2021 World Championships

This why i dislike freestyle, referee can basically decide the winner. Passivity is a joke, and i do not care what the rules say. Thankfully Snyder got a bit lucky at the very end and got the win, but how boring to watch a guy just stand there for all six minutes and not try to get to one leg attack or try and score an offensive point is boring.
I think we all agree--even the people who'd gladly replace folkstyle w/ free, that these types of matches stink. But they do happen in both styles, and IMO, much less frequently in free.
I think Gilman is going to be up shortly, after the two 57kg bronze matches, the first which should start in about three minutes.
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And there’s never been a 1-1 folkstyle match go into ride outs where neither kid shot for 7 minutes.


No need to bash Tsirtsis now.

In folkstyle if its 1-1 then both kids at least earned an escape. In freestyle when its 1-1 the referee basically chooses passivity as he likes and last guy to get the point wins in a 1-1 match. That is ridiculous to me. In the case of the Snyder match the Iran guy did nothing the whole match and gets two points for nothing. Sorry you are not going to change my mind, it is a terrible system.

Also i like both styles. I just get frustrated with those type of matches when passivity basically determines the winner.
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My main point is I just do not care for the passivity system. Just my opinion.
That's fair. I don't particularly love it, but as I have learned more about how they call passivity, I've learned to be more OK w/ it. The disucssion in this thread about a collar tie snap-down for instance. I don't like it, because that's how our guys like to create action and leverage their conditioning advantage--but at least there seems to be a reasoning behind it (breaking the hold is negative wrestling).
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the referee basically chooses passivity as he likes

Wrestlers have to hold center & have to engage / keep contact. The rules are clear.

Besides, in folkstyle, how many matches have been influenced (ruined) by the inconsistent whims of a referee calling stalling ?

Jesus H - half of the posts in PBP threads of PSU duals are fans complaining about the ref & how / when / where stalling is called.

The thing you hate about freestyle happens MUCH MORE often in folkstyle.

I get it. You don’t like passivity. That’s great. Your opinion.

But your argument is hot garbage & full of holes.
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The Bayramov guy who beat Green is the same guy who Keegan was losing to but came back and decked in the quarters. Shows just how good Keegan is going to be!
That guy has crazy leg defense. James was living on his legs, and only got the 1 4pt TD off the blast double.
Wrestlers have to hold center & have to engage / keep contact. The rules are clear.

Besides, in folkstyle, how many matches have been influenced (ruined) by the inconsistent whims of a referee calling stalling ?

Jesus H - half of the posts in PBP threads of PSU duals are fans complaining about the ref & how / when / where stalling is called.

The thing you hate about freestyle happens MUCH MORE often in folkstyle.

I get it. You don’t like passivity. That’s great. Your opinion.

But your argument is hot garbage & full of holes.

I get it, you hate people ragging on the freestyle rules. I not gonna try and argue my point anymore with you, it is pointless. You win man.
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I swear, Thomas is one of my favorite wrestlers now. I didn’t hate the heel version as much as many of you, but the person he’s become: he’s an inspiration and a role model and I’d be happy my kids followed how he seems to be today.
I get it, you hate people ragging on the freestyle rules. I not gonna try and argue my point anymore with you, it is pointless. You win man.

The thing you complain about (ref inconsistency) happens MUCH MORE with stalling than passivity.

Agree to disagree.