Newly found plagiarism by Harvard pres. Gay. Nearly 1/2 her scholarship, plagiarized.

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Former Harvard professor, Carol Swain:

"I rarely get angry, but I am angry," she wrote on X. "[R]ight now about the racial double standards that are TEMPORARILY giving #ClaudineGay an opportunity to resign. White progressives created her and white progressives are protecting her. The rest of us have had to work our rear ends off to achieve success. Some get it handed to them."

A lot of Repubs want to ban birth control

JD Vance stepped in it big time this morning when Jake Tapper presented a few facts that Vance seemed to be unaware of. The list includes new Speaker, Trump, and Clarence Thomas

J.D. Vance Said Republicans Aren't Trying to Limit Birth Control Access. Here's a List.​

"So here's a list.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.)​

In the top spot is current GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson, who - as Rolling Stone's Tessa Stuart reported - has engaged in a lengthy campaign against birth control both in Congress and outside of it. Johnson has argued (incorrectly) that certain kinds of birth control actually are methods of abortion. "The morning after pill, as we know, is an abortifacient," he said last month.

When working as an attorney, Johnson contributed to cases where plaintiffs refused to dispense emergency contraception. In office, Johnson has cast multiple votes against efforts to make birth control and other methods of family planning more accessible, affordable, or protected.

House Republicans​

Next on the list are all but 10 Republicans in the House who voted against codifying the right to contraceptives into law in July 2022.

Donald Trump​

While in office, Donald Trump - who enthusiastically campaigned for Vance to win a Senate seat - carved out exceptions for employers to an Obamacare requirement that mandated insurance plans cover contraception as part of preventative care.

Republican Lawmakers in Idaho and Missouri​

On the state level, Republicans have tried to conflate abortion and birth control by arguing that some contraceptives, such as Plan B and intrauterine devices (IUDs), are "abortifacients," even though that is untrue. Plan B prevents pregnancy and is taken long before implantation. According to the Food and Drug Administration, "Evidence does not support that the drug affects implantation or maintenance of a pregnancy after implantation, therefore it does not terminate a pregnancy."

IUDs are also not an abortifacient. As the Kaiser Family Foundation says, "IUDs do not affect an established pregnancy and do not act as an abortifacient."

In 2021, Idaho passed the No Public Funds for Abortion Act, which prohibits state-funded student health centers from dispensing emergency contraceptives such as Plan B. The bill also prevents state-funded student health centers from counseling patients on abortion.

That same year, Missouri Republicans tried to forward a bill to ban the state's Medicaid program from paying for IUDs and emergency contraception. "Anything that destroys that life is abortion, it's not birth control," the bill's sponsor said.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas​

Even ultra conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has called for a war on birth control access. In a concurring opinion in the Dobbs decision that reversed federal abortion protections, Thomas wrote that the court "should reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergfell." Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) established protections for married couples purchasing contraception."

Democrats are foul..........

@Nittany Ned2 needs to understand who the authoritarian party is............

Riley Gaines fires back at ‘misogynist’ ‘Squad’ Dem who wanted swimmer’s ‘transphobic’ remarks stricken from Title IX hearing record​

Summer Lee wants to shut dissenting opinion down.... Just like most democrats.

Former collegiate swimmer-turned-activist Riley Gaines accused Rep. Summer Lee of being a “misogynist” after the Pennsylvania Democrat derided the NCAA All-American’s testimony as “transphobic” and asked that it be stricken from the record during a fiery congressional hearing Tuesday.

Lee, a member of the so-called “Squad” of far-left lawmakers, accused Gaines and other witnesses on the panel of being “transphobic” in her opening remarks while arguing in support of the Biden administration’s proposed rule changes to Title IX that would outlaw banning transgender students from participating on teams consistent with their gender identity.

“It’s disappointing to me that although the title of this hearing implies a much-needed discussion we’re likely going to be forced to listen to transphobic bigotry,” the first-year House lawmaker said during the House Oversight Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services hearing. “Because actually protecting female athletes and Title IX is important. Participating in sports provides so many benefits to our young people.

“Madam Chair, I ask that while we sit through this hearing and the hateful misinformation I’m sure is coming our way, let us not forget the children at the core of this issue,” Lee added.

Gaines, who competed against transgender swimmer Lia Thomas and has since become an outspoken proponent of reserving women’s sports for biological females, took issue with Lee’s characterization of her testimony.

“Of course, there is a place for everyone, regardless of gender identity, regardless of sexual orientation, regardless of race or what sports you play. There’s a place for everyone to play sports in this country,” Gaines said.

“But unsafe, unfair and discriminatory practices towards women must stop. Inclusion cannot be prioritized over safety and fairness, and ranking member Lee, if my testimony makes me transphobic then I believe your opening monologue makes you a misogynist.”

BJC Dual Seat Selection

Got email notice today re: my slot time for seat selection for the Feb 12 BJC dual vs Rutgers.
My selection time starts at 1:50PM on Tuesday Dec. 12. And extends to 11:59PM on Dec. 17. Email indicated if I do not select seats by end time seats will be assigned by Penn State Athletics. My speculation this is a trail of a new process to assign season seat locations by NLC points should the move to have all matches in BJC. My anticipation that move is on the horizon with the Athletic Dept’s constant quest to raise more $. The increase in $ to be paid the football offensive and defensive coordinators along w/ all the facility upgrades has to come from somewhere.!

Criminal intent to ignore......

Special counsel asks Supreme Court to rule quickly whether former President Trump can be prosecuted

Associated Press, author

Special counsel Jack Smith on Monday asked the Supreme Court to take up and rule quickly on whether former President Donald Trump can be prosecuted on charges he plotted to overturn the 2020 election results.

A federal judge ruled the case could go forward, but the Republican ex-president signaled he would ask the federal appeals court in Washington to reverse that outcome.

Smith is attempting to bypass the appeals court. The request for the Supreme Court to take up the matter directly reflects Smith’s desire to keep the trial, currently for March 4, on track and to prevent any delays that could push back the case until after next year’s presidential election.

“This case presents a fundamental question at the heart of our democracy: whether a former President is absolutely immune from federal prosecution for crimes committed while in office or is constitutionally protected from federal prosecution when he has been impeached but not convicted before the criminal proceedings begin,” prosecutors wrote.

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Special counsel goes directly to Supreme Court to resolve whether Trump has immunity from prosecution

Who Is Sara Biden? Joe’s In-Law Emerges as Central Figure in Foreign Cash Deals

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Sat through some interesting sessions lately. Through 2019, their capital expenditure budget had hovered right around $700 million. Now with an influx of Federal money, it's skyrocketed and will average $6 bil per year through at least 2028.

What could possibly go wrong? An organization that doesn't know how to do projects because they've only been doing maintenance for years suddenly flooded with cash, hiring 4000 new employees per year just to get up to speed to get these projects done. All in the railroad industry where the average project goes over budget by more than 100%. I'm sure this will turn out well.
