2024 NCAA's - Match/discussion threads (merged)

My issue here is that they got the seeds right in the first place and then "commen sense adjusted" their way into that dreck.

It made for a legendary story -- One-Legged Carter beat 2 returning national champs. But Carter's original seed was fairer to both Lewis and Griffith, would've balanced the two halves, and would've made for a far more compelling finals vs returning champ Lewis (which would've been the final had Carter not gotten hurt).
Ahhh yes, I got that mixed up, you are right. Really a shame for Lewis and Griffith, but super happy for Carter running that gauntlet and coming out on top.
I'd have to re-watch it but don't think Ayala ever had both the side headlock and the leg hooked simultaneously. He did have his leg between Figs' legs but missed where he had it hooked, at least beyond reaction time.
I watched Figueroa wrestle in HS numerous times and he was always attacking from neutral. I’m a little surprised how he has changed his style to score points more from counter- attacks.

Either way, he wrestled very smart tournament and deserved the win last night. I have a feeling that after Friday’s quarters match, Davis is going to have him in his sights next season.
Why anyone would want Burroughs as a head coach is beyond me. I don't say that just because of the CS comment. He lacked professionalism at times in the broadcast and I kept thinking about what an AD would think if their coach said some of those things. I don't remember what made me think that but it was my distinct impression.
We're spoiled at Penn State by our coaches in most sports if not all.

ADs would assign a PR staffer to coach him up. NO way they would reject Burroughs over a broadcast like that -- just look at the number of coaches across sports that do far more egregious things and keep getting hired.

For example:

It is 0522 hours here in San Diego and I just spent the last four hours or so watching the Finals and going through this 30 page thread for the first time. I had a very busy last three days so I was always playing catchup watching the tournament and following along here. I got home last night all excited to watch the Finals, which I had set up to record on my DVR. Due to a loss of signal, the recording ended in the first period of Greg's match! Not wanting to know the outcome of the matches I set up my DVR to record the 0030 showing of the tournament and went to bed. I woke up at 0130 and just couldn't resist watching the Finals.

Such a fun time to be a Penn state wrestling fan! I can't believe they scored 172.5 points while Davis (the #1 seed) and Nagao combined for only five points, Beau and Mitchell lost very tight matches, and they lost some probable bonus points if Carter had been healthy. Given just those three factors alone, Penn State could have reasonably passed 180+ team points. Having six finalists (which very well could have been seven if SVN had not been injured) is just ridiculous. Also, I can't foresee any other team (except maybe another Penn State team) ever getting close to the 100 point margin of victory.

Regarding some of the Penn State wrestlers, Tyler's run of seven straight backside victories was a sight to behold. Losing your first match and finishing the tournament with 19 points (especially as a true freshman) is quite the accomplishment. Carter accomplishing what he did with that injury was just so impressive. I don't know that I have ever seen a wrestler as mentally tough as Carter. Greg looked great in his Finals match. Those low single/ankle picks he hit were nasty. If he returns next season, I don't foresee anyone really challenging him. Regarding Aaron, I must say I was a little worried about his match with Hidlay because of how dominant Hidlay has looked all season, but Aaron completely shut him down. It is rare to see any wrestler, especially at 197 pounds, be so technically proficient. As far as being a great technician, I would put Aaron right up there with the greatest wrestlers ever. Aaron is going to be a real threat as he transitions into his full-time freestyle career. I can't wait!

On a final note, I want to thank everyone on this forum who makes it the best out there. I can't tell you how many countless hours I have spent on here this season. I appreciate what you all bring to the table, especially those who have helped me improve my vocabulary! I have also learned, especially in the last few weeks, that the Ignore function is your friend : ) Thanks again for making this season so enjoyable as a Penn State wrestling fan!
We're spoiled at Penn State by our coaches in most sports if not all.

ADs would assign a PR staffer to coach him up. NO way they would reject Burroughs over a broadcast like that -- just look at the number of coaches across sports that do far more egregious things and keep getting hired.

For example:

I bet there are a lot of current HCs that would say some pretty wild sh*t if you them in front of a mic for 2+ hours.
I watched Figueroa wrestle in HS numerous times and he was always attacking from neutral. I’m a little surprised how he has changed his style to score points more from counter- attacks.

Either way, he wrestled very smart tournament and deserved the win last night. I have a feeling that after Friday’s quarters match, Davis is going to have him in his sights next season.
It's Zeke. Teemer was much more aggressive in HS too.

