2024 NCAA's - Match/discussion threads (merged)

Based on comments Cael has made over the season I’ll be surprised if Kasak redshirts. I get the impression Tyler doesn’t want to sit, ever.
If it’s ever ever ever ever, he might have to leave. Hammers at every weight around him, could be top 3 in the country but not the best in his own room next year.
If Guns actually blocked the people he claims he did, he'd be a literal echo chamber.

OK, even more of one than he currently is.
5th Place 184: #6 Bernie Truax vs. #2 I.Salazar (MINN)
Lets go Bernie! End your career with a victory!
Bernie with tape on the right knee again, but he looks fine while bouncing around on the edge.
Tie ups in the center, to the knees & back to the feet
Both circling, tying up near the center
Salazar tries a half shot, nothing
Bernie shoots, gets the leg & the TD 3-0
Slick TD!
Bernie on top, with a leg in, Salazar bellied out
Bernie with a hard ride
RT +1-min
Got distracted for a moment & may have missed a stall call
Bernie still riding, on the edge, as time expires
Bernie +1:46 RT

Bernie takes down
Bernie to his feet, working for hand control, gets it & an escape 4-0
RT +1:34
Circling & tying up in the center
Bernie with a half shot, Salazar half counter, Bernie recounter for the TD 7-0
Bernie riding tough, Salazar bellied out
Stall warning Salazar
Salazar to his knees, then back to his belly
Bernie putting on another ride!
Bernie rides him out!
RT +2:48

Salazar takes neutral
Tying up & circling in the center
Bernie shoots, no dice
Salazar near the edge now
Back to center
Tying up & circling
Bernie gets to an ankle, pounces behind for another TD 10-0
Bernie going for bonus!!!
Salazar bellied out & Bernie hammering on top, trying to torque him over, cranking on the arm, PD called, restart
6-sec left
And time runs out
+RT point Bernie 11-0
I missed a point somewhere, might have been another stall call on Salazar. Not sure

#6 B.Truax MD #2 I.Salazar 12-0

Bernie Truax takes 5th Place! What a match! Great job Bernie! Great way to end your college career & more team points!
It's crazy that they robbed Crookham the way they did, Fix ducking him cost him a spot in the finals.
The "they" is Santoro for not getting Crookham a better schedule, so that he would've won Quality Wins over Fix regardless.

I think there are several ways to change the seeding criteria to make it fairer, which would likely have bumped Crookham to the 1 seed -- but these were the rules everyone agreed to when Lehigh set its schedule.
My shoulder hurt watching Watters getting that escape in 2nd period
The "they" is Santoro for not getting Crookham a better schedule, so that he would've won Quality Wins over Fix regardless.

I think there are several ways to change the seeding criteria to make it fairer, which would likely have bumped Crookham to the 1 seed -- but these were the rules everyone agreed to when Lehigh set its schedule.
On top of that, I’m pretty sure that Fix was dealing with an injury for a while this season. Neither Santoro nor Smith had any control with that situation.