76kg WFS - Round of 16 - Kennedy Alexis Blades VS Catalina Axente (ROU)
Here we go!
Circling in the center & head tapping, then tying up
Blades shoots a low double for a quick TD, 2-0, restart
Blades shoots again off the whistle & exposes for 4, 6-0, restart, 5-min left
Injury or blood time Axente
Back to action, circling, Blades another double attempt, but can't finish & they're back to the feet, tied up & circling in the center, 4:30 left
Blades head tapping, measuring the distance, then they tie up, Blades throw by & almost gets a pushout, but Axente circles back in.
Back to center, circling & tying up & breaking, repeat, not much more action in the period as time expires
Back to action.
Tying up in the center, Blades snaps, nothing, snaps again, nothing
Axente pushing forward a little now, but not doing much more
Blades throw by, nothing & they break, 2-min left & back to the tie up
Blades shoots & hits a suplex, like a WWE suplex, for 4 to end the match 10-0
Axente injured on that one. That looked painful.
Kennedy Blades TECH Catalina Axente 10-0 (4:31)