Gotta hand it to Levi and the coaches -- they figured out that Teemer would wrestle the same way Figs did, and Levi wrestled an absolutely masterful match.

All of those matches against Lewan paid off.
My best friend in HS lost the semi-finals of states because he lost track of the score. I was on the side of the mat screaming, "Your losing. He has riding time." It did no good. My friend stalled out the end of the bout and lost on RT. A couple of years later he was wrestling for Penn and did the same damn thing at the EIWA quarters. I was watching with Dave Icenhower, later HOF coach at Trenton State. And now he's an extremely highly paid surgeon. Wouldn't let him operate on me.

As a coach, one of the primary things I taught my kids was 'mat sense'. Know the score. Know where you are on the mat. How close is OOB? What's the time remaining?
The wrestler should keep that info in his head all of the time during the match. My kids won so many close bouts often because they knew the score, period.

In HS at sectional finals, the coach of the other wrestler told me as the bout ended: "We're going to beat you in OT!" I smiled at him and said, "There's no riding time. I won!" It was close, time-wise, but I was right. A few weeks later at the finals of Regions, we were tied at the end of regulation, but I thought I was short of RT, so we were going to OT. The ref must have looked at the clocks for 5 minutes before he came back and raised my hand. Must have had RT by 1 second.
btw, my high school athletic director was on the riding time clock both times. Funny coincidence.
Those are awesome stories. People who don’t participate in sports, either coaching or playing, I don’t know how they ever experience those feelings of highs and lows. I suppose drugs and alcohol :)

It happens, losing track. Like I mentioned in another post, that was probably the first time in the wrestler’s life that riding time ever had to be considered with any stakes other than earning it for a major or tech.
It's Zeke. Teemer was much more aggressive in HS too.

Gotta hand it to Levi and the coaches -- they figured out that Teemer would wrestle the same way Figs did, and Levi wrestled an absolutely masterful match.

All of those matches against Lewan paid off.
Jacori never factored in that his 4 corner stall would look like a full court press after the things Levi’s seen from Mr. Lewan.
Thank you to the greatest fans in the world! The support for our son has been amazing! We truly appreciate PSU nation! How cool
Was that to witness the GREATEST WRESTLING TEAM IN NCAA HISTORY!! So awesome. Thank you!!
Congrats to Aaron and your family Mr Brooks. I remember being excited that Aaron was coming to PSU. Can't believe he is done already. I bet the time was faster for you. You and your wife have raised a good son. Much to be proud about I'm sure. Take care and please drop by with words of wisdom occasionally.
I've been watching wrestling for a very long time and have seen most of the greats. Aaron Brooks may be the most technically sound wrestler I've ever watched in college. And he has terrific balance. And his strength must be awesome, cause he wrestles guys that regularly hammer others with their power, and he barely flinches.
All of those accolades means that AB ranks with the greatest wrestlers of all time.
It's like someone set out to design the perfect wrestling machine and came up with Aaron Brooks.
When did Burroughs threaten to injure Carter?

All he said was he would attack a weak point. Which is absolutely true for any competitor, and legal.

If the roles were reversed -- Burroughs wore a bulky knee brace and Carter were healthy -- Carter would absolutely go after it, without the tiniest bit of remorse. As he should. If an opponent has a weakness and you don't try to exploit it, you're not competing.

Burroughs' mistake here was personalizing it. Had he said everyone at trials would go after Carter's knee, he'd still be right, because it's so obvious. But he said "I would" and therefore everyone here has lost their minds.
I was listening to both Byers and the TV... but I heard it and thought he was joking, trying to be funny....
I have read much of the commentary on Mitch’s match. My thought was that he knew exactly what was going on. He felt like he could not ride Carr long enough to melt off the RT. He also felt that he had the momentum and could get another TD. The problem was that he left the match in the hands of the ref. No doubt, Carr should have been hit and the match would have gone to Mitch since it would have been 2 points. But, it did not play out that way, and you have to live with the results.
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Thank you to the greatest fans in the world! The support for our son has been amazing! We truly appreciate PSU nation! How cool
Was that to witness the GREATEST WRESTLING TEAM IN NCAA HISTORY!! So awesome. Thank you!!
Congratulations to Aaron and your whole family! Someday soon, you and your wife should sit down and write an instruction manual on how to raise children the right way. Aaron is such a role model for everyone in so many ways. Here’s to his ongoing success in freestyle competition.
Thank you to the greatest fans in the world! The support for our son has been amazing! We truly appreciate PSU nation! How cool
Was that to witness the GREATEST WRESTLING TEAM IN NCAA HISTORY!! So awesome. Thank you!!
Thank you John, for the great son you raised and loaned us for 5 years (and counting). He is an all-time great wrestler and a better person! He's been an absolute joy and fill us with pride.
I've been watching wrestling for a very long time and have seen most of the greats. Aaron Brooks may be the most technically sound wrestler I've ever watched in college. And he has terrific balance. And his strength must be awesome, cause he wrestles guys that regularly hammer others with their power, and he barely flinches.
All of those accolades means that AB ranks with the greatest wrestlers of all time.
It's like someone set out to design the perfect wrestling machine and came up with Aaron Brooks.

