197 Quarterfinal: Sahkur Rasheed vs. Michael Macchiavello (NC State)
Ugh, I'm using MM as an abbreviation for Macchiavello
Down goes Moore as Conel pins him!!!!
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Rasheed with a sloppy double, nothing. Rasheed is wearing the hair net again.
Rasheed in on a single, and gets behind for the TD, 2-0. Rasheed looked for a cradle but it wasn't there. MM is flat. And then MM works to his feet, turns in and is out. RT just over 1 min for Rasheed. 2-1 is the score. MM reaches for a leg, nothing. End. RT @ 1:01 for Rasheed
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MM defers, and Rasheed takes bottom. He's up and out in 3 sec, 3-1. Rasheed in on a single, MM scramble, and a stalemate at 57 sec. Not many shots from Rasheed. MM keeps reaching, and Shak blocks him. End. RT @ 57 sec, I think, for Rasheed
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MM takes bottom. MM wroks to his feet and spins around behind for the reversal, 3-3. Rasheed had 1:10 in RT, but that's coming donw below 1 min. damn. Rasheed in a ball, hits a roll, and he's out with 48 sec left, 4-3. OOB with 43 sec. MM in on a single, Rasheed with a whizzer and grabs an ankle, then MM locks a cradle and this is bad as there is very little time. No NF, but MM wins 5-4. Damn. Rasheed didn't seem to have the gas tank. After Moore's loss, this was not what PSU fans wanted to see