him and that just is not going to happen during his tenure at Penn State.

At Receiver throw deep more often. Let your guys go one on one and make a play. This isn't pro football. You don't have all star corners playing against your wide receiver every game. Let them make a play more often. Jerry Rice wasn't the fastest receiver to ever play. But he made plays when you threw him the ball.

Defense I don't change much. Maybe keep a safety a little closer to support the run since our Linebackers struggled a little bit against a good running teams.
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Paul Suhey appearing at PSAA Houston game viewing party

Here is an email sent to PSAA-Houston members today. Please feel free to send the chapter's board an email at if (like me) you find Paul Suhey's appearance to be in bad taste. IMO, he should “retire” his plans to come to the event.

Dear ,

Finally a game where we played well in all three phases! Hopefully this momentum will carry us into a good game against Ohio State!

Just a quick note about the game at Social Junkie this week. They have an event from 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., so there will be an overlap as their event ends and our game starts. We may have to be patient while space opens up for us to sit at tables. A reminder, valet for Penn Staters is free, so please let us know if you encounter any difficulties.

Also, Taylor Mayer and Paul Suhey will be at Social Junkie giving out samples of Suhey Gourmet Peppers to our Penn State group!

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or another member of the board via

For the Glory Y'all!

Jen Lemanski '04
Penn State - Houston
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