133: #10 Aaron Nagao vs. #23 M.Yarbrough (UVA)
Good scramble to start, but they go off the mat.
Yarbrough gets behind for the TD 3-0
Nagao gets a quick escape 3-1
Yarbrough gets to the leg again for the TD 6-1
Nagao peels out 6-2
Yarbrough gets to another single, Nagao gets to Yarbrough's leg & they're scrambling until a potentially dangerous call. Restart.
Nagao with a front headlock trying to work behind, but nothing going.
Period ends: Yarbrough 6-2
Nagao down
Yarbrough riding tough, almost catches Nagao on his back. Goes over 1-min RT.
Nagao escape 6-3 (RT Yarbrough 1:14)
Nagao dives in on a leg, Yarbrough fighting it off & they go off the mat
Yarbrough in on a double & gets the TD 9-3 Wow!
Nagao to his feet, tries to roll back through, but Yarbrough riding tough & rides out the period. (RT 1:39)
Yarbrough takes neutral
Nagao trying a snap down & almost comes around, but nothing.
Yarbrough back in on a leg & gets another TD 12-3 Double Wow!
Yarbrough goes over 2-min RT; Nagao not doing much on bottom.
Stalling warning Nagao.
RT locked
Nagao turns into Yarbrough & gets a reversal 12-5
Time runs out
#23 M.Yarbrough Dec #10 A.Nagao 13-5