2017 Recruiting Class Thread

What's the latest with Proctor? I thought we were considered a done deal if we had room. It seems we have room now, but I haven't heard much about him lately. this point, can CJF be holding things close to the vest to make an impact and mitigate poaching? I mean, we are a week away.
Another site has him listed as a "soft verbal" to VPI. This seems to be an opportunity for Pitt.
Seems like this board likes him a lot more than the coaching staff

I actually don't see many people on this board clamoring for Proctor..I think a lot of people were under the assumption that there was no space for him and apparently the staff just doesn't see him fitting in. I think most would rather have Brooks.
I actually don't see many people on this board clamoring for Proctor..I think a lot of people were under the assumption that there was no space for him and apparently the staff just doesn't see him fitting in. I think most would rather have Brooks.

Sounds right, except for "apparently the staff just doesn't see him fitting in." Nothing's apparent but people's guesses of what the staff may be thinking, doing, etc.

Many were excited about Proctor, now many are excited about Brooks....we're fans! ;-)

Who wouldn't be happy closing out with Brooks, TCF, Webb...., or [fill in other top recruit who we may or may be thinking of]....

But what a fun time of year!
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Any clue as to who the other prospect may be?

Did you read the link? Suggests McFarland, who may also be waiting for....doesn't matter. What does matter is (1) whether TCF's choice depends on space, (2) whether he's next in line for a specific open space pending another's decision, (3) whether another (perhaps previously allocated) space opens up due to an unexpected flip, etc., etc. But at this time of year, anyone who knows where he wants to go and has a committable offer has already secured his space, whether public, silent pending announcement, reserved pending, etc.. All the rest are subject to the numbers whatever program is at issue...

But that doesn't mean we're not all as curious as you...
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Did you read the link? Suggests McFarland, who may also be waiting for....doesn't matter. What does matter is (1) whether TCF's choice depends on space, (2) whether he's next in line for a specific open space pending another's decision, (3) whether another (perhaps previously allocated) space opens up due to an unexpected flip, etc., etc. But at this time of year, anyone who knows where he wants to go and has a committable offer has already secured his space, whether public, silent pending announcement, reserved pending, etc.. All the rest are subject to the numbers whatever program is at issue...

But that doesn't mean we're not all as curious as you...

Couldn't open the link, for whatever reason. Thanks.
I actually don't see many people on this board clamoring for Proctor..I think a lot of people were under the assumption that there was no space for him and apparently the staff just doesn't see him fitting in. I think most would rather have Brooks.
There was one poster clamoring for Proctor Proctor Proctor. He clamors a lot.
Doesn't look like he's playing along....
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Everyone was saying how "excited" Rivers was in his VT official and we saw how that turned out.
Funny...I was just thinking that...

Also, the kid's wearing a tank top in January. So one may figure a #1 and a big cheesy grin wasn't part of the look he was going for.

But who the heck knows!
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Funny...I was just thinking that...

Also, the kid's wearing a tank top in January. So one may figure a #1 and a big cheesy grin wasn't part of the look he was going for.

But who the heck knows!

I like 90% of the things Franklin does but I'm not too fond of the #1 thing. I guess it's just me.
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I like 90% of the things Franklin does but I'm not too fond of the #1 thing. I guess it's just me.

It's not just you. Rest assured.

Edit: of course, he DID just take a team that was predicted to be questionably competitive and lead them to #1 in the B1G... and led lowly Vandy to become competitive in the SEC... so maybe a pass on that one is deserved...
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No 2018 kids on Central that I can think of. David Green is a 3star, but we haven't offered yet. They can probably visit Thorpe and say hello to Coach Totten. I'm sure Limegrower and Moorhead are tight with him, as fellow CC grads, although Totten's older.

Can't ever hurt to spend more time developing a better relationship with Central, and hopefully blunt the ND influence.
It takes a personal visit to figure out Pitt's negatives? Hardly. Pitt undermines their own recruiting, anyhow. They haven't recruited well since Wanny was canned.
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On the other hand, no one knows where Narduzzi is. Then again no one cares. No one would recognize him if they did see him. Unless he was screaming at a waiter or waitress.
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