Absolutely true.

And, he is a master tactician on the mat. He adjusts to everything so well.

I think he is a legitimate threat to DT’s Olympic’s spot. No disrespect to David at all. I just think that Aaron is something very special.
Thank you to the greatest fans in the world! The support for our son has been amazing! We truly appreciate PSU nation! How cool
Was that to witness the GREATEST WRESTLING TEAM IN NCAA HISTORY!! So awesome. Thank you!!
Thanks for sharing Aaron with us these past five years, John. We were blessed to watch him become one of the greatest--perhaps even the greatest wrestler--this program has ever witnessed. And as great a person.

I’ve read your additional edits and I think you’re right. We’re reading something into Burroughs statement that he really didn’t say. However, I think we both agree that he should have exercised some discretion about the topic. There are probably a lot of Carter fans who don’t post here that are reading a malicious intent into what Burroughs said.

Carter's fans??? Really? Big fan of Carter and I find nothing wrong with what Borroughs said. Carter has less mobility on that leg, so of course you're going to attack that leg. How precisely do you get a TD without attacking one of the legs? Just because you're attacking a leg to try to get a TD and score, does not mean you're trying to re-injure the leg. To suggest that an opponent should consider an injured leg "off limits" for attacking is so absurd, it isn't even funny - that would be giving you're opponent a massive advantage.

The people making negative comments about what Borroughs said are probably general PSU fans who know little about wrestling.
Carter's fans??? Really? Big fan of Carter and I find nothing wrong with what Borroughs said. Carter has less mobility on that leg, so of course you're going to attack that leg. How precisely do you get a TD without attacking one of the legs? Just because you're attacking a leg to try to get a TD and score, does not mean you're trying to re-injure the leg. To suggest that an opponent should consider an injured leg "off limits" for attacking is so absurd, it isn't even funny - that would be giving you're opponent a massive advantage.

The people making negative comments about what Borroughs said are probably general PSU fans who know little about wrestling.
CFJJP - It appears that I did not articulate my post that you quoted well enough.


Does that help ?
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Carter's fans??? Really? Big fan of Carter and I find nothing wrong with what Borroughs said. Carter has less mobility on that leg, so of course you're going to attack that leg. How precisely do you get a TD without attacking one of the legs? Just because you're attacking a leg to try to get a TD and score, does not mean you're trying to re-injure the leg. To suggest that an opponent should consider an injured leg "off limits" for attacking is so absurd, it isn't even funny - that would be giving you're opponent a massive advantage.

The people making negative comments about what Borroughs said are probably general PSU fans who know little about wrestling.
I would attack the healthy leg. Leaving the weaker leg to defend.
I have read much of the commentary on Mitch’s match. My thought was that he knew exactly what was going on. He felt like he could not ride Carr long enough to melt off the RT. He also felt that he had the momentum and could get another TD. The problem was that he left the match in the hands of the ref. No doubt, Carr should have been hit and the match would have gone to SV/OT. But, it did not play out that way, and you have to live with the results.

Couple things, I think Carr losses if hit with another stalling as it would have been a 2 pointer I believe (he could have easily been called as he backed straight out-of-bounds and sprawled at least twice to avoid being taken down).

