174 Quarter, Mark Hall vs. Zack Epperly (VT)
ESPN elects to not show this match, thank gosh for ESPN3
Per 1
Epperly in on a single, Hall counters, and gets the TD as they go OOB at 2:08, 2-0. Epperly trying to work up, OOB at 2:08. Hall working a tilt, switches to the other side, and gets swipes -- 2 NF awarded, 4-0. OOB at 1:01. Epperly up, tripped down, tilt, but only 1 swipe, and OOB with 43 sec left. RT over 1 min. Another tilt and 4 NF, 8-0. End. RT at 2:09.
Per 2
Hall takes bottom. Not much movement off of the whistle. Hall to his feet, taken back down. Epperly throws in a half nelson, nothing. Hall works up from his base, and they are OOB at 1:10. Hall up quickly, turns in, and gets an esc, 9-0. Epperly dives in, Hall with a whizzer, but Epperly gets behind for the TD, 9-2. Stoppage for ?? at 1:25. It's blood or injury on Hall. We're back. Hall up to his feet, taken back down, and OOB at 21 sec. RT now below 1 min. Hall to his feet, tries to turn, stuffed, and taken back down. End. RT at 23 sec for Hall
Per 3
Epperly takes bottom. Interesting. Epperly up, tries a roll, but Hall stays with him. Stall warning on Hall, at 1:43. OOB as RT is now over 1 min for Hall. Epperly tries to stand, Hall tries to get a cradle, Epperly rolls, Hall trying to avoid the reversal, and he maintains control. RT now over 2 min. With RT, it's a 10-2 major for Mark Hall!!!!!!!