Sounds like the WSJ came out supporting the opponents to the stadium project - Jay and Lubrano, in particular, in questioning the risks of going into the red to finance major renovations, at a time when the ADept just about broke even last year, and ongoing budget concerns at the Univ. They pretty much question the Universities projections of future revenues, and its unwillingness to provide more documentation to the BOT.
Or at the least, questioning the wisdom of a $700M "investment" in the future of CFB in Happy Valley. They noted how Nebraska's planned football upgrades have been rapidly scaled back, in the face of changing CFB/NIL etc.
Consider me as one of those who wonder how much longer CFB Big Boys can continue to show growth in revenues/support in an era of NIL, and tightening university budgets. What I read on here about underfunding for the education side of the house/professor salaries/loss of the ability to earn "tenure" etc. tells me that future funding of universities hs been/is in serious decline and question.