In addition, I'm baffled how Carr wasn't hit with stalling in 1st after his 1st TD when he was on top of Messenbrink and Carr had gone OB while Messenbrink was still in-bounds. Messenbrink was fighting to get loose and move further inbounds - Carr was pulling him straight backwards from a position where he was fully OB - eventually, he literally pulled Messenbrink OB with him by his ankles. No stalling was called on Carr which is beyond ridiculous.
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I didn't hear Burroughs comments but I trust that Jefe's take is the right one and that people are going out of their way to be outraged. There's a large distance between deliberately attempting to reinjure and strategizing around an opponent's weakness. If a wrestler is well enough to get on the mat despite wearing a knee brace, it's nonsensical to pretend that they aren't wearing a knee brace and factor that into your approach. The wrestler with the knee brace knows the risks and doesn't expect to be coddled.
He made several comments the first IMO was tongue in cheek And sort of funny. The 2nd comment he said he would go for his leg if they wrestled at the trials.( to be honest everyone would they just wouldn’t say it.
i wasn’t outraged at all by it.
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I would attack the healthy leg. Leaving the weaker leg to defend.

If you're circling and looking for angles, reaction time on bad leg is going to be slower due to many factors including lessened mobility due to heavy wrap. You might go for a "counter-shot" where you begin shot toward good leg only to move shoulders and hips back toward bad leg which would be "left behind" in terms of reaction time. But you are still likely to attack the bad leg which is going to have lessened reaction time.
If you're circling and looking for angles, reaction time on bad leg is going to be slower due to many factors including lessened mobility due to heavy wrap. You might go for a "counter-shot" where you begin shot toward good leg only to move shoulders and hips back toward bad leg which would be "left behind" in terms of reaction time. But you are still likely to attack the bad leg which is going to have lessened reaction time.
Cat Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
I was listening to both Byers and the TV... but I heard it and thought he was joking, trying to be funny....
Burroughs wasn't trying to be humorous. Conversely, I don't think he meant he would intentionally try to injure Starocci's knee. Rather, the knee is now a known weak point that opponents can try to exploit. Not to injure, but to put Starocci in disadvantageous positions, due to perhaps favoring the knee.

It was a poorly worded comment by Burroughs, particularly the "I'll be coming after that knee" part. Something like "Starocci's opponents will try to take advantage of his limitations due to the knee injury" would have been a lot smoother.

But the completely incensed reaction of some to Burrough's comment is way over the top IMO.
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JB would be fine as a HC. He will be able to recruit. The key would be the resources available to his program. Anybody who has coached has said things that you realize could have been worded better.

JB’s problem on the broadcast was that he should be the color guy with a play-by-play broadcaster to keep him focused. The broadcast lacked professionals and was really a few guys watching wrestling together and bullshitting about it over a few beers. Hence lots of dumb comments.
Hire a guy to coach college who despises folkstyle wrestling.. sounds like a plan
Burroughs wasn't trying to be humorous. Conversely, I don't think he meant he would intentionally try to injure Starocci's knee. Rather, the knee is now a known weak point that opponents can try to exploit. Not to injure, but to put Starocci in disadvantageous positions, due to perhaps favoring the knee.

It was a poorly worded comment by Burroughs, particularly the "I'll be coming after that knee" part. Something like "Starocci's opponents will try to take advantage of his limitations due to the knee injury" would have been a lot smoother.

But the completely incensed reaction of some to Burrough's comment is way over the top IMO.
Bo’s tweets certainly fanned the flames. At any rate none of this is anything I will remember about last night in about a week….
Burroughs wasn't trying to be humorous. Conversely, I don't think he meant he would intentionally try to injure Starocci's knee. Rather, the knee is now a known weak point that opponents can try to exploit. Not to injure, but to put Starocci in disadvantageous positions, due to perhaps favoring the knee.

It was a poorly worded comment by Burroughs, particularly the "I'll be coming after that knee" part. Something like "Starocci's opponents will try to take advantage of his limitations due to the knee injury" would have been a lot smoother.

But the completely incensed reaction of some to Burrough's comment is way over the top IMO.
His comments about Carters knee were about the least offensive thing about last night's broadcast. If you weren't actually watching the match, you would have no idea one was actually happening. Burroughs and Cormier were beyond awful. That was shitty livestream podcast level commentary. That was "illegal fist to the back" and "going for the gusto" level bad.

I should have turned it off and put Byers on.

Sparks and Amine would have been way better. Those 2 should be pissed they got passed over for those 2 clowns.

Hell I'd even take "nose over toes" and "bringing your hips to the party" from Gibbons and Johnson. At least you would know there was a match happening.
The prophecy of “8 scoring wrestlers” has manifested. Gunsy was in the Hot Tub Time Machine, should have asked for crypto advice when we had the chance 😃
We actually had 10 scoring wrestlers. Davis and Nagao contributed 3.5 points so without them the record would not have been broken.

EDIT: I forgot about Nagao's tech so the combination contributed 5 points.
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