2024 NCAA's - Match/discussion threads (merged)

3rd Place 149: #7 Tyler Kasak vs. #5 Ty Watters (WVU)
Let's go Tyler!
Watters looks thin & long, physically
Here we go!
Tying up & circling in the center
Kasak moving forward
Watters shoots, Kasak counters, gets the leg, working for a TD & gets it on the edge 3-0
This kid is awesome!
Out of bounds, restart
Watters to his feet, turns & tries to hip Kasak over, then gets the escape 3-1
Back to center, circling & tying up
Watters drops to a knee, then back up & back to center
Watters tries a throw by, Kasak blocks it off
Circling & tying up in the center again
1-min left
Watters tries another throw, Kasak reaches for a leg, nothing
Back to center, circling & tying up
Kasak moving forward, Watters backing to the edge, they break & go back near center
Time runs out as they jockey for position
Kasak +21-sec RT

Watters takes down
Watters to his feet, Kasak draped over, brings him back down, Watters bounces back up & gets the escape 3-2
Kasak +39-sec RT
Back to center
Watters throw, Kasak reaches for the legs, but nothing
Back to center, tying up & circling
1-min left
Watters shoots, nothing
Back to center
Watters shoots, gets the leg, but Kasak fights it off
Back to center, circling & tying up as the period ends

Kasak takes neutral
Byers saying Watters is good on top.
Tying up & circling in the center
Kasak tries throw by, no dice
Back to center
Watters tries for a leg, nothing
Watters tries for a leg again, no dice
Stall warning Kasak, WTF?
Kasak drops in on a leg, Watters trying to fight it off, Kasak steps over, working, working, but they go off the edge. Wow. Great scramble!
Blood time Kasak, bloody nose
Back to center
Watters gets to the leg, Kasak fighting it off & flips out of it
Watters attacking, Kasak defending
Back to center
Watters trying, but can't get anything as time runs out

#7 T.Kasak DEC #5 T.Watters 3-2

Tyler Kasak takes 3rd Place! What a phenomenal job by the freshman! After VanNess went down, how many people thought Tyler Kasak would out-place Ridge Lovett in the National Tournament? Wow! More team points too...creeping closer to the record!
Is the only path to the scoring record with 4 champs or can they win it with 3 champs and bonus or combination thereof?
America Wait GIF

3rd place for Kasak. What a run! Loses his first match Thursday morning and then reels off seven straight wins - over the 23, 9, 17, 3, 11, 1 and 5 seeds. With bonus points in five of the seven matches.
Is the only path to the scoring record with 4 champs or can they win it with 3 champs and bonus or combination thereof?
155.5 now. Three champs is plus 12 = 167.5, three bonus in three wins does it.
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Is the only path to the scoring record with 4 champs or can they win it with 3 champs and bonus or combination thereof?
Technically yes. A finals win = 4 pts. So theoretically we could still get the record with 3 wins + 2 pins, or 3 wins all by TF, or 2 MDs + 1 pin, etc.

The chances of that happening are IMO much lower than the 4th title.
Losing in 1st round and coming all the way back to take 3rd doesn’t happen often. I remember Telford doing it in 2015 I believe. Who are the historians to tell us how many times it has been done?
don't about the history, but it's possible twice in 2024, Bennett Berge is the other.
Technically yes. A finals win = 4 pts. So theoretically we could still get the record with 3 wins + 2 pins, or 3 wins all by TF, or 2 MDs + 1 pin, etc.

The chances of that happening are IMO much lower than the 4th title.
I think three majors even does it. Or two techs. Or a pin and a major.
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Losing in 1st round and coming all the way back to take 3rd doesn’t happen often. I remember Telford doing it in 2015 I believe. Who are the historians to tell us how many times it has been done?
I remember one year (2012?), Cam Tessari and Donnie Vinson both lost in the first round and met each other in the 3rd place match
Technically yes. A finals win = 4 pts. So theoretically we could still get the record with 3 wins + 2 pins, or 3 wins all by TF, or 2 MDs + 1 pin, etc.

The chances of that happening are IMO much lower than the 4th title.
Why do we need TWO MDs with a pin? Isn’t one enough? 167.5 + 3?
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Losing in 1st round and coming all the way back to take 3rd doesn’t happen often. I remember Telford doing it in 2015 I believe. Who are the historians to tell us how many times it has been done?
And when you answer this great question, please also provide the number that did it with five bonus point